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Jun 2014 · 424
John Douglass Jun 2014
quiet brings color to my gray world, silence is the music of brilliance, ignite the explosion, open the mind shade, with this light comes all, with this day i walk hand in hand with silence, in awe.
Mar 2014 · 391
John Douglass Mar 2014
A breath shared
A breath taken
Offered, given
Leaves me shaken
Mar 2014 · 438
John Douglass Mar 2014
I let myself fall
into the grace of our desire,
the fleeting air of mouths reaching
for the most delicate of sensations,
the tingling of nerves unleashed,
parting time
with energy to travel through a moment
where resides an eternity.
Jan 2014 · 936
identity theft
John Douglass Jan 2014
conditional before me
dangling before me
never quite in me
you are not me
Nov 2013 · 631
pissed at
John Douglass Nov 2013
I anger at your behavior
punishing myself
for your actions
I suffer
you move
Nov 2013 · 557
John Douglass Nov 2013
tonight the sun played its tune across the clouds,
orchestrating the music of light
dazzling the simple whites and grays
with dancing oranges, reds and magenta
to form the ways we see
the struggle of daytime
give way to the quiet night,
the subtle sparkle of stars,
the gentle glow of the moon.

I struggle with the release
of another day
to the world of past  days
where all things lived
sit in patient observation
of what they have brought about
how the future takes shape
and promptly becomes the past
this moment now
is the only reality.
Nov 2013 · 715
John Douglass Nov 2013
I have been hiding, waiting, unsure
my petals wrapped tightly about
seeking courage to show beauty
to open for critique by all that see
protecting myself from blooming
questioning all I might become
at the expense of what I am
I now lay out the face
of what I have become
for all to see and compare
grateful for the grace I share
with comfort in what i’ve become
seeking acceptance of all to come
as I lie in display the delicate, the tender, the bloom.
Nov 2013 · 915
lip gloss
John Douglass Nov 2013
I look to the moment when I see you smile
I feel the energy when I sit beside you
I tie my tongue in my mind
the knots like clots
stop my thoughts
impaling me on the sword of desire
the fear of rejection freezing to ice
the lips that await
as you apply appeal
so tender, so moist
their touch will surely thaw
my tongue you will draw
into the warmth
exploding the sensors
adding fuel to our fire
yes! decimate me
send me to shreds
reform me then melt me
that I may ooze forth to blend
within you once again
Nov 2013 · 863
John Douglass Nov 2013
We have ridden the waves of discovery to this place where love has found a home in the natural existence of our subconscious selves, we react to each other without intention, we offer freely to each other the fruit of our desires and suffer the consequences of a current interrupted and diverted. We talk as though there is no clock, an hour could be three, a day could be a week, a lifetime together could easily be eternity with no desire to look back. We have been blessed/cursed with a standard by which to judge the future, we have danced with the music of our souls and stayed in step with the common heartbeat therein.
We have found love in a place where few have good fortune to pass, without our consent, inspite of ego, pride, cunning, and fear, to this plateau we have come and upon this plateau our love will stay to await the return of the hearts responsible for its arrival.
This love, which chooses to live and breathe on its own, has no need of nurture or direction, for it knows it’s home is home where it stays, and will stay in the cloud of comfort it has created regardless of time’s passage.
Aug 2013 · 745
John Douglass Aug 2013
just as we speak with words
we share our breath
we smile sparkles as one
we see infinity in our eyes
we feel intensity in our passions
we know comfort in our silences
we have touched what is ours

just as the noise of arousal
clouds our mental vision
the quiet of souls touching
brings clarity to our internal space
our movement together causes
us to brush against the wonder
of what we know as truth

in my deepest darkness you still make light
no cobwebs in my thought
no hesitation in my heart
my stride long as I step
toward what oft feels  like ruin
but never too painful to bear
i still reach for you
May 2013 · 1.6k
John Douglass May 2013
sight smile
approach lifts
close tingle
eyes sparkle
fields mesh
hair stands
strands brush
wills fade
lips touch
forms meld
blood flows
tongues search
breath mixed
we float
Apr 2013 · 456
John Douglass Apr 2013
beneath my skin simmers a warmth,
not from sickness,
from the thoughts come forth,  
I silently wonder of our bodies touch,
loudly now my fever speaks
the words of desire,
tingling, dancing upon my soul
Mar 2013 · 478
John Douglass Mar 2013
Our words come easily flowing with our thoughts of each other,
we have let each others smile take a turn on our faces,
gently we creep into the sunrise of what may come to this day
as we brace ourselves for the change
which follows meeting potential and knowing its ways.
I ask myself too many questions,
but from my own answers
I will find your own of the same.
Mar 2013 · 375
at the door
John Douglass Mar 2013
at the door
faith at hand
turn the ****
go forth where
you’ve not before

you have seen
you have felt
a new self
now go where
you’ve not been

be who you can
suffer the best
enter the rest
let it be
who I am
Feb 2013 · 349
hear me
John Douglass Feb 2013
You have beckoned response from the depths of the uncharted waters within, called upon those quiet voices who ache to be heard, but fear to be known, ideas whose presence has only been felt, never spoken. These words come forth to cry out in lust, to remove from their path the obstruction of silence, hear me now ******, know whom you have chosen to bring forth, listen to the song of the deep, the moans, the joy, the heat, the fire. Feel what has stirred and now will not sleep, stand within the circle of desire and dare to disrobe this figure of destiny.
Feb 2013 · 346
John Douglass Feb 2013
the fog settles in my mind today to insulate and protect the tender ends of cut cords left dangling in the fresh spaces being created for the growth to find. my search will always lead me home to my thoughts where comfort in knowing I am the person I wish to be and reach for. i won’t fear empty spaces in my soul for that is where the world enters the living space of my thoughts, i won’t chase the guests away before they've said their piece, everybody gets the floor at some point as i need to hear the stories that feed me so i can stand steadily to feed back.
Feb 2013 · 483
John Douglass Feb 2013
anger knows not comfort
they don’t share a bed
nor live in the same head
lost to each other
wandering separate

Comfort desires to lead
as anger sets its sail
much to no avail
anger hides detail
of comforts quest to feed

anger drives the bus
comfort in the rear
never enough near
for the other to hear
or feel the smooth caress
Feb 2013 · 883
played out
John Douglass Feb 2013
my bag of tricks
sits empty in the corner
the life of each used
lifeless tricks fallen
into the abyss of desire
smiles returned empty
kisses now numb
punchlines without jokes
a smile at the bottom
looking for lips
seeking new tricks
Jan 2013 · 443
with my brother
John Douglass Jan 2013
the distance in your eyes
carries me along
looking to your thoughts
for leadership,
knowing the guide is not you
nor I,
just listen
for the way to unfold,
wait for familiar identifiable scenery,
faced with vacancy of thought
I listen for yours,
your shoulders
once broad and strong
now smaller,
hanging on the bony frame
like a shirt in the closet
at the larger point in life
now can’t find the body
it once wore,
your thoughts looking
for the mind they once led
now wander the clouds
of memory,
lacking purpose,
working so diligently
at patience.
I am here
with you,
for me
as well as you,
for all of us
to earn safety
within our strength
and understanding.
Oct 2012 · 351
John Douglass Oct 2012
walk with me on the trails of less meaning, more feeling
talk to me about the frivolous and light
rest your thoughts on the shoulder of my understanding
listen to the sounds of your imagination
I will digest the part or whole
with seasoning from my soul
Oct 2012 · 507
John Douglass Oct 2012
our kiss is like the fall to water once the mind has released the body from the ground
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Keep me?
John Douglass Oct 2012
keep me here,
keep me distant,
keep me near,
keep me listening,
don’t leave me,
don’t touch me,
walk with me,
don’t take my hand,
let me lean on you,
don’t lean back,
talk to me
make me laugh,
take my joy
take my sorrows,
don’t give them back,
I wish for you to be,
just not with me,
I’ll show you my smile as I walk away,
you have not touched but a morsel of my thought,
and not entered the room of my world,
where I live is a shell you shall not see nor be.

I am better and more whole away from the shores of your sea.
Jul 2012 · 616
John Douglass Jul 2012
i reach deeply to recall
the sensation of our fall
as our bodies and lips met
before i knew regret

with that effortless rise
we reached for the skies
our expectations bloom
safe from sense of doom

the obstacles seemed so small
hope and faith the duty call
with our kiss came the openness
through our touch we were blessed

reach deep is what we said
open doors showed dread
but with foot nor solid block
the closing would not stop

opened though only a crack
the light of love stayed back
too shy to show its face
so safe in darkened space

now the shell is safely closed
the place where love is housed
i am blocked from it’s confine
to find comfort in my mind
Jul 2012 · 564
John Douglass Jul 2012
my heart swells today
open space within
my words cannot say
what my wish to fill

only my heart knows
what ingredient
fulfillment follows
space with knowledge

pressure in my chest
from an open heart
puts my mind at rest
smiles upon my face

love comes to me
mysterious waves
floating in my sea
cradling, comforting
Jul 2012 · 1.6k
foggy windows
John Douglass Jul 2012
foggy windows where i write these words
each stroke opens to another world
through them i see anew
hiding in you

fresh pictures show through the fog
new ideas not thought, jog
the memories of lore
and much more

reaching through the mist, beyond
shapes not clearly defined
their edges not there
yet i am here
Jul 2012 · 578
let me go
John Douglass Jul 2012
You should go beyond my thoughts
my heart’s shot full’o holes
still beating but it should not
just let me go, just let me go

morning dawn or evening dusk
feelings of you are there
stuck in me like a beastly tusk
just let me go, just let me go

this dance with you causes pain
no matter the step or move
close to you makes me strain
just let me go, just let me go

the last breath of love, waiting
please just let me exhale
i release you now while inhaling
I let go now, I let go ….
Jul 2012 · 400
edge of love
John Douglass Jul 2012
standing at the edge of your sea,
sands of love recede.
beneath my feet a cavity
you once floated within
now i leave with space
Jul 2012 · 442
John Douglass Jul 2012
behind desire
rides the fear
false starts
feel so near

save the space
where nothing fits
for what is safe
where the void sits

open to more
closed behind
depth limited
faith in kind

shoes imprint
an image worn
my sole shaped
tattered, torn
Jul 2012 · 358
John Douglass Jul 2012
still yearning
still fulfilled
still stopping
still is heard

smiles teared
in the waiting
love neared
wings beating

gone away
this bird flew
not to stay
not so true

— The End —