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Jul 2015 · 832
Fall In Love
You can wrap your arms around me
at the end of a long day.
You can press your lips to mine
as in my bed, we lay.

You can lean in on my shoulder
when you’re hardest hit.
You can speak with me your mind
and I won’t question you a bit.

You can hold my hand so tight
and never let it go.
You can call on me any moment,
this, I want you to know.

You can whisper sweet nothings in my ear,
tell me what’s on your mind.
You can give in to your desires,
as  I will give in to mine.

We can run away together,
if that is what you crave.
Travel the world together,
surf the ocean’s waves.

All these things you’re free to do,
everything you dream of.
But, still, I must caution you, my dear…
we can never fall in love.
Jul 2015 · 630
I forged a tower amongst the gods,
left to the cold, one time forgot.
I closed its doors and cast a spell,
left the key in infernal hell.

I built its walls so long ago,
built it strong of unyielding stone.
I built it tall so none could scale,
built it solid and built it well.

I fortified it with tempered steel,
and within its walls forever sealed…
My heart so tainted and full of pain,
to rest in slumber for all its days.

I built it on the highest peak,
built it in the heavens, so to speak.
I built in a place that none may dwell,
built it strong and built it well.

The roof I carved from dragon’s bone,
their deaths something for which I still atone.
The doors locked with gate and key,
shut forever, for eternity.

I built it with a heavy heart,
built it strong and built it smart.
I built it from the blackest shell,
built it safe and built it well.

To protect something so dear to me,
I vowed that I would never set it free.
It had been damaged in the past,
so I built this tower to forever last.

But something that I did not foresee,
something that had blinded me.
The foundation lay upon your very skin,
and with every breath, you seep right in.
Jul 2015 · 609
Quiet now
Quiet now.
I can’t hear you speak.
These thoughts that my mind bears.
Hollow tongue in cheek.

I purge you from my thoughts.
I go on for a time.
Then you come crawling back
from the darkest corners of my mind.

What is this emptiness?
What of this pain I bear?
Why won’t you let me be?
Or else admit you care?

You push me away again.
And silence devours us two.
I’m back at square one again,
trying to forget about you.

It hurts me on these nights.
When I can’t have you near.
You pull away because you’re afraid,
but you’re not alone with this fear.

I know not what tomorrow holds.
Nor when my time on this earth is through.
I know not what plagues your thoughts,
or if I matter to you.

This silence, it has consumed me.
And forever, you grow afar.
I try to move on without you,
but long to be where you are.

Yet this is the path you’ve chosen,
as I seek a future long gone.
Reaching out for a helping hand,
I find that I’m alone.

I purge these voices from my mind,
and this goodbye, I disavow.
I long for the world in my dreams,
yet, they’ve grown quiet now.
Aug 2013 · 768
I Do
They met by chance, or by fate,
one humid summer day.
They clicked, as people sometimes do,
without even meeting face to face.

He had answered an ad,
there was an opening in his town.
She called him in for a meeting,
and it turned their worlds upside down.

Sparks, they flew, as they sometimes do,
and things were right as rain.
They laughed and talked for hours on end,
but then something changed.

He had no clue her hand was taken,
a revelation soon brought to light.
She had made a vow,
to someone else in her life.

When next they met,
with broken hearts, she whispered not a sound.
When next they spoke,
he gave her his blessing, on the love that she had found.

But from time to time, the truth creeps out,
and things become so clear.
He feels the weight of such a loss,
especially when she’s near.

He jokes about what could have been,
things he says he doesn’t mean.
He feels his mind slipping away,
and wishes he could have foreseen.

Meanwhile, she steals a glance from across the room,
then quickly looks away.
She feels her heart skip a beat,
so many things she cannot say.

Sometimes she wants to take it back,
she longs to be with him so.
He wants nothing more than to hold her,
To take her hand and never let go.

But that was not the road that chance,
the road that fate had in store.
Now they are only friends,
when it could have been so much more.

That look on his face will forever haunt her,
when he saw her hand that day.
And the golden shackle that weighed it down,
a diamond that did betray.

She remembers well that moment,
and it shall haunt her hitherto.
The day that she accepted that ring,
and spoke the words “I do.”
Mar 2013 · 640
Mind vs Heart
My heart, it holds on.
To shadows of days past.
My mind, it searches…
for answers at long last.

I know not if I should wait,
or if I should move on.
My mind resists this love,
my heart is too far gone.

What would you have of me?
Should I continue this pursuit?
Am I wasting my time?
Is there nothing left of me and you?

Your silence baffles me,
you never speak a sound.
Your smile captivates me,
your eyes, they do astound.

My heart is forever yours.
My mind conflicted, it’s true.
Should I let go or persevere?
What would you have me do?
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Side By Side
Can you hear me now?
Have I faded out?

Are we broken down?
Riddled full of doubt?

Will we persevere?
Or give in to it all?

Consumed forever by fear?
Unable to stand tall?

Will we walk again?
Or are we doomed to crawl?

Will you tell me where you stand?
My hazy mind just can't recall.

I cannot offer much.
I have little left to give.

I'll teach you how to love.
If you teach me how to live.

And we'll think of days gone by.
When we were burning at the core.

Here forever by your side,
I could ask for nothing more.
Sep 2012 · 932
How To Let Go
I watched him grow…
From a child into a man.
I helped him where I could…
Still do, when I can.

I was there for his first steps…
Before that, he learned to crawl.
I helped him learn to stand…
and to bounce back up when he would fall.

I gave him my advice…
He ignored it now and then.
I lectured him on values…
Of virtue and of sin.

I believed he could do anything…
If he chose it to be so.
In him, I had no doubt…
Of the places he could go.

And now the time has come…
I must release my grasp.
On the boy I cherish so dearly…
And memories of the past.

He saw me watching him…
As he grew from boy to man.
And those times that I was in need,
He always had my hand.

He watched me stumble,
And after that, he saw me fall.
He taught me to stand again…
and did not judge at all.

He listened to my words…
When I had words to give.
I taught him to be wise…
He taught me how to live.

I believed he could do anything…
And he did make it so.
But now I must teach myself…
How to let him go.
This poem is written for my nephew...who's grown up so fast. He's joined the military...and even though it scares me, I'm very proud of the man he's become. Stay safe, bub.
Jul 2012 · 635
Here Within
Why do you smile so?
What makes you come alive?
I watch everything fall away around you,
but that smile stays at your side.

Do you seek salvation?
Are you not afraid to fall?
All the world comes tumbling down,
but I find you still stand tall.

Where do you find this strength?
How do you handle this pain?
You carry yourself with grace and honor,
and carry me the same.

Who have you turned to now?
When will you find me again?
Somehow I’ve lost you along the way,
but you’re still here within.
Jul 2012 · 614
If I am to find you,
If I have to risk it all.
If I have to traverse across the world,
believe I will heed the call.

If we are to be as one,
If the answers are here to find.
If I seek you out, will you be there?
Consider it for a time.

If you know these things I feel,
If the truth will set us free.
If you have the wisdom to explain these ails,
please enlighten me.

If hope is not abandoned,
If love is in the air.
If you want me, then call out my name -
trust that I’ll be there.

If happiness is laughter,
If all it takes is love.
If I am to have my ever after,
know you are the one.
Jun 2012 · 594
My World
The night is dark in my world.
I listen to its song.
The breeze sweeps through sweet melodies,
and cries for days long gone.

I’ve lost her somewhere tonight.
I cannot hear her now.
The skies, they cry, and time does fly,
though it seems so broken down.

The stars flicker above my world,
I watch them dance and shine.
The light they give is reason to live,
true beauty unconfined.

I wished upon a star tonight.
I long for her happiness so.
Time stands still, it’s so surreal,
Yet, I must let her go.

The moon casts a shadow on my world,
I feel it chill my skin.
The shade it casts is not unlike a mask,
veiling the truth within.

I dreamed of her again as I slept,
I search for her every night.
Though she is gone, my heart holds on,
and it won’t give in without a fight.
Jun 2012 · 586
Most Of All
I know you hurt.
But the pain will fade with time.
I feel your sorrow.
But dry your weary eyes.

I will hold you.
When you feel you cannot stand.
I will heal your broken heart.
When you open up again.

I hear your voice.
Even when you do not speak.
I understand your questions,
and have the answers that you seek.

I will stand by you,
when the everyone else does flee.
I will carry the weight of the world,
if that’s what you ask of me.

I see your smile,
and how it masks your misery.
I taste the mercy on your lips,
and the bitter agony.

I will lift you up again,
if you should ever fall.
And if the world should find it cannot find you,
It is I who will miss you most of all.
Jun 2012 · 742
The Road I See
Every night I think of things,
I see decisions made.
The paths unspoken and bridges burned,
futures laid to waste.

I stare at them and wonder,
where did things go wrong?
Still a lonely soul does wander,
as it walks its path alone.

I fear the path I see you walking,
because I see what could one day be.
The road you walk is unpaved and broken,
and all too familiar to me.

Things will begin to change,
small at first, but then it grows.
And your decisions now affect your world,
more than words can show.

Be careful of this road you walk,
be wary of each step you take.
Tread these waters carefully,
thin ice is inclined to break.

You’re stronger than you think you are,
but not as strong as you pretend to be.
But you don’t have to walk this path alone,
You can always look to me.

Know that if you should ever fall,
I will lift you to your feet.
And I will always care for you,
as long as this heart does beat.

I am not a superman,
or a hero by any means.
I’m may falter from time to time,
and sometimes tear at the seams.

But I will be there good or bad,
and I will always lend a hand.
If you need a shoulder to cry,
then, sweetheart, I’m your man.

But don’t be blind to this path you walk,
just open your eyes for me.
You’re never alone in these dark times,
on the blackened road I see.
May 2012 · 651
Bleeding Through
Why can’t I speak those words?
They dance around my cheeks.
Why can’t I look at you?
I daren’t even peek.

I cannot ask you that question,
so I mask my words with wisdom.
I guide you to make good choices,
and console you on past decisions.

I do not know what love is,
but I know what I feel for you.
My mind may not understand these things,
but my heart knows the truth.

Why can’t I tell you this?
All I’ve dreamed about.
Why can’t I express myself,
And my heart so devout?

Still I catch you when you fall,
and I push you up again.
Your knees may buckle from the weight,
I’ll never let them bend.

I claim to speak my mind,
most often times I do.
My mind may seal my lips so tightly,
But my heart is bleeding through.
May 2012 · 606
When the shadows creep out,
when the sun refuses to shine.
When the nights are the blackest,
and there’s not a star in the sky.

When my heart seems to have shattered,
when fortune frowns on me.
When I haven’t the strength to stand,
and I haven’t the focus to see.

When my prayers go unanswered,
when I lose faith in it all.
When gravity takes it’s hold,
and I have no choice but to fall.

When I feel like giving in,
when there’s nothing that I can do.
When my life appears so tainted,
and nothing seems to hold true.

When the rain falls down around me,
when my judgment seems unclear.
When my tears drop like thunder,
and my mind quakes with fear.

When the world gets cold,
when the weight’s too much to bear.
When everything seems so broken,
and nobody seems to care.

When the pressure is too great,
when I feel I can’t hold on.
When my walls give in around me,
and all hope is lost.

When I haven’t a fighting chance,
when I haven’t the slightest clue,
when there’s nothing left for me in this world,
I need only think of you.
May 2012 · 898
When Things Go Wrong
The mistakes of our past forever haunt us.
So many things we wish we could undo.
The weight of the world seems so heavy.
Living as if we have something to prove.

Don’t fret the roads not taken.
Forget the cries of days gone by.
And all the choices you have forsaken.
They need not be the reason you cry.

A girl gives away her heart.
To someone that loves her naught.
She smiles and struggles to hide her pain.
A life unlived, but forever sought.

Don’t tread the waters you’ve left behind.
Forget the echoes of your past.
And all of the questions you’ve answered blind,
They need not be those questions asked.

A boy slips on his daily routine,
a masculine mask to hide his tears.
He presses on despite the pain.
Consumed by hate, by despair, and fear.

Don’t fear the calm before the storm.
Forget the binds that hold you down.
And all that leaves you so forlorn,
It needs not be part of you now.

We stand alone from time to time.
Having little to nothing left to give.
But we must hold on despite the sorrow.
We have only one life to live.

Don’t give up on tomorrow.
Remember why you’ve held on so long.
And all of the people who’s strength you borrow,
They’ll need you too, when things go wrong.
Apr 2012 · 1.3k
Pipe Dream
She doesn't need me anymore,
so she casts my words aside.
She doesn't need me anymore,
her head filled with pride.

She aims to cause me pain,
and that's okay with me.
I'll accept her vengeful words,
if it brings her peace.

She doesn't love me anymore,
I've caused her too much grief.
She doesn't love me anymore,
because I hindered her beliefs.

She says she'll never forgive me,
but it's not forgiveness that I seek.
I pray only that she finds happiness,
so that the tears dry from her cheeks.

I only sought to protect her future,
but she can't see that now.
I pushed her to make the right decisions,
I did not aim to disavow.

I tried to make her see the truth,
that her choices would bring her misery.
Instead she's pushed me away,
and chose to embrace her pipe dreams.

I'll always be there waiting,
for her to outstretch her fragile hands.
For her to see I only wanted what's best,
and to accept me into her life again.

But she doesn't need me anymore.
She says she'll make her own way.
And she doesn't love me anymore,
instead she harbors only hate.

But I will stand beside her,
and I will never let her fall.
My niece, I hold you so dearly.
Your uncle loves you most of all.
This poem I wrote for my niece. In trying to help her to make good decisions, she feels that I have wronged her.
Apr 2012 · 949
They’re faded now these shades of grey
bleeding into a brand new day
these reds these blues, these moral hues
they act like clues and tattered cues
telling of a time not here and so distraught and full of fear
it reminds me of these days gone by once full of color now grey to life
and I see now this man I’m not - the one they loved but indeed forgot
as I search this broken fantasy, I learn I plead and hope and breathe
but I can’t be the man they need, to serve under false deity
without understanding this cause for pain, witnessing another day
where faith and blindness share a fate, bound to black and white these shades of grey
you ask me to embrace belief and abandon my neutrality
your guise untrue and fueled by greed, desire, filth and hypocrisy
ask not of me to close my eyes to this world I see of untold lies
through rose colored glasses and a smile so fake, the truth does lie and happiness breaks
I realize now these thoughts so dark, so empty and cold, and contrast so stark
darkened shades, these reds these blues, so greyed out because of you.
Apr 2012 · 3.2k
Nothing Left To Give
I’m at mercy’s end.
I’m at the edge of my seat.
The rope I held so tightly
now dangles out of reach.

I question who I am.
I question who I was.
I find that my search for peace
ends not with love.

My heart is numb with pain.
My mind quakes with fear.
I swallow to choke back my pride,
and find my eyes filled with tears.

I saw you today.
I saw that you were all I could see.
I used to feel a connection with you,
but you saw right through me.

When we crossed paths you smiled.
When we parted, you went your own way.
You hardly noticed that I was there,
It was then I felt betrayed.

Betrayed by my own thoughts.
Betrayed by the feelings I bear.
I looked over my shoulder in a futile attempt
only to find you were not there.

I hate this place it many ways.
I love it in many more.
The memories that I harbor here
are those that I adore.

And sometimes it rains at night.
And sometimes the moon does shine.
Like a thousand mile mystery,
severed crossly at mid-tide.

And yes, I still notice you.
And yes, you still cross my mind.
Like the love we shared so long ago,
you haunt me late at night.

But is this love I’m feeling?
Is it only regret?
I should have buried this long ago,
a mistake I shall not soon forget.

When you’re out of luck.
When you’re out of time.
Your heart is broken,
and you strain to grasp at life.

You find with every moment.
You find you want to live.
You give all you can to those you love,
until you have nothing left to give.
Mar 2012 · 756
Keep Moving
Recent years have pressed me.
I’ve been faced with pain.
I keep my head held high.
I keep moving.

Recent months have pressed me.
I’ve been faced with fear.
I shove it all aside.
I keep moving.

Recent weeks have pressed me.
I’ve been faced with heart ache.
I swallow all my pride.
I keep moving.

Recent days have pressed me.
I’ve been faced with regret.
I try to live my life.
I keep moving.

Recent hours have pressed me.
I’ve been faced with death.
I look at him and smile.
I keep moving.

But I find my conscience aching.
I find my heart is wearing thin.
I struggle to stand my ground.
Yet, I keep moving.

My mind is pinned with pressure.
My eyes are wet with tears.
My stomach sick from the pain.
Always, I keep moving.
Mar 2012 · 3.5k
Invitation To Enlightenment
Some people have faith…
In a God that they can’t see.
They pray and beckon to this being.
That doesn’t make sense to me.

Some people seek out love…
They say it’s all they need.
A notion that can’t be defined.
That doesn’t make sense to me.

Some people seek the truth.
They claim it will set them free.
All too often it brings only pain.
That doesn’t make sense to me.

Some people claim to care.
And they do so unconditionally.
Expecting absolutely nothing in return.
That doesn’t make sense to me.

Some people refute predestination.
Yet believe in destiny.
Fate and free will intertwined.
That doesn’t make sense to me.

Some people outstretch their hands.
When the world leaves them to bleed.
Giving to a world that doesn’t care.
That doesn’t make sense to me.

Some people follow only logic.
Decisions made to a tolerable degree.
Yet logic turns our hearts so cold.
That doesn’t make sense to me.

Some people look for life’s purpose.
Proposing doctrines and various decrees.
That purpose varies from one to the next.
That doesn’t make sense to me.

The world is full of confounds and query.
And in that, I rarely find the answers I seek.
But still, I wonder every day.
That doesn’t make sense to me.

Perhaps we need not find an answer.
Perhaps, by nature, we are curious beings.
We need faith, wisdom, truth, and love.
At least, that much, I can see.

But I invite you to justify this world.
Elaborate on the answers I need.
Or maybe life just doesn’t make sense.
I invite you to enlighten me.
Mar 2012 · 1.2k
The Villain
Sometimes I may seem harsh,
my words may ring untrue.
But know that I would not lie,
I seek only what is best for you.

It is not your tears I seek,
and I hate to see you cry.
So wipe those tears away,
and dry your weary eyes.

My intentions are pure,
whether you realize this or not.
I speak the words you need to hear,
to clarify your hasty thoughts.

Sometimes, you see, your actions are rash,
and you sometimes forget to think things through.
It is then, I know, you need me most,
to help to make things clear for you.

It is not my aim to cause you pain,
nor is it my aim to please.
But only to enlighten you,
on all of these things I see.

And you can condemn me if you wish,
should that be your desire.
But I will nevertheless be around,
an arm outstretched into the fires.

Sometimes I must let you fall,
it must be so to help you learn.
Sometimes I must speak the truth,
but I am not blind to the fact it hurts.

But know that I do love you so,
you are a part of me.
You are in every inch of my heart,
I’d give my life to see you happy.

So forgive me if I cause you grief,
but know there is reason for what I do.
I can’t always be a hero,
sometimes a villain is needed too.
I wrote this poem for my nieces and nephews...whom I often lecture, but never without reason. Sometimes, I fear, they think I aim only to hurt - which, of course, is not the case. Enjoy.
Mar 2012 · 690
Just The Same
I’m sorry I can’t hold you, that I’m without you here tonight.
I’m sorry I can’t kiss you, that you’re so far away from sight.
I’m sorry I can’t lift you, and sweep you off your feet.
I’m sorry I can’t walk with you, throughout these city streets.

Know that I am with you, no matter where you go.
Know that my love goes on and on, so much more than words can show.
And in my heart I feel you, just beneath the skin.
These cold nights you keep me warm, I hold you here within.

Forgive me for my absence, I did not mean to leave you so forlorn.
Forgive me for my transgressions, our love, not lost, not yet to be mourned.
Forgive me for my silence, I can’t always think of words to say.
Forgive me for my incredulity, know that in my heart, I pray.

I pray that I should find you, in this life or the next.
I pray that should hold you, to alleviate these ill effects.
I pray that I should lift you, to take away all your pain.
I pray that I should walk with you, and carry you just the same.
Feb 2012 · 947
Already There
Don’t look for me in these busy city streets,
I’m leaving them behind.
Don’t look for me in a faceless crowd,
I’m not there for you to find.

Don’t look for me in these dark halls,
I’ve not walked them in untold time.
Don’t look for me before you,
I have not acquired such a disguise.

And should you dare look behind you,
it is not I who you shall see.
Should you glance over your shoulder,
I shall be an absentee.

Do not expect me to catch you,
that you should ever fall.
Do not reach out for my hand,
you need not, as you recall.

Because I’m not in these busy streets,
they’ve never suit my taste.
I’m not in these faceless crowds,
I’ve left them with such great haste.

I’m not in these darkened halls,
for it is the light which leaves me enthralled.
And I will forever hold your hand,
So never will you fall.

I will not be behind you,
nor before you, I do declare.
But should you choose to look beside you,
My love, I am already there.
Nov 2011 · 761
Should she decide it’s the truth she seeks,
she need not more than ask.
Until that day, in silence I wait,
and in her presence bask.

She holds her breath and stays her tongue,
she whispers not a sound.
Cold as stone, she sits alone,
and to the world profound.

No time for tears of sorrow or pain,
her heart is heavy and sore.
She’s hurting now, and broken down,
and tender at the core.

She knows not what she wants or fears,
she knows not what she needs.
She presses on, her life withdrawn.
Alone she weeps and bleeds.

In a different place and different time,
I would be there night or day.
Though bridges burned, she still stands firm,
and in her heart she prays.

I lack her faith, her hope...her purity,
I lack her strength of heart.
I know not words, my vision blurred,
and so I stand apart.

Before I’m gone I’ll speak the truth,
and, for her, open my mind.
The truth come out, and heart devout,
only then will peace I find.
Jul 2011 · 1.1k
As the morning sky lights up,
he rises like the tide.
Following the same old routine,
one he’d rather not abide.

By noon he’s on his game,
carrying the world in his hands.
He scrapes and crawls and stumbles on,
finding few footholds on which to stand.

Night rolls round and he’s tired and sore,
she finds her way into his mind.
Once so very close in heart,
in a world he left so far behind.

He lifts a portal to the world,
one sleek, black, and paper thin.
He loses himself in a spider’s web,
until he finds his way to her again.

He stares calmly at the screen,
singing praises he dares not say.
Watching and waiting silently,
will he take that risk today?

On the other side of that screen
in a world that seems so far away.
She stares wishfully back at him,
pining silently, she waits.

She lingers on for a moment so dear,
yet he whispers not a sound.
She’s met with silence yet again,
a longing lost and yet to be found.

She pauses for a moment more,
she tries to clear her head.
She opens a tab and words flow out,
but she hasn’t sent them yet.

She closes her eyes, it is his wish
that he should carry on.
And so with the stroke of a key,
all her words are gone.

She logs off for the night,
she lies quietly, and wide awake.
She gave up a moment too soon,
but she knew not the risk he’d take.

For he too had opened a tab,
hoping for a moment so dear.
But when he finally built up the courage to speak,
he’d found she’d disappeared.
Jul 2011 · 1.3k
I'll Turn...try to run away.
I won't get too far, I'll come back to stay.
My mind is blank, so full of thought.
My heart is happy, and I see the sorrow it's brought.

Brought upon myself, brought upon you.
I have my goals set, I know not what to do.
I'm lying unconscious, and yet wide awake.
My soul is corrupted, and I'm fine all the same.

I'm so confused, my mind is so clear.
I'm scared to death that I have no fears.
I feel so heavy as I'm walking on thin air.
I've gone hundreds of miles, and yet been nowhere.

I'm standing alone in this dark crowd.
I'm being drenched with rain, still, there are no clouds.
The sun hurts my eyes on this cold dark night.
I've been corrupted, and everything's all right.

Going into the future, reliving the past.
Building everything up, and its falling away so fast.
I'm lost, and I know exactly where I am.
Once destined to go to heaven, yet I'm already ******.

The sun's heat scorches me, and the sun has burned out.
I'm made of stone, and starting to break down.
I'm far below the surface, watching from above.
Corrupted by hate, and so deep in love.
Jul 2011 · 722
In The Darkness
I want to stand by her side,
to catch her when she falls.
I want to be there, good or bad,
to carry her through it all.

I want to wipe her tears away,
and hold her hand so tight.
I want to keep her close and warm,
to hold her in my arms tonight.

Still it matters not what I desire,
for fate is cruel and so unkind.
Born so very far apart,
a punishment fit for no crime.

She carries on her life out there,
somewhere in this lonely world.
I stand alone in these dark times,
thinking of this forlorn girl.

I want to softly stroke her cheek,
to take her pain away.
I want to help her to her feet,
and tell her she will be okay.

I want to gently touch her lips,
and brush the hair from her eyes.
I want to promise her the world,
and give her wings to fly.

Instead I’m met with these dark halls,
with no end or exit in sight.
No means of escape, nowhere to go,
I cannot run, nor hide.

She searches for someone to love,
and claims to know what love is.
I stand alone in these dark times,
having only my heart left to give.

I want her to hold her head up high,
to take life by its very horns.
I want her to bite the hand that feeds,
instead of feeling so forlorn.

I want her to realize she’s not alone,
even if I cannot be there in the flesh.
That I would give my heart and soul,
to share with her a single breath.

I want to see her smile,
because it is happiness she seeks.
I want to lie beneath the stars,
with her beside of me.

I don’t know what love is,
but for her, I think I’d try.
It’s a feeling I may never know,
for she’s not in my life.

Fate is so cruel and unkind,
and for that reason I stand alone.
Until I find my way to her,
in the darkness I shall roam.
Jul 2011 · 561
Dear Friend
She breathes heavy,
as her heart fades to black.
One moment not forgotten,
another that she lacks.

A heart beats asunder,
and her eyes, they grow cold.
Her tears sound like thunder,
and her body, it grows old.

A passion burning out,
and her smile, it fades away.
She turns to twist and shout,
and her pain, she will not say.

Sleep well my dear friend,
remember well this day.
When you wake with the morning,
I know you’ll be okay.

He walks another mile,
his heart is on his sleeve.
He longs to escape this place,
but he finds he cannot leave.

A mind that is in blunder,
and his eyes, they shine with dread.
He claims he does not love her,
and so he left his love for dead.

A passion misunderstood,
his smile is now a frown.
He claims he wants what’s good,
yet his world is upside down.

Trapped in a vicious circle,
time is running dry.
The future slips away,
but, dear friend, you must not cry.

Dear friend, I beg you this,
Be careful of the road you tread.
Many have wandered down this road,
only to find their ending dead.

As the air grows still,
the sun, it fades to black.
Longing to escape this place,
but there is no turning back.

Dear friend, I promise you,
the road your on is severe.
Walking blindly will end ruin,
but still you persevere.

As the waters grow cold,
the moon, it is blood red.
You spit out words you dare not say,
and regret the things you’ve said.

Walk on my faithful companion,
only you can find your path.
I am here when you’re in need,
Alone, you need not face love’s wrath.

And to you I solemnly swear
that our paths shall cross again.
And when you find that you’re in need,
I’m still here, Dear Friend.
Jul 2011 · 922
Dead Planet
The sun set upon this world and in the morning again it rose,
monuments towered the crust, but all life was somehow gone.
Panning through the downtown streets, there were no people in this land.
The ocean depths were devoid of life, and the polar caps lay silently ******.

The Vegas strips were dead and still, the lights we know were dim.
New York was a desolate wreck, buildings crumbled and toppled in.
The Statue of Liberty stood tall, queen of all beyond her eyes.
She saw what had happened that fateful night, but she did not blink or cry.

The Eiffel Tower stretched into the heavens, king of all of grand Parí.
The Golden Gate Bridge connected two dead shores, silent as could be.
And what of this lovely place, where Big Ben let his hands tick away?
The world was so deathly silent; his ticking could be heard in Bombay.

There were no fish in the sea; they had perished in the night.
There were no gulls on the beach; hushed were their cries of fright.
There were no mummies in the tombs; the riches they had gone to waste.
There were no people in LA; to a silent crowd it roared and quaked.

There were no ***** in the sand; their scurrying feet were still.
And a pest control had done its work for there were no rats in the landfills.
There were no worms beneath within the earth; no birds to pull them apart.
There were no roaches in the dumps; no crying kids in Wal-Mart.

There were no ants within their dens; no eaters to pry them away.
There were no bacteria within this world; no viruses now, much to their dismay.
The plains were barren; there were no trees, grass, ferns, or weeds.
The tropical forests, the coniferous mountains, all rocky as could be.

And what of this once lovely planet? It spun through time and space.
Once so full of beauty and life, now completely laid to waste.
The Earth stood still as it raced through that void; all life stripped from its crust.
Still it never knew that we were gone, and so it spun finally hushed.
Jul 2011 · 478
New Tide
Barreling forward and doubling back.
To the world my mind lost track.
So dead, yet full of life.
Praying and hoping that I wasn't right.

But as always, I'm never wrong.
And I realized  too late, my whole world is gone.
A cold drift has frozen time.
And pain washes ashore with the tide.

I bow my head towards the ground.
Listening to nothing but my heart's dreary sound.
And washing ashore around my feet...
The blood of all innocence left in me.

And the sun is blotted out.
A loathsome world I'm in now.
A cruel realization has broken through.
It's far too late to change what's true.

But somewhere in the blackened day,
comes a sound of hope, it's not too late.
And again, in the absence of mind.
The pain washes away with the tide.

And as I look towards the sky,
I'm stunned at what a light so bright.
A magnificence has found its way to me.
And drawn the blood from the sea.

The sun shines bright again.
And burned away all the sin.
And I stand in the presence of God,
Who awakens a person that I had forgot.

And an angel from so far above,
has come to me, renowned love.
And she's saved my life and soul.
Takes my hand, and melts the cold.

And as the sun begins to set,
A wondrous moment I'll not soon forget.
The day I managed to make her mine,
The sea washed in a brand new tide.
Jul 2011 · 610
Echoes Of Yesterday
Time passes by, not a moment I don't think of you.
A smile across my face, and this I owe to you too.
Always on my mind, and yet being pulled away.
So I retreat into the past, echoes of yesterday.

Life slowly drifting forward, ripping us apart.
I don't know if I like my future, it's breaking my heart.
But know this, I'll always love you...that's all I can say.
And once more I turn to the past, echoes of yesterday.

I remember long ago, when you were by my side.
I wish that it could be like that now, you are the love of my life.
So now I do what's right, no more turning the wrong way.
I'm releasing the past, echoes of yesterday.

Now I turn to the future, it's time to take a risk.
I'm asking you to be with me, until the very end.
No more will I retreat into the past, it causes too much sorrow.
The echoes of yesterday are fading, so now I focus on tomorrow.
Jul 2011 · 603
For Everyone
For Everyone
Who's lost their way.
For Everyone
Who needs to be saved.
For Everyone
Torn apart at the seems.
For everyone
Who's ever dared to dream.
For everyone
Who's ever lost all hope.
For Everyone
With no where else to go.

This is for those who haven't a clue.
For those in need, this is for you.
Don't lose hope, keep pressing on.
Never give up, never let go.
You're strong enough, you can succeed.
Nothing is impossible, you must believe.

For Everyone
Who's had a bad day.
For everyone
Who's cried the night away.
For everyone
In need of any help.
For Everyone
Who's never understood all they've felt.
For Everyone
Who's lost their love.
For Everyone
Who's given up.

You can make it if you try.
This is your moment, this is your time.
If you have faith and do your very best in all.
You can accomplish anything, you don't have to fall.
To all of those who want to give up,
Hold on to life, it's only just begun.
Jul 2011 · 718
The Meaning Of Life
Last night I had a dream that sealed my fate,
I'd died and stood in heaven, in front of those pearly gates.
And I realized at that moment, they'd never let me in.
I had to explain myself, Oh where to begin...

And an old man stood before me, a grin upon his face.
I stood, terrified, and my head fell in disgrace.
He said, "Son, I've seen many pass by here just like you,
Answer me one thing, and I'll have to let you through."

I looked up and he smiled, and I looked into his eyes.
He said, "Son now tell me, what's the meaning of life?"
I stood in silence, my face turned rose red.
Suddenly it hit me, and this is what I said.

"The meaning of life is the wind in my hair.
The sun on my face, in a world without a care.
The meaning of life is doing what is right.
And being there for those you love no matter what the price."

I stood quietly for a minute or two,
the old man was baffled, and he looked so confused.
He said, "Son, I've been here for an eternity, and that's a long time to stay.
And that's the best answer I've heard to this day."

He turned away from me and opened up those gates,
and when he turned back there was a smile on his face.
I walked by him and have gave me a pat on the back,
I looked inside and my mind just lost track.

It was so beautiful, as far as I could see.
A place with emerald towers and golden streets.
I was marveled at the beauty of this place.
Tears rolled down my cheeks, and a smile crept on my face.

Suddenly it hit me, and so many thoughts filled my head.
I turned back to the old man and told him, "This is what I should have said...

The meaning of life is a world of peace.
You live without worry of death or disease.
The meaning of life is being yourself,
and doing everything you can, even if you're destined to fail."

He smiled at me and said, "Son, it's not your time."
He snapped his fingers and I opened up my eyes.
I sat in my bed for quite a while.
Everything became so clear, and all I could do was smile.

The meaning of life is...the way the wind blows through your hair.
The way the sun shines on your face, and the love that we share.
The meaning of life is...being with you all the time.
Kissing you gently and holding you so tight.
The meaning of life is, you by my side.
And now I'm asking you to be with me...
for the rest of my life...and that's the meaning of life.

I wrote this song in high school. A good friend of mine had read some of my poetry and wanted to sing a piece. His band is a Christian band, so I wrote this song with such a theme.
Jul 2011 · 620
All We Couldn't Share
Never shall I be at peace, my soul is dead and gone.
Bury me in the earth so deep, I do not wish to carry on.

Hold me close, hold me tight, beneath the evening sun.
Keep me warm and safe at night, comfort me with love.

When hope is gone and the sun burns out, I pray your love will last.
How I wish you could see all I dream about, my dreams are fading, oh so fast.

Comfort me when I'm in need, don't set sail, lower your mast.
Share with me your thoughts and dreams, together we can escape our past.

When it's over, and all is said and done, I'll be waiting for you.
I'll never let go, I have to hold on, I'm determined to see this through.

My love for you is strong and pure, I hope you know it's true.
For this disease's cure, there's nothing I wouldn't do.

Rising from the phoenix's flame, my love born anew.
Like always I'm up for this game, even though it makes me a fool.

Longing still to hold you close, I think and dream of you.
And how on that day time froze, my world became so blue.

Here we stand alone at last, if only time would stand still.
In my heart I forget the past, and I can't explain these things I feel.

We sat together in silence today, and my love became all too real.
A midnight stroll to hide the pain, we both had time to ****.

I may never have this chance again, so I'll make this crystal clear.
But I can't find the words to begin, especially when you're near.

Don't forget the things I've done, I've always needed you here.
I wanted so long to tell you that you're the one, but I was always fraught with fear.

Hold me tight, hold me close, promise me you'll be there.
Hold my hand and don't let go, life is so unfair.

Comfort me when I'm in need, for you my heart will always care.
I'll remember you, remember me, and all we couldn't share.
Jul 2011 · 2.5k
Black Rose
In the black hills he lies,
in his old Kentucky home.
A passion within his mind,
burning, despite the cold.

He knows not what he is doing,
thinking with a mind that is not his.
He knows only that which can be known,
and that is all there is.

A wind is prevalent within him,
one that chills him to the bone.
Acting against his bitter nature,
he stares down an unknown road.

He swore he’d never act on impulse,
he swore he’d never lose his mind.
Focus was all he really had,
then she came into his life.

She takes away the security,
the way he knows so well.
But can she bring down his walls?
Time will only tell.

She entices him with greetings.
With her, he feels so close.
Still, he finds words escape him,
in the presence of a black rose.

No doubt that he fears change,
and he fears what could be.
He fears what he cannot control,
and she is vigorous and free.

Separated by a vast sea,
yet strangely together in heart.
He finds he knows not what to say,
so he watches it fall apart.

Act once on impulse,
Twice on intuition.
Act three is completely irrational,
But brings this to fruition

He tries to avoid reality,
because he knows what it holds.
He is absorbed within that passion,
to avoid all the cold.

In this old Kentucky home,
among the black hills, he lies.
Too fearful to take a chance,
He’s found his spirit has died.

And, so, by reaching out,
he is met with only scorn.
In reaching for that black rose,
he has only grabbed her thorns.
Jul 2011 · 553
I left this world last night,
as I lay asleep in bed.
I drifted out of consciousness,
and sad thoughts filled my head.

I awoke with a shudder,
at just over a quarter past five.
My heart beat was erratic,
and my temperature was quite high.

My mouth was parched and sore,
my eyes were a shade of red.
I was numb from head to toe,
and to this world, undead.

I stepped out of bed,
my legs trembled under weight.
I took a nervous step,
by then it was too late.

My world caved in around me,
buzzing filled the air.
I writhed and turned in confusion,
I thrashed out in despair.

The colors, they grayed out.
I was blind to all you see.
I was deaf unto this world,
save the buzzing surrounding me.

I felt as if I was falling.
My world was spinning fast.
I pushed on in tenaciousness,
as I have done in the past.

A black envelope surrounded me.
My heart rate increased tenfold.
Then the sun lit up,
I saw a figure made of gold.

Something happened that night,
as I lied awake in bed.
I took hold of my life,
and found I was not dead.

The black envelope,
merely my thin bed sheet.
The sharp buzzing noise,
nothing more than the alarm at my feet.

The lack of color,
my eyes, they were closed.
But of that golden figure,
my friend, I do not know.
Jul 2011 · 8.3k
Brown Eyed Girl
She came to me in a dream,
on a long and sleepless night.
A vision, it would seem
of a world I had left behind.

And I wonder from time to time,
I wonder how she is.
I wonder if she’s alright,
If she’s happy with the life she lives.

People come and people go,
They walk right in and out of your life.
Some mean more than they’ll ever know.
Some haunt you in your dreams at night.

And I still think of her sly grin,
and that sparkle in her brown eyes.
I miss crossing her path now and then,
and holding her in my arms so tight.

How could one so very small,
so frail, and meek inside…
Be the first that I recall,
such a big part of my life?

And I hold on to times we shared,
and think of that world I left behind.
And never once regret I cared,
for that girl I’m without tonight.

Of all my past, I miss her most.
Yet I stay my tongue, and tell her not.
It’s something that she may never know,
but I hold her still, near in my heart.

My love goes out to that browned eyed girl,
who haunts me in my sleep.
To the one who is no longer in my world,
but means so very much to me.

My heart goes out to her tonight,
wherever she may be.
I may have cut her out of my life…
But she’ll always be with me in my dreams.
Jul 2011 · 524
He sits in a world of thought,
eyes wandering in endless distraught.
Overwhelmed by things once said,
swimming in an ocean teeming with regrets.

Knowing only those bleakest of days,
his skies clouded and pouring the rain.
Towards the heavens he dares not glance,
losing sight of a hopeless romance.

No words ever spoken not from the heart,
dear to the soul, the silence an art.
Knowing not what has come to pass, nor what is to be.
Striving and hoping to one day be free.

She lies a world away,
her thoughts drift home to a familiar place.
Perhaps regretting those decisions once made,
she floats alone as those days start to fade.

Sometimes, late, she cries those nights,
her skies thunder and give such a fright.
Towards the ground her gaze does wander,
a crowded soul and heart beat asunder.

Sometimes by chance, he catches her eye.
Sometimes by fortune, she stumbles into his life.
And one waits for the other, for a moment so dear.
To sweep away the rain and take apart the fear.

But no words are spoken, they need not a sound…
they push aside temptation for the life they have found.
And so they wander more distant with time.
Broken dreams and shattered pieces of life.

In silence they falter, in utter defeat.
That silence that breaks those words they dare not speak.

— The End —