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JC Dec 2015
I wandered past her window, and whispered "Guten Morgen"
She looked up with a shiver, and said “I felt an *****”
I smiled and said “Romantic!... Most likely t’was your heart?”
She shook her head. “Regretfully, it was another part”.

I was surprised; “Pray tell”, I said, “which ***** made you quiver?
Could it have been your brain? Your pancreas or liver?”
“I think not” she replied again; “T’was something I don’t need
The thing that has no function when I try to feed or breed:

It’s clear that you remind me of a still day on the wind farm.
To me you’re my appendix. In German that’s a Blinddarm”.
JC Dec 2015
Chicago is
in the snow
she shivers
at the bar
sees him
she didn't know he'd be there
secretly he planned this
they greet
he sits at the bar
buys her a drink
he drinks prosecco
they talk
she's still cold
makes a comment about never getting warm
he hesitates
then suggests
he could warm her
long silence
she looks ahead
not meeting his eyes
says softly
he stands
takes her hand
a gentleman
no words
takes her through the lobby
leading her
holding only *******
she follows
not resisting
thinking she should
but not acting
the elevator
their eyes don't meet
fingers barely touching
9th floor
door opens
they step inside
close the door
she turns
he holds her tight
one hand on the back of her head
the other her waist
her face on his shoulder
without words
or movement
she looks up
his eyes are closed
she asks
"what are you thinking?"
he says...

"Are you not woman enough to know?"
JC Dec 2015
If a viper’s breath in the morning
Can swim through a haze of dust
And a man can dream of a heat that seems
To **** at the airborne rust,

If a metal laugh in a darkened room
Can make the sun part of the night,
Then a thought can escape from the metronome
For it has the power of flight.
JC Dec 2015
To show you a thought from the room with white walls
I will open the door.
But first you must meet me half way along
The white corridor.

And then if you catch through the gossamer shroud
A glimpse of my theme,
We will tear down the web of my solitude
And share the white dream.
JC Dec 2015
I had a dream of walls of white,

I panicked and I couldn't quite

Reach for the line you threw for me.

I woke. Then almost instantly

I saw your face. A summer hill

Beneath you, swayed, but you were still.

I looked into your eyes and cried,

I felt my cancer grow inside.

I ran and ran until I fell.

I couldn't catch your carousel.
JC Dec 2015
Let the sweet snow touch your sad eyes
Let the darkness hide the pain
Let my kisses serve to make you wise
Let us dream this, once again.
'Słodkich snów' means 'sweet dreams' in Polish...
JC Dec 2015
There is a secret, private time, when I’m allowed to dream…
The room is dark and quiet, but sleep will not arrive…
My eyes adjust to darkness and I make out the faint gleam
Of moonlight through the curtains. I feel then most alive….

And that is when I think of her; she has become my muse
This time of inspiration is when she seems most clear
I think then of our story: which images to use?
And that is when I fantasise… that she is with me here

My mind fills up with memories, snatched moments from the past
Of when our eyes met in a room, or when I touched her skin.
I think of what I’ve written, and if I’ve been too fast
In moving her, persuading her … to let me in.

My love for her is virtual; it takes place in my mind
But Oh! she is so beautiful, it seems so very real
I see her eyes, her limbs, her smile in everything I find,
She has a power over me that seems to make me feel

Intensely. We communicate in many different ways
Through music; coded messages, by which we almost kiss
I almost taste her lips, her tongue, I almost stroke her face
I almost hold her tightly in my arms. I always miss.

And so I feel the gravity, I can’t resist the power
I see the darkened, northern sky, I see her guiding light
I see her face before me in the lateness of the hour
I feel her lips close to my ear, whispering… goodnight.
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