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13.9k · Oct 2011
Single Mother of Two
buttoning their jackets and making sure
their sleeves were straight and perfect
as the train quickly approached her stop
became more important than
anything she'd done.

Only child. Straight A's. Good athlete. Church choir;

But this suddenly was the most
important moment of her
2.8k · Nov 2011
Box of Firecrackers
Our souls
are one thousand firecrackers
each stick waiting to burn.

Sometimes our souls are quiet,
and the firecrackers are stagnant
and wet.

And sometimes we burn slow,
the firecrackers smoldering sweet and terrible,
the ashes falling in poetic teardrops to the ground.
We are tied down and the firecrackers
are screaming to burst out with a jubilant
expression of WOWWW!

But they are denied.

Until that one moment when all the pieces are set
and finally the firework of our soul is
let loose and explodes with loud, sulfuric glory,
spreading its light and smoke and wonder
across the quiet plains.
2.6k · Oct 2011
I don't want to get up from my seat,
because every time I walk around,
and sit back down,
I'm a different person.
2.5k · Sep 2011
Drawing Squares
It happened that cool & sunny day.
I met you sitting in the grass
Outside the art building,
Drawing your squares and smiling so nice.

I sat myself down and you
Told me a sad story of
Middle school and an incurable disease.

I sat quiet and listened, right there
In the cool grass,
Right by the art building bushes
As you quietly spewed the truth,
All the while diligently drawing your squares,
Noting their imperfections,
As you told that sad story and I recognized your brilliance.

We sat there for fifteen minutes and then
You realized you were late for class.
So you left me, sitting there,
Thinking about things,
Outside of the art building,
Squareless in the grass.
2.1k · Jul 2011
The Unfinished Life
Rolling down the road, in a sunset town
A pop from the tailpipe and a rumbling sound.
Never before have you seen the town like this.
Friendly faces, children running. Bliss.

A sweet voice, humming over the airwaves
Sultry and definite, like the end of this day.
It's stampeding to a hault, to an end of days.
It should have always ended this way.

The raccoon, his days of mischieve cut short,
Forever stagnant and flat on the black.
No one will build him his tomb, an animal mosoluem, no funeral fort.
What will happen when I die, what will be lax?

We all stride to and fro,
Oscillatory on this wavelength God-given.
What happens when we finally go,
When our own life is not living?

Men may say that life is long for fear of the afterworld,
For that untrodded territory in which we know not of
But I say that life is too fleeting,
For the fish which swim, the birds above.

What is life, when put to music?
Can you hear it better when the melodies mix?
Is the world more rustic?
Are we fools to its tricks?

Sunset falling on faces of a sprawl,
One day over, one to end them all.
I feel an ocean rushing over me
I find myself floating at sea
2.1k · Mar 2012
leap year
Chicago's winds were violent
that February day.
The air was unusually warm,
and the city once again bounced
up from its winter grave.
But all at once her winds blew fiercely,
Reminding us of
her wrath
and power.
Her thumb,
gargantuan and steam-punk,
craftsman and industrial,
pressing down on us as we happily
walked down her sidewalks,
and crossed her streets.
She smiled from way up there
and all around,
blowing her winds with extra tenacity,
forcing us
from our comfortable jaunt.
1.9k · Jan 2012
When she sat down,
I was afraid she was going to ask to pray for me.
“I saw you across the room,
and God just told me to come over here to pray for you,”
She would say,
with a smile,
Wearing Toms,
her big toe peeking through a worn-in hole,
all shiny and full of Jesus Christ.
You know how they are.
Let me tell you, when someone asks to pray for you,
it's literally the worst feeling in the world.
You feel like a useless piece of trash,
and of course you HAVE to oblige.

But instead she just introduced herself,
said that she had seen me around
the coffee shop she worked at,
and wanted to say hi.
Her name was Julia and she had strawberry blonde hair,
she was a senior bio major,
and when I told her I was a freshman,
I detected a subtle lift of surprise in her eyes.
She was from San Diego, which she said was her favorite city.
Talking about it, her face lit up and she was excited.
We have a mutual friend, as she pointed out as well.
she said,
I'll let you get back to your work.
I asked for her name again, the first time she said it,
I was too worried about her offers of prayer,
she said again,
but if you forget, you can always ask.
1.9k · Jan 2012
a juxtaposition
privilege vs. struggle

open vs. close

culture vs. degradation

comfort vs. hyper-awareness

dark vs. light

simple vs. complex

knowledge vs. awkwardness

money vs. wonder

society vs. truth
1.8k · Jun 2013
A Summer Night at the House
"Do you like wasabi peas?"

She hands me a small sage-green orb.

"It's hot, spicy," she says, nodding encouragingly. "Have you ever had wasabi?"

It tastes like horseradish and is not at all spicy in comparison to the chile-spiced mango I've been snacking on. I nod and smile to her approvingly.

Before I know it, she's handing me a chocolate sandwich cookie and without saying a word, going back to the duty of putting away the groceries. It's delicious.

Jivy, upbeat soul music blasts from an iPhone speaker dock. The kitchen faucet is running. Cabinets, the dish washer, opening and closing like a delicate rhythm.

He was building a fire pit outside, thick white smoke billowing up into the sky. But it started to pour a soft summer rain, as it had two or three times already that day. The world beyond the kitchen is grey, wet, happy. The shabby porch is used to being drenched in rain, the mason jars filled with dead cigarettes and the disarrayed furniture.

With more than one person in the narrow stretch of kitchen, it's a crowed party. I watch on from my chair in the breakfast nook. She chops vegetables on the counter for cold gazpacho soup.

She, in a delicate red rose skirt. The men except for me in cargo shorts.

I'm drinking flat Dr. Pepper from a painted mug, instead of something hard like I might want. The sip of black beer he gave me tasted like soy sauce. It fizzled on the porch a bit.

"Oh, ****!" he said, putting his hand with the overflowing beer out the door while standing partly inside.


Asking the cook for permission, he sits down across from me and begins to sing a song on a guitar. A sad song, one that he's played before. Maybe the only one he knows.

I sit in my chair and watch it all go by. I take out a book from my bag to look like I want to read it. I'm really just sitting here, like a fly stuck tragically on the fly paper he hung in the kitchen two nights ago. Lying there all sprawled awkwardly, eyes open to what's around me.

He finishes the song. "Beautiful," she says, gathering papery remains of an onion and tossing them into a plastic bin. He strums another tune. His voice is untrained and not hard to listen to if not a tad syrupy and self-aware. A bit like the way he carries his wide personality.

He answers questions from across the room, interrupting the melody for a few seconds now and then. The two men are on separate wavelengths. But the singer didn't seem to mind being interrupted. They must have grown up with this dynamic, the men. It's a story they tell easily.


"Buongiorno!" she says, slicing a lemon.

"Hey, you have a nice accent. Arrivederci!" says the guitar-player.

"Arrivederci!" she responds, playing up the dialect with sweetness.

"Good deal." He says, striking up another tune. He puts on a different voice. Deeper, with more swing, like a caricature country-western singer. His voice fills the space.

Our mugs are gathered all together, mixed up in a menagerie of colors and shapes at the end of the kitchen counter. I brought several of mine from home and they mingle with the others unnoticeably. Multi-colored ones from Poland. Mine, purchased at various thrift stores. All of them stacked awkwardly and happy.

He asks me if I want to share a smoke on the wet porch. I say "Not right now. Maybe later, though."
1.7k · Oct 2011
1.6k · Jul 2011
Big Ohio
Big Ohio
Great big fields
Grain and seed
Big Ohio
Where the birds are freed

Great big Ohio
Where I felt my first breath
Trees of acorn
Great big Ohio
Where I was born

Wide open passages
Between which I ran
Chasing down dead birds
Wide open passages
Where words became words

Long lasting nights
When we discovered the fun things
Ran around, around, around
Long lasting nights
Between lost and found

Big, tall Ohio
Pain is in the air
Discovery everywhere
Big, tall Ohio
Where the winds whips your hair

So vast, Ohio
You’ve blown open the door
Let the past be past
So vast, Ohio
Be free at last

Brand new Ohio
The floors sparkle with life
New people surround
Brand new Ohio
Where possibilities abound

Short, everlasting moments
A forgotten comrade of mine
A transient, magical time
Short, everlasting moments
Without reason or rhyme

Stormy weather, Ohio
Beat the proverbial drum
Secrets will be told
Stormy weather, Ohio
Where the story shall unfold

Big Ohio
Run right beside me
Play the everlasting game,
Big Ohio
Never forget your name
I grew up in a small town in Ohio, in case you didn't catch that bit. This poem was used as my class poem.
I know a lady who waits
Down on Wall Street,
Snaps her fingers
At brokers
And licks her lips for Madoff.

She adorns her body
With black lace and feathers,
An elaborate facade to lead her men astray.
She whips her hair and
Cackles at passersby,
Opening her rouged mouth wide,
Singing verses without pitch or rhyme.

She yearns for the NASDAQ
To touch her,
Waits ardently for grease ***** to
Work their magic.
She gives willingly,
Unabashedly talks ***** to men in
Tom Ford.

This lady I know asks
For trouble. She is
The ***** of Wall Street,
A slave to modernity,
Snapping her fingers at Cadillacs
And bending over for Madoff.
I'm sorry if you found this explicit. I didn't think it was bad enough to mark as such.
1.4k · Sep 2011
Madame Fashion
It started with the wide-leg Giorgio Armani pants
And it all went downhill from there.
They were so chic, and might improve her stance,
She could wear them to the market, hell, almost anywhere!

When she put them in her shopping cart
And continued to enter her credit card number,
A shot went right through her fashion-hungry heart
A jolt she still remembers!

It was the feeling of a new era
A new time in the lifespan of her wardrobe.
She would become a Prada-shopper, a vintage Chanel-wearer
No longer would she need to shuffle around her apartment in that awful bathrobe.
She'd strut down the street, sporting her Carolina Herrera.

A month later, a tingle slipped through her spine
As she donned a lapis Michael Kors
It was that sudden thought, "This dress is all mine!"
"It's mine now, so it isn't yours!"

From then on, it was her bank account that took the hardest hits
Money trickled through her Valentino-studded hands,
Down her Vera **** hips,
Came running down in thin, green strands.

Of course it all came falling apart when she saw the flawless Birkin bag,
Sitting there in the Hermes shop window
She knew it was the one thing she'd yet to snag!
However, there was just one thing she didn't know.

As she had the cashier ring it up,
Dropping another ten-grand
The cashier had her card snatched right up!
For this, Madame Fashion couldn't stand.

"Give it back!", she said, snapping her gold-dusted finger
"But dear you're overdrawn," said the snappy lady.
How she wanted to scream like soprano opera singer!
It was then that things got real shady.

In a lurch of madness, Madame jumped the counter!
The other shoppers were struck into awe and fear.
The cashier woman tried to stop her,
But Madame had just barely escaped, finally in the clear!

As she ran down fifth avenue, clutching her precious steal
A horrible revelation took over this felon,
She'd forgotten that she had wanted the purse in gorgeous teal!
Instead she had gotten melon.
I don't know about all of you, but this poem is my idea of FUN!
When draped in cloths of purple and the finest crimson,
Gallivanting through the summered forest,
All covered in flower and magic and light.

When heavy in the swoon of a summer afternoon,
Or bathing in the lukewarm embrace of our troubles,
Wallowing away the days
And counting down to the ones when we never have to think.

Or if by chance on the silvery moon,
When gilded with fantasy, and sitting on a happy cloud,
Overlooking our town and falling over from laughter,
For we can finally see how small we are.

It's when we find the golden afternoon,
That special time when birds never die and fairies fly,
That we will truly be content with the way of the hour glass,
And only then can we replace the changeling
With the actual thing,
No longer lost in the green and the mess,
Standing tall in the eaves,

When on our golden afternoon,
We shall be forever friends.
1.3k · Sep 2011
Simple thought.
Beautifully phrased random line.
Expansion on simple thought, no rhyming.
Abstract theory.
Troubling question.

Simple thought.
Pretty words.
Really abstract thought that doesn't belong!
Super elusive sentence structure.
Less invasive thought.
Something overheard from the people next to you in Starbucks.
Simple thought.
Simple thought.
Pretty word(s).
Super confusing theory to leave reader with no choice but to call this poem a masterpiece.
1.2k · Jul 2013
Reading the words of a woman of flames
gone up into the sky at her will
with greater forces inside her than in a planet

I feel quietly disturbed

sad that I cannot help her
make her happy somehow
but she was smarter than me to be sure

smarter than most.
She knew what she wanted,
I only wish that it had been happiness.

I read her words sitting on a rock by the lake,
the rusty green water licking the large white stones.
I take a long flat leaf and tie it inside itself,
once straight, now making it form an L.

I toss it with some vigor into the water
but it only goes inches in front of me,
oscillating in the shallow,
wanting to come back to it's creator.

I knew that she saw beauty in the world around her,
I wish ardently that I could know why it was not

What great awful power must have pushed against her.
That I am in the same world that once carried her unsettles me;
that a world may be ****** and cruel by one's perception,
and not by another's.

I see a dragonfly with it's impossible wings
trying with all of its self
to go against the wind of an indifferent lake.

Into it she plunged
I sit but on the edge, looking.
1.2k · Oct 2011
Giant Rice Krispies Treat
It took a whole hour of my night,
crawling on the dorm room
carpet and digging under
places I didn't know we had, just
to find $1.25 in change.

Quarters were the rarest of all, a
red ruby, the Lost Arc. Nickels were
large and rewarding, but small in value.
Dimes were small and precious. Pennies
were the most abundant and caused sighs
of disappointment when discovered under
layers and layers of junk.

But I finally found enough. And I have
60 grams of pure accomplishment to prove it.
1.2k · Nov 2011
Binary Day
The news of your engagement came
in conjunction with the news of the death
of a long-time family friend.

Sitting in that cafe, reading the Facebook status,
trying not to make a scene in front of my friends
who were studying their textbooks.

Memories of our childhood in that dinky
farming town, making plans for our future nuptials,
giggling under flashlight-lit bedsheets and pretending
to be asleep when our footsteps were heard on the staircase.

I see now that your plan has been fulfilled,
while I sit here, reading about it, wondering whether
to leave a comment or like it. Modern technology
has made social interaction strange and dissonant.

I see now that the line between you and I
has been tightened. That now you've been figured out
and I'm still here,
sitting under the bedsheets and trying so hard
to be look sound asleep
when I hear footsteps on the staircase.
1.1k · Oct 2011
Don't you see it?
that change in my overall countenance?
the way the sun hits my face perfectly now?
it's so obvious to me.
I don't understand why
you passing me doesn't incite
a second look
from you.
Your soft green shirt must
mean that your soul is kind
and your spirit must be wise, and

clearly your heathered socks are
telling me that you are of independent mind,
you're a lone wanderer, a barbarian.

Your red tee is intriguing me, it
means you have an appetite
for adventure, or perhaps it
means that you have an affinity for classical jazz.

I can't remember, but if I
lean in closer, I can hear your clothes clearer.

The clothes tell it best.
You told me it was wrong.

The magnetic pull of my body towards the need.
The way I feel it, the longing, in my chest,
how I place my hands absently on my neck,
sultrily telling you what I'm feeling.

Perhaps it's a ripple of something that has been brewing
for many years. Something always there, underneath.

Heightened by loneliness and summer heat.

Maybe it comes from a lack of normal things,
things which usually accompany
young boys.
Those things I didn't get.

Maybe it's someone's fault.

Maybe I should ask Freud, maybe he
could place his hand on my delicate cheek bone,
how it comes it a gentle hill.

He could stroke the freckled valley underneath my eyeball with his smoking pipe
and tell me pragmatically
the reasons for my feelings,

why I wanted a man to touch me without asking,
to make my face his baby in wrapped cloths.

You told me it was wrong,

like the smoking
done after the house had gone to bed at hushed hours
in the ***** garage.

like the tequila shot I did at the kitchen counter that summer
how it tasted like heat and pine needles,

how it tasted like the wooden chest in our home,
like the inside of it, the dark unvarnished interior
that could hold my tiny body if I had needed to hide

where my father kept his winter sweaters.

And how I ****** it down with the lime that I didn't bite hard enough,
my eyes were red and flooded.

It was wrong.
954 · Jun 2013
Miluji tě
A cigarette
sitting in a cliche orange prescription bottle
the tobacco-stuffed tip
peaking out half an inch from the top

on it
scrawled in black ink:
miluji tě

it's author,
gone for a week and a half in a rehab center

left that morning with wet hair from the shower
long black tights around her legs
and a huge hiking bag which consumed the back of her figure
as she was walking out the door.

i imagine she wrote these words in her mother tongue
after she rolled the cigarette herself
to her boyfriend
a Texan
depressed, anxious, lost
then plunked it into the small bottle
which bore her name on its label

into the flourescently orange plastic,
symbolic of her dependency, of
the missing pieces

a flower in a vase:
miluji tě

and then she was ready to go
933 · Oct 2011
Giant Rice Krispies Treat
It took a whole hour of my night,
crawling on the dorm room
carpet and digging under
places I didn't know we had, just
to find $1.25 in change.

Quarters were the rarest of all, a
red ruby, the Lost Arc. Nickels were
large and rewarding, but small in value.
Dimes were small and precious. Pennies
were the most abundant and caused sighs
of disappointment when discovered under
layers and layers of junk.

But I finally found enough. And I have
60 grams of pure accomplishment to prove it.
I must cut
Away my excess, the fatty, the undulating, the wobbly, the unnecessary,
And must forget
About what I pride
Myself on.
924 · Sep 2011
My best thoughts arrive when
I wait for my towels to be cleaned.

Leaning over the sturdy white machine,
contemplating life's intricacies
and delving into quixotic thoughts only suitable
for my delicates in their spin cycle,
that's when it happens.

Suddenly, as the bumps and whirrs of a laundry room
fill my headspace, I am
Socrates, I am Plato,
one finger heaven-oriented as my clothes spin,
spin, spin.

I can only imagine if Phaedo was
conceived in the throes of laundering.
As slaving women with their washboards
worked tirelessly on his thinking linens,
that's when Plato must have done his
best philosophizing,
when Napoleon felt his tallest.
921 · Dec 2011
Our Heart
Your heart is a black crystal,
glowing soft and slow,
like the *** of a cigarette.
Ember-like, but depleted of all color;
an oxymoron of idea,
opposing ends of a magnet.
Impossible yet somehow one being.
That is your heart, and it is also mine.
901 · Dec 2011
Came by Ships
Born of fire and ice.
****** from the womb of discontent
And a fiery gestation which curdled in the throats
Of young men.

Thrown out into the cold.
Birthed by force,
Cut from the natural cord by
Ben Franklin,
Thomas Jefferson
& the boys.

John Adams spoke it into existence.
And soon the unrest would begin.
Born from the killing,
Born to experience every thing.

And crawling about, like an infant,
Oblivious to all but the self,
Knocking down furniture and sticking
Fingers into sockets.

Born with a destiny,
Born out of the indignation and the self-proclamation,
A ****** birth,
Created of nothing, out of mere air.
Immaculate and supernatural.

Created by God,
Those Men of the original 13.
Coming on ships and cooking Thanksgiving dinner.
Men with their hats and their guns.
886 · Sep 2011
Oh Boy,
You've got that prep school swagger.
That Sperry Topsider chill.
You have a finishing school varnish,
That J Crew navy twill.
A preppy quatrain.
I'm living on the edge of this life,
Looking out like a pensive seagull
On the Cliffs of Dover,
The pristine white edge of my life.

Looking at the people below play house
And play job
And play love
And play smart
While I pretend to be what you tell me to be.

I smoke light cigarettes
Alone on the bridge
And blow smoke up the trees.

I'm on the edge,
The sharp edge
And I yearn for trouble.
I want turbulence,
I want ****,
I want earthquake,
I want for the earth to shake,
And I want nuclear fallout.

The badder the better
Is what I always say.

At least as of late.
866 · Jul 2011
When we were young,
A universe was erected in our home.
The walls of our home were infinite and magical,
They were impenetrable and everlasting.
When we jumped, we thought maybe
We could fly.
When we were young, we could
Get lost in our house.
It was a whole world,
The outdoors were only an extension.
When we were young,
Dinnertime was solemn and thoughtless
Snacks came and went.
Floorboards held unknown delicacies and treasure troves.
When we were young,
We believed in the magic of mankind
And the infinity of a home.
When we were young,
We never expected to be anything else.
851 · Jul 2011
Hi I'm Audrey and
I'm 13 years old And
I have eplipsey but
I don't care much.
I like to go to the river.
Have fun with my Cusion and
go knee boarding. And
to swim i like hanging with
my friends but i don't like it
when people think there all
that it gets on my nerves
i know how to protect my self
i hate it when people think
there popular or
to cool to talk to you
so what but i don't care because
i don't hang out with them i love all
my friends i love going to the river and
having fun and i don't hate
many people if they don't
get on my nerves urge
if you want to be my friend don't come talking to me if you think your everything
Okay, so truthfully I did not write a word of this. I copied this verbatim from a young woman's Facebook page. Call me creepy or plagiarizing, but I found it rather fascinating.
844 · Sep 2011
My best thoughts arrive when
I wait for my towels to be cleaned.

Leaning over the sturdy white machine,
contemplating life's intricacies
and delving into quixotic thoughts only suitable
for my delicates in their spin cycle,
that's when it happens.

Suddenly, as the bumps and whirrs of a laundry room
fill my headspace, I am
Socrates, I am Plato,
one finger heaven-oriented as my clothes spin,
spin, spin.

I can only imagine that Phaedo was
conceived in the throes of ancient laundering.

As slaving women with their washboards
worked tirelessly on his thinking linens,
that's when Plato must have done his
best philosophizing,
when Napoleon felt his tallest.
840 · Nov 2011
au contraire
how rare is the feeling
of knowing
what one wants.
10 words.
835 · Jun 2012
I say to myself: "I'm going to write a poem."
So I situate myself in the proper place to do so.
But then, what to write about?
I look about my room, as if this is supposed to inspire me.
A teacup, a candlestick,
Box of unopened fig Newtons,
Mess of clothes on the floor.
It turns out, I'm not a poet after all. Either that,
or I'm in the wrong room.
820 · Jul 2011
And then the snow came,
Covered the world in white.
A music box of listless thoughts
like pictures out of frame.

It whooshes by so swift,
so quick and beautiful.
One side of the street is slow.
The other is fast.
Opposing ends,
pulling, tearing,
into one beautiful waltz of latewinter hurrah.
It is so beautiful because not a sole has touched its fall.
Perfectly ****** and smooth.
It is infinity,
and terrifying.
Only until the morning breaks
and the people will scuttle from their perches and they will tread
all over its happy white sheet.
What a shame when the morning comes.
Let it stay like this forever.
It is all white
Nowhere, not anywhere will you see a tread.
It is perfect and always.
It brings me closer to myself
and further from all else.
It won't require a signature
and it doesn't run out of ink.
It is suppliant and healthy.
It will always be.
However, it will melt when the sun beats down.
The sun will come and **** the core.
It will shun out all of my comforts and leave me to be where I want to be the least.
God of night,
shun that terrible sun. Let it be gone forever.
Never let it find me.
Forever hold me in your embrace.
Fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall
forever and ever more.
From heaven to earth
the designated gift from God.
Down from the fat lady into our palms
fall fall fall fall
churn my mind water, churn my dreams.
Me, on the ground.

There is a light in the distance. So small and halogen.
It is amber to the core.
A siren in the storm.
Hearth of the madness.
Half-moon of serenity.

Oh I will never understand my words.
Never will I begin to learn my meaning.
What what what does it mean?
I never will understand.

God, what a great and terrible beauty.
What the hell have I done to you?
You were perfect and now a mess.
It is all my undoing. Why have I done it?

Please forgive me.
Or let me learn,

Let there be light tomorrow. Forget this night.

Now I can never stop, for it never stops.
Why should they be mutually exclusive?
I cannot rest until it is gone.
I can never get proper sleep.

Sleep, says the amber half-moon.
Sleep and let all your troubles fall like a cell in the storm.
Let your mind be lost in the drift of snow.
817 · Jul 2011
Do something diabolical.
Flit your wings and
Leap from a skyscraper
Take what is rightfully yours
Or what isn’t

Have the courage to
Not give a ****,
But plumb the depths of
Every possibility
Never hide your face

Always be restless
Never settle, and spit
In the eye of adversity
Crawl in the glass like a wildebeest
Let your hands bleed and your body shake

Stab yourself in the heart
If it must be done
Cry the tears of your people
And feel their pain.
But never stop

Be wicked
Allow the bracken to grow
Become one with nature
Shout unto the mountains
Shout until they answer

Be unbelievably horrible
Be something
Be dark
Be unreasonable
Cackle with delight

Stir the ***
Suit yourself
Seek out revenge
Be diabolical
Be dark
807 · Dec 2011
LCD Whispers
And suddenly it was ten-til-two.
And where had the day gone?
It had been whispered into the liquid
crystals of my computer screen,
and drowned in a bowl of leftover pad thai.
I suddenly was supposed to feel tired,
but instead I was depressed because tomorrow
was calling, and I didn't want to run.
My eyes were watering, all of a sudden.
And the screen kept on whispering.
This is the last poem I'll ever write
in order to do the world some good.

I no not where to place line
breaks, wether to capitalize or punctuate,
I always forget the latest trend.

I can't seem to be an artist no more,
much less a wielder of words,
so I'm going to stop the flow write now,

feel honored that you get to see the end.
I can't promise this last poem will amount
to much,
But I can promise you this:
784 · Jun 2012
Liquid Breakfast
I snuck a cigarette in the back yard
at 10:45 in the morning.
The sun shone bright and shaded the smoke gawdily, so
I smoked it in the shade, behind the fence,
keeping an eye on the sidewalk to make sure the coast was always clear.
The dog was on his leash and he stared at me guiltily.
"Why do you give me that look?" I said,
I petted him affectionately,
that seemed to suffice.
I made coffee in my bedroom, filling the electric kettle
with water from a mason jar.
I wrote two postcards to friends in China while it brewed,
I drank my liquid breakfast,
and stepped in cat *****.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
I screamed at her as she lay docile on my duvet.
She gave me the blankest, the most Idontgiveashit cat look ever.
783 · Oct 2013
is not knowing.

Change is going.

Change is wanting invisible things and looking for them.

and looking for them!

When you don't find the things, that is change.

Change is going

before knowing.
779 · Oct 2011
Half-Baked Romance
That moment, in the graveyard,
under the stars, when the light filtered
through the winding branches of the silvery
weeping willow we stood under.
That moment when we came to the base,
marked by a twisted joining of the barks,
when we were close, your head
fitting nicely under my chin, my hand
wrapped tightly around your back, both of
us holding onto a speeding target. We fit so
perfectly and terribly in that moment,
your wild hair brushing up against my face and
my body easily leaning into yours,
under the stars, in the graveyard
that one night when we looked into
each other's eyes, talked without words,
a delicate communion in the damp grass
under your favorite tree.
768 · Nov 2011
You Don't Scare Me
The thought of you

quickens my stomach, turns my skin
cold. turns my head in a hundred
different directions.

Your power

is endless.

You sit there,
a black spot,
a contrary notion in a world of blank paper.

But you don't scare me.

I can twist you and shape you and wield you with the best.

Because you're mine.
I really feel like
This abandoned Mountain Dew bottle
On the side of the road
Perfectly captures where I am in
My life right now.
euehhe ueh eueuehhje
ehje ejeh ejekiiqyte
e hsjkisyuterds
hywjswiiudyhf u
709 · Jul 2011
My favorite is
Sasha Pivovarova
She's always so nice

She'll be off-duty
On my 19th birhtday, so
I think we'll hang out.

She's my favorite
Off-duty model for she's
Never off duty.
***? i'm pushing it. three haikus.
705 · Jul 2011
When the rain comes, the police cars always skulk around town because they know trouble is coming.
Especially in the early summer when it rains without pretense
In the after noon when the sky is still clear
And a rainbow is expected.
There is a certain tangible energy in the air as the water comes down in unperturbed lines from God to Earth and momentarily wets the tongue of Paulding, Ohio for no other reason than it is marvelous.
For a moment, puddles form in now glossy streets and the world sags with glory and peace.
I always fetch my navy blue umbrella and walk around slowly like Audrey Hepburn
And pretend to have nothing else to do.
Because it's summer now and it's true.
But the authorities already know what's afoot.
They cruise the streets with shark eyes and let the water wash they're vehicles.
When it first comes, what is it?
Is it the rustling of trees?
Is it a sign of the apocalypse?
A heard of angry locusts?
No, I see, as I look out the window. The rain is coming, it is a whisper from heaven. A sigh of choral Angels who saw the need for beauty on the ground.
The rain comes at random in the late spring and early summer,
that intermediate time of wonderment and rapture.
When the rain comes in straight lines to earth, tangent to the arc of my soul.
695 · Oct 2011
Suit & tie,
make you look so nice. So official.
You've got it all now.

You came to this ****-town--
For a job. You would never
set foot in this town if it hadn't been
for that.

You're perfect now. Now you can sit and
watch the show of your life unfold.
You've done a good job setting up all the
pieces, all you do now is sit back and
watch and get fat and die. Congratulations.

You have the wife you really like and
the kid you were supposed to have, because
what the hell else would you do?

But now you've got this job, and now you're really
doing it.

You're surviving.
688 · Oct 2011
What Ever Happened
What ever happened to touching real things?
The brisk rapture of sand against cold skin,
the intensity of sandpaper to your finger?
What happened to things made by the earth?
Things not of space but of time?
What will happen to the things here before us,
when all we do is touch with our eyes?
A world,
a blank white room,
you touch and drag projected pictures,
and have fun with your awesome toy,
which will be upgraded next week,
left obsolete,
rotting along with trailer parks and
abandoned roller coasters.
What happened to digging down in earth
and seeing what she had to offer?
What happened to real? What ever happened?
685 · Jul 2011
Her Dog, Troubles
Tall tales did she tell
and far fetched was her life
and everywhere, went she, with a dog named Troubles.

Sticky fingers did she have
a monstrous laugh did she bear
and always did she travel with her Troubles.

Never upwards, went she, but always across
the walk was never too far
and far with her dog, Troubles.

Bark! bark! Went Troubles
and she slapped it on the nose
for never did she let the Troubles bite her.
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