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John Gallagher Mar 2012
my days are dull and i am sad,
oh how i needed you just a tad,
i feel empty and completely crushed,
my feelings for you were maybe rushed,
sorry to say it didn't work out,
i need to let go and no longer pout,
because with you in the end,
ill be crashing around the bend
John Gallagher Mar 2012
you are my star, you are my sun,
you are the hotdog to complete my bun,
you are the joy and the fun in my life,
i hope someday to call you my wife,
you are the breeze in which the ocean once knew,
i wish to stay so very true,
not loving you should be a sin,
you're the very air i take in,
i stay awake to think of you,
i love the way your eyes sparkle with blue,
the way your hair is a goldish blonde,
it feels like a touch from a magic wand,
the clothes you wear make me very aware,
so save me the despair, because i cant even compare,
the natural beauty of your existence,
makes me want to have very little distance,
i wish to take a little stroll,
just to be around your magical soul,
a strong force overcomes me when i see you walk by,
i feel like I'm flying through the sky,
your shape and your amazing structure,
oh my god..i just felt my heart rupture,
your the visions in my mind that sometimes cause me to go blind,
i feel one day we will attach and become entwined,
on that day a new definition of love will be created,
and the funny thing is we've barely dated,
the feeling i have for you can be described as an emotion,
i promise you to have strong devotion,
i guess what im trying to say is,
i want to be together,
and make you happy forever and ever.
John Gallagher Mar 2012
If you would give me one chance and just listen to what i have to say,
i promise you together we would never decay,
together we will live on forever without any regrets,
together we will watch a life time of sunsets,
the sun will rise, and the sun will go down,
the promise i make to you is with me you'll never frown,
we could make parts of each other arise,
we would no longer be living in disguise,
our time together would fly by because there's so much love,
out feelings for each other would make us feel above,
when i look into your eyes,
i feel I've won the prize,
your beyond what any guy could ask for,
with you there's just too much to adore,
your the most precious thing I've ever seen,
i swear I'll let nothing come between,
when i see you i see your heart,
nothing will ever tear us apart,
you give me a vibrant feeling,
its a natural healing,
you make me feel this amazing way,
we must never stray away,
and if we do,
ill make sure your sway right back my way,
without you I'm left in a pitch black room with no light,
the thought of that leaves me in fright,
i need you to see, breathe, hear and live,
you keep me alive,
without you i cant survive
John Gallagher Sep 2011
as we weep for you,  you weep for us,
behind all the lies it turns into a fuss,
submerged beneath a heavy boulder,
i say together we should grow older,
everyday i seem to become bolder,
now take my hand and run with me,
we lay together under the tree,
the tree where we very first met,
stay with me and ill be set,
forever upon the darkest night,
please never leave out of my sight,
because god knows i need that light,
i promise that i will never leave,
love with you i tend to perceive,
we make love which you conceive,
sometimes i feel i can never die,
as long as you stay and never say bye,
i swear neither of us will ever sigh,
so run with me while we get high
John Gallagher Sep 2011
zoning in and out as blank as white,
i find no reason to awake and write,
my colors are dull and my hearing is numb,
is my reality really an illusion? or call me dumb,
dead in the head forever beneath the shining tree,
the shining tree that will release the spirit free,
turning into little tiny shafts of light,
the demon rose and said out of spite,
im here to turn your life into hell,
its up to you to get saved by the bell,
unfortunately the wake-up call never did come,
5000 miles into the ocean so i began and swum

— The End —