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 Nov 2013 John Douglass
The sparkle each day may come your way,
Experience something new everyday,
Don't limit yourself on the same things,
Do more of what you love, the more joy it'll bring,
Say sorry whenever you know something you've done is wrong,
Don't hold such pointless grudges for way too long,
Keep in your heart love for those dear to your heart,
Life is a canvas, and you are making art,
Making mistakes is part of learning,
Musn't let your self-anger continue burning,
Share with those who need it most,
That man on the street who has only had a piece of toast,
The little things in life,
No matter how many sorrows or fights,
Do not ask for a simple life, rather ask for the strength to endure a difficult one,
It matters what you've given to the world, the efforts you've done,
The lessons of life come from experiences,
and in the end it's a human being's brilliance.

— The End —