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Jan 2016 · 3.3k
“ When God Created Me “
John Calabro Jan 2016
When God created me He knew what he would see,
Someone that wasn't perfect or in heaven I would be.
He put me here on earth to lead this life I live,
Learning as I go giving what I can give.
He knew that I would stumble and sometimes even fall,
He knew that I would suffer and for Jesus Christ I would call.
He's had a plan for me from the very first day,
Frustrating times will be but soon I would see his way.
The love I have inside me all the good that I must do,
This does not go unnoticed and I know He sees it too.
I thank you God, for all you do even when my heart strays from You.
My heart is yours, forever more until the day I'm at your door.
Jan 2016 · 358
My Life
John Calabro Jan 2016
I don't have much to offer, no money in the bank,
Barely have enough to put gas inside my tank.
Seems every time I gather, a 'savings' in some way,
Something always happens to take it all away.
I don't drive a fancy car, it would not turn your head,
It’s only a rollscanhardly  no further words need said.
Seems every time I drive it, another piece falls off,
And every time I start it, it sputters and it coughs.
Seems every time I make a move, I get rid of more and more,
The things I don't want to carry with me through the next door.
But this I say while traveling light these things I don't desire,
For excess money will only serve to fan the demon fire,
The place in which I lay my head, is with Maxine my wife.
She creates more than I can say and brightens up my life.
It's not all of the treasures that you build upon this earth,
That brings a person happiness, and feelings of self-worth.
It's living life the simple way and helping when you can,
Do what you can for others, be it woman or a man,
Share what you have inside you, be gentle and be kind,
Heal a heart that's broken, and I guarantee you’ll find.
The simple things in life are free, and love comes without a cost,
Don't build up treasures on this earth, where souls get trapped and lost,
Do what you can for all you can, with all you have to give,
From where you are inside yourself, allow your HEART and SOUL to live!
Sep 2015 · 309
“ My Rollscanhardly “
John Calabro Sep 2015
I have a car and this is for sure, it rattles and squeaks but does not purr.
It’s called a Rollscanhardly car, with it I can’t go very far.
Rolls down one hill can hardly make it up the other, saving cash to get another.
I’m not complaining very much, but with this car I need a crutch.
As many cars pass me by, I guess they say “what’s with that guy “?
It’s kind of challenging as I drive, dodging *** holes to keep alive.
Now don’t feel bad  I’m okay, I have my Lord to guide the way.
This poem is kind of silly though, now let me push my car and go.

— The End —