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 Nov 2013 John Ajaka
L-Logical; you've always been level headed and very smart. Every since I first met you, you have been able to apply logic to almost every situation.
O-Omniana; totally explains our friendship. Our friendship is filled with random things, random memories and random experiences.
V- Vivacious; you are so lively. The time I spend with you, weather it be Skype or phone call, it is never dull.
E-Exquisite; those words you speak, they're oh so beautiful. Your voice is my lullaby.
L-Logophile; a lover of words. Really that's all we can be. It is our only form of communication.
Y*-Yerk; drawing tight or to bind. We've been bound by the phone lines in the sky. They must carry so many messages everyday. Back and forth; from me to you.
 Nov 2013 John Ajaka
You tell me you love her smile.
You tell me you love her vibe.
You tell me you love her happiness.
You tell me you love her outlook on life.
You tell me you want to one day be in a relationship with her.
You tell me she doesn't love you back.
You tell me that her lies hurt you.
You tell me you've been waiting for me.
You tell me that you just want to be with her.

I love your smile.
I love your vibe.
I love your happiness.
I love your outlook on life.
I want to one day be in a relationship with you.
I know you don't love me back.
Your lies hurt me.
I've been waiting for you.
I just want to be with you.

I am going to give you advice; let her go. Telling your self that she can go as long as she is happy is a hard thing to do and a rough reality to face but it does your heart a little good.

— The End —