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John Sep 2015
I will love you..
but you cannot love me..
because I don't love me...
and if you do love me...
then my love for you will cease...
John Jun 2014
Hands shiver cold cant grip the stick
Back frozen sore can't turn and swing..
Legs turn to ice can't walk the green..
Soul feels numb can't feel the rhythm..
John Jan 2014
In the black hole is where I am
its a place of nothing
encased inside its darkended walls
I too am nothing

my days are empty..
trapped by thoughts that seem far away
unable to grasp at them..they are beyond me
the nights are short..sleepless..
As I wonder how I arrived here..

I dig deeper in the Black Hole
to get further away from this misery
but the misery only grows stronger
as I become even more lost..

on the street not a glance comes my way
the touch of a woman i have long forgotten
there is no love near..
a ghost walking among the living..

for I am dead you see..
because in this nothingness there cannot exist life..
a lost soul who waits patiently..
for some sort of salvation..
out from this existence..this Nothing.
John Nov 2013
10 days its all that is left..
yet the horizon seems so much more..
I struggle with my other half..
who talks to me when i sleep..

too much and too little
this way and that way..
it all gets too much..but its really just 10 days..

10 days is all that is left..
i will bring the horizon toward me..
the struggle will continue..
but i wont listen..
John Oct 2013
Your face tells me..your eyes glazy..
I know its coming..let me protect you..

Lay in my arms..head beneath my burrow..
Now I feel you're at peace..
No more fear..not frightened anymore..
My burrow is your sanctuary..its safe in there..
Become a little girl..protected by my strength..
I know you want to stay there for now..and I want to keep you there..

Asleep now..a beautiful angel..the fear is gone..replaced now with calm..
Your sleep gives me peace..
I want to catch a glimpse..of your sleeping face..
It makes me gives me warmth..comfort..
You are like a baby..quiet..and at peace..

I rest my hand..gently..on your soft sleeping body..
Your unconscious state..
So that even in your know I am there..protecting you..

I know you're just a girl..that I can see..
But also a woman..strong..intelligent.. capable..
Of being a leader..
For you have led me..
John Oct 2013
A dream is something
From which we can awake
From that which we are falling..
From that which we are running..

But life is something
Of which we are already awake..
To that which abandons us
To that which chases us..

In my dream
My fear approaches
But I can open my eyes
And the danger is gone

But in my life
My eyes are open..
And my fear is approaching
Dreamer of my life
Please open your eyes..
John Oct 2013
Who is the man
Behind the decade dream
Does he approach with open
Or does he withdraw with doubt
He wonders if "The Belonging" will welcome him
For he has not acquired the skill to belong
But as every new day smiles upon him
So then will The Belonging smile..
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