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Apr 2017 · 467
Silence Neath The Silk
The day comes into the night..
Where are You..
Hiding behind closed doors..
I feel Your presence, but when I reach
out to touch You, with Love..
I find Your body again,
cloistered within Your gown..
Hidden Love
Mar 2017 · 441
Ocean Voices
Whence comes this voice full of pain,
with which you speak to the earth
Oh, immense Sea, articulating your
emotional depths
That brims with sadness, but celebrates
your poignant beauty too
Mar 2017 · 558
Growing Love
Unbridled Childhood Love grows,
like a Rose Bud, in the Garden Of Youth
Was it I who stole a Kiss
And returned it to You forever
The beginning Of Love
Mar 2017 · 566
The Realm
How did I get to where I am
Only thru the senescence of life am I
Sensing nothing earthly at this time
My spirits instantaneous apprehension knows
Shadowed by flora, contained by earth, I lay down
Auras obstructed by man made
Satin and teak, what do they mean
Slowly rising, I sense light, aromas and movement
Invalid dogmas in retrospect , passing obliquely
Obfuscating life as it was
More light, I run before the wind
This is future, I'm free
Abstract Burial
Dec 2016 · 592
Enjoy The Holidays
Eat some chocolate
Drink some wine
And the night is mighty fine
Grab some shortbread
And some cider
And a roasted turkey slider
Have some eggnog
And some cake
Disregard the stomach ache
Dip some fruit in crème anglaise
And enjoy the holidays
Aug 2016 · 428
Vapid Reverie
In bitter denunciation, their human life span in
limitation , of all that might be accomplished

Men with incredible talents, shunted be error,
or happenstance , into solo orbit, around
unfulfilled dreams

Left to remember the past, while their days dwindle

Seeking peace in the open air

Looking to the stars

To the Extreme

At last
Believe in Yourself, never give up
Feb 2016 · 393
Battles Of The Mind
The peeling walls of my mind feel like
their closing in on my sanity..
Deep shadows of the farthest corners of my
periphery, warning me of pending doom..
At once a sense of calm begins to overtake my
being, as if the eternal tranquility of death was
already embracing me..
Then, marching to the failing beat of my heart,
faint footsteps came to a halt..
The war was over, the battle lost, and I surrendering
my soul to the demons inside of me..
Sitting lonely in my dark room, no thoughts of the future.
Dec 2015 · 382
Ecstasy and Thee
As I pledge my love and devotion to you,
I gaze into your eyes, and see a reflection
of your thoughts of passion, magnifying
I hunger for the touch of your elegant flesh,
like a 'divine soufflé,' satisfying the craving
of my desire
And the rapture of your emotions, that stir
the sounds of our Love, as you give me
delight and happiness, with your subtle
and gentle movements
Filling us up with splendor and bliss,
caressing our souls, tenderly, with great joy
Quenching our thirst for Love and desire,
forever, together
Dec 2015 · 383
Natures Song
A mountain brook, a mountain stream
Rippling waters weave me a dream
I try to grasp that special note, the stoic
rocks, the ripples poke
Extending fingers play the tune, in
harmony, the ripples croon
The waters dance so full of glee, a
mountain stream, a symphony
The score be written from above,
in all His glory, all His love
A story told to me, to you, compassion
filled, compassion true
From whence it came, where does it go
What unknown tales for us to know
What secrets held beneath it's crest,
it never sleeps, it never rests
Serenity it gives to me, all my cares
doth set me free
I'd like to stay forever here
But leave I must, this place so dear
Peace, true calm, mindfullness
Nov 2015 · 519
Cherish The Taste
Your small, fleshy, red fruit, hidden neath your flesh,
and the protuberance of your smooth pit, entice me
into submission.. And your flavor is the sweetest,
juiciest, tastiest fruit ever..
I hunger for your touch.
Nov 2015 · 360
The Soul
An entity which is regarded as being the
immortal, or spiritual part of the person,
and though having no physical or
material reality, is credited with the functions
of thinking and willing, and hence determining
all behavior..
"Upon My Soul, I shall risk eternal
damnation if this is not so.."
Aura for all
Nov 2015 · 479
Mind Over Matter
We're obsessive, compulsive, good looking, repulsive..
Ever blameful with our faultless sight..
We're passive aggressive..
We're manic depressive..
We're even bipolar, that's right..
We're psychotic, neurotic..
Free wheeling, robotic..
From the day into the night..
Battles of the MInd
May 2015 · 518
The Stalker
I saw her walking down the street,
and man she was looking pretty neat..
She had the looks and the strut, and
my heart went POW..
I was saying to myself, WOW, WOW, WOW..
She turned the corner and headed for town,
I was following close, but kept low to the ground..
Then she turned and stared right in my face, she
had such beauty, charm and grace..
" What's your game, she began to plea," I
stuttered and replied, " you talking to me.."
" Leave me alone" she said in a shout,
and soon there were people all about..
I turned on my heel, and I fled the scene,
little did I know she could be so mean..
"Oh well, oh well I said to myself, I'll just
put that one on the shelf.."
There are other chicks around, and
that's a fact..
And maybe next time I won't get caught
in the act..
May 2015 · 453
Balloon In Flight
I wish I were a Big Balloon, I'd
float up to the Sky..
To pass the tree tops on the way,
and say, "keep green, by, by.."
The Birds and Bees I'd pass with ease,
and if we bump, "excuse me please.."
White clouds moving, against a sky
of blue..To them it would be ,
"please let me thru.."
Finally, I'm home, and I would see,
Heavenly Angels watching me..
This would be my Love filled fate.
To float around, God's Heaven Gate..
May 2015 · 403
Kid Stuff
The Little Brown Bear carried a Rose..
He tripped and it went up his snout..
The Little Brown Bear feeling so sad,
sat down and began to pout..
Along came a Bee, and said ' let me see,
if I can help you out..'
He went up his nose, and buzzed about..
The Little Brown Bear sneezed, and the
Rose came out..
The Bee flew away, and the Bear called
him back..
The Bee said, ' I can't..
'It just Bee's like that..'
May 2015 · 1.6k
Ode To Tolerance
This is not a perfect world, we
see things everyday..
That make us take a second look,
or make us turn away..
The heart of man has turned to stone,
and compassion is not found..
We've taken love and friendship
and beat them to the ground..
No longer do we hold our dreams,
and all our hopes so dear..
At any given moment, we will
trade them in for fear..
Let's end this reign of violence, and
halt these evil designs..
We are all in this as one human race,
to that we must resign..
So, please reach out so all of us cease
the malice and the pain..
And maybe one day soon, we'll hear
sweet music in the rain..
And as you kneel and pray to God
for a better life for all..
Ask that Peace and Tolerance be
placed visible on the Wall..
May 2015 · 453
Battles Of The Mind
The peeling walls of my mind, feel like
their closing in on my sanity..
Deep shadows of the farthest corners
of my periphery warning me of pending doom..
At once a sense of calm begins to overtake
my being..
As if the eternal tranquility of death was
already embracing me..
Then, marching to the failing beat of my
heart, faint footsteps came to a halt..
The war was over, the battle lost, and I
surrendering my soul to the demons
inside of me..
May 2015 · 421
From A Distance
Sitting atop God's beautiful mountain, I
had a visionary dream..
I know not where she came from, but
saw her moving along through the orchards
in the morning, and along the roads
throughout the day..
Planting and plucking wisdom like oranges..
She carried the sun in a small basket
behind her eyes..
She spoke through them on planes of light..
I saw her from a distance, as she spoke about
nature to me through a screen of flowers..
She painted indelible words on the canvas
of my mind..
She made magic pictures out of the frames
of reason..
She wove music out of the sounds of being..
I was bound for hours in the fine fabric of
her aura..
I tried, at best, to capture her soul, as I began
to sketch her mysterious image in my mind..
But at twilight she began to fade, and by
evening she was gone..
Leaving only a memory..
May 2015 · 522
The Frigidaire
Ready for sleep and lying in my bed..
I heard this music spinning 'round
in my head..
I wasn't dreaming, I knew it was there,
and it was coming from my Frigidaire..
As I opened up the door, to my surprise..
The Pork Chops were dancing with the
Chicken Thighs..
They said, "don't bother us now, 'cause
were really hot, none of us are gonna
sit in here and rot.."
Sweet Fruit and some Juices were doing
it too, and the Milk standing tall was
singing Moo, Moo, Moo..
As I opened up the freezer, I heard a
different beat..
All of the other stuff was grooving
with the Meat..
Everybody was getting down, then
I gently closed the door..
But I see no rest for me, this night..
My feet keep tapping on the floor..
May 2015 · 671
The Violin
With tool and wood the craftsman slave..
Patience within the soul he gave..
To ever last thru ages long..
So very light, but yet so strong..
At his bench both day and night..
With tool and chisel  he carve just right..
A neck to make, and turn the scroll..
The pegs to fit, he drill the hole..
Hard maple back, and spruce the top..
The sides he steam, and interlock..
A sound post fit and so the bridge..
To fit the contour of the ridge..
A piece of wood he put in place..
To give it depth and also bass..
A varnish stain of amber hue..
A reddish stain to blend in too..
Some Virtuoso maybe play, to give
someone a brighter day..
For music make the world go round..
A greater piece of art not found..
Four strings he add, and then to pitch..
To test the soul he gave so rich..
A balanced bow he now must make..
The hair from mane of horses take..
Then to his hand, he draw the bow..
Across the strings the music flow..
A symphony a quiet band..
A melody heard 'round the land..

— The End —