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John Douglass Feb 2013
You have beckoned response from the depths of the uncharted waters within, called upon those quiet voices who ache to be heard, but fear to be known, ideas whose presence has only been felt, never spoken. These words come forth to cry out in lust, to remove from their path the obstruction of silence, hear me now ******, know whom you have chosen to bring forth, listen to the song of the deep, the moans, the joy, the heat, the fire. Feel what has stirred and now will not sleep, stand within the circle of desire and dare to disrobe this figure of destiny.
John Douglass Feb 2013
the fog settles in my mind today to insulate and protect the tender ends of cut cords left dangling in the fresh spaces being created for the growth to find. my search will always lead me home to my thoughts where comfort in knowing I am the person I wish to be and reach for. i won’t fear empty spaces in my soul for that is where the world enters the living space of my thoughts, i won’t chase the guests away before they've said their piece, everybody gets the floor at some point as i need to hear the stories that feed me so i can stand steadily to feed back.
John Douglass Feb 2013
anger knows not comfort
they don’t share a bed
nor live in the same head
lost to each other
wandering separate

Comfort desires to lead
as anger sets its sail
much to no avail
anger hides detail
of comforts quest to feed

anger drives the bus
comfort in the rear
never enough near
for the other to hear
or feel the smooth caress
John Douglass Feb 2013
my bag of tricks
sits empty in the corner
the life of each used
lifeless tricks fallen
into the abyss of desire
smiles returned empty
kisses now numb
punchlines without jokes
a smile at the bottom
looking for lips
seeking new tricks
John Douglass Jan 2013
the distance in your eyes
carries me along
looking to your thoughts
for leadership,
knowing the guide is not you
nor I,
just listen
for the way to unfold,
wait for familiar identifiable scenery,
faced with vacancy of thought
I listen for yours,
your shoulders
once broad and strong
now smaller,
hanging on the bony frame
like a shirt in the closet
at the larger point in life
now can’t find the body
it once wore,
your thoughts looking
for the mind they once led
now wander the clouds
of memory,
lacking purpose,
working so diligently
at patience.
I am here
with you,
for me
as well as you,
for all of us
to earn safety
within our strength
and understanding.
John Douglass Oct 2012
walk with me on the trails of less meaning, more feeling
talk to me about the frivolous and light
rest your thoughts on the shoulder of my understanding
listen to the sounds of your imagination
I will digest the part or whole
with seasoning from my soul
John Douglass Oct 2012
our kiss is like the fall to water once the mind has released the body from the ground
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