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She lied to the nice man
told him
I'm fine
and kept walking
he was swallowed seconds later by her insecurities
never to be seen again.
Copyright © 2011 J.M. Romig. All rights reserved.
Christ was/is a holy and kind Son
But not all his so called disciples or followers
It is true of all religions
Have you ever held your hand still
Just above a river’s passing water
Liquid rushing by reaching for your skin
Jumping up; eager to commune with you
Beckoning you to dip a finger in
Elsewhere and beyond
is where I plan on being
Elsewhere is lovely
this time of year
And beyond is even

I made a reservation
It’s all set in stone
Or at least it’s on
the internet

I’ve packed my things
in a little brown suitcase
Everything is in it
but one thing is not;

My heart

— The End —