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Apr 2014 · 373
My Unthoughts
John Apr 2014
In the stuper of every day thinking
Subsides the need of learning.
The words that go unsaid,
The thoughts that are unheard, unfelt.

All will make sense in the end.
The acceptance, the hope.

It matters, the constant feeling,
But not the persistent thought.
What goes before, not what
Needs to come. And all that,
which steers the worldly.

The more that is put off,
The less that needs putting off.

The light that is unseen.
The focus that is the being.
Feb 2014 · 479
John Feb 2014
You walk with me you know, still.
Where I breathe and feel so too do you.
You hide, in every shadow I cast,
You linger in my nose and mouth,
In the waiting room, you accompany me.

And so I am never alone, you live in me,
As I lived in you, inseparable.
So when I lie to sleep, or think,
You lie with me, warming the the pillow,
And it is not with guilt, but with love.

In the knowledge and comfort that you warm,
That corner saved always for you.
Where love blossoms and cherishes
Each passing day as though it were its last.
Or as though it is its last.
Apr 2013 · 595
John Apr 2013
I wish there was an artery,
That stretched from my chest, to yours.
That carried the blue roll,
And the red points.
The dark cylindrical,
And the bright rectangular.
The prickly frost,
And the smokey warmth.
That I am when I think of you.
Oct 2012 · 992
One bad poem
John Oct 2012
The only thing worse than writing a depressing poem,
Is when you have no depressing poem to write,
And all you want is that pain to flow, and that plug to come unstuck.
Like a cigarette addiction, when you don't have them,
And you know you're better off...
You still want some more.

There is only so much a season and a star can do for you,
I need that rush, that spilling, that exhale.
I want that exposure, that smart, cool and sharp twist,
I need that smack of word on tongue.
Like the knockout blow, delivered by the bully
On the weakest child in school.

Jan 2012 · 487
If one were to look
John Jan 2012
It is strange how I leave you,
Not with the fire or ice that I would once have imagined,
Not with thought or lack of, or with watery cheeks,
I leave you with a certain nothing, an empty anything.

It is indeed sad how I leave you- I suppose,
If one were to look at it,
But I do not even do that now,
As once I could not have stopped.

Why would I? You are gone, so am I.
If one were to look at it- I suppose.
Jan 2012 · 329
You walk with me
John Jan 2012
You walk with me you know, still.
Where I breathe and feel so too do you.
You hide, in every shadow I cast,
You linger in my nose and mouth,
In the waiting room, you accompany me.

And so I am never alone, you live in me,
As I lived in you, inseparable.
So when I lie to sleep, or think,
You lie with me, warming the other pillow,
And it is not with guilt, but with love.

In the knowledge and comfort that you warm,
That corner saved always for you.
Where love blossoms and cherishes
Each passing day as though it were its last.
Or as though it is its last.
Jul 2011 · 962
Poem #1
John Jul 2011
Beyond the stage of consequence
lies experience and confidence.

Nurture all for competence
in this world of mild coincidence.

Leave all to chance, in trance, queue
entrance to this balance.

Tip-toe, to and fro, get in line, make time?


Tip the scale, create a tale, don't be a their tail-
Set sail, leave a trail... Others follow,
Bright Tomorrow!

Leave competence and consequence with nonsense and ignorance.
Mar 2011 · 588
I Have Loved You
John Mar 2011
I have loved you, my dear,
And you should know it,
I have felt the warmth of your heart.
Your loving embrace I will cherish,
The happiness in being,
The love that has been there.

I will not forget you, my love,
And I hope you know it,
I remember our contentment.
It will not die, it lives,
Think of me sometimes,
And I hope you smile.

I will miss you, my dear,
And you should know it,
Miss me too.
John Mar 2011
Whiskers, grins and cups of tea,
Added to ceaseless talk and sleepless nights.
And yes, the knowledge built up of a life,
Hindered by all that could have been.
"I could recite those quotes, you know,
If I'd had a proper education." Yet,
He does not know that his are the quotes,
I have, do and always will recite, before bed.

Some days I hear him struggle, and I
Know he wants my help but I,
I never go. "He has gone this long."
Some day I will regret, all the
Sundays spent with people I didn't
Love instead. Some days,
He changes my world with a breath,
Then puts on boots, and goes to work.
Mar 2011 · 532
John Mar 2011
My youthful folly you haunted me
As time ticked roaring red.
With tools to dig, a torch to see,
You got inside my head.

You dragged me by my blinded eyes
And buried me 'neath the ground.
No air, no food, just lies and lies
To keep me breathing sound.

No sound allowed but your song
To keep the quiet still.
You even had me sing along
Though not against my will.

The music's gone, the soil is dead,
You're nothing but a fraud.
For all you did to me and said,
A well deserved applaud.

To you shall harms appear, appear?
Perhaps some day you'll find a cure?
One thing is sure my dear, my dear,
Your soul, it will never be pure.
Mar 2011 · 402
John Mar 2011
Come to me and show me eyes, full of grief and pain,
I see the hunger in those eyes, for justice and for gain,
I see you longing for the past, the need of what's not here,
I see you lamenting what has left, your eyes they show it clear.

Come to me and show me ears, that have heard your heaving sob,
I hear the torment of those ears, a laughing moment they wish to rob,
I hear the lonely restless eves, you spend moaning for the lost,
I hear the goalless wandering days, you spend counting the cost.

Come to me and show me hands, tired from removing thorns,
I feel how you've just had enough, how you perpetually mourn,
I feel the sickness of your soul, the anguish which you show,
I feel the worry on your mind, away from you love you throw.

You've shown me your hands, your eyes, your ears,
I'll dim your screams, I'll dry your tears,
But now I plead, show me your heart,
Then from a new beginning, together, we'll start.
Mar 2011 · 1.3k
Fret Not, My Friend.
John Mar 2011
Emotion is temporary, memories are forever,
Hearts beat stronger when they are together,
Fret not my friend about what is over and gone,
The search for happiness is lifetime long.
Warmth can exist where no oil burns,
Life in its glory, in love's twists and turns.
Give an equal fair chance to all in your way,
And forgive all your past, all yesterdays.
Yes hearts beat stronger when they are together,
And a soul never laughed when held by a tether.
Yes live out your life with teeth and gums flashing,
All else is nominal, while hearts are still bashing.
Mar 2011 · 507
John Mar 2011
I sit alone on this crowded boat, unaccompanied it seems,
Afloat a sea of ideals, and fears and deafening dreams,
I stop to consider all infront, and what I've left behind,
I search and seek but know not yet what I am trying to find.

I ponder simplicity on this vessel of mine,
Bobbing, drifting here and there, no purpose to my time,
So what of life, all around, a cocktail of love and loss,
From innocence to nonsense, a sea that I must cross.
Dec 2010 · 616
John Dec 2010
Around in circles we always go,
Twisting time, it goes too slow,
When we end up back inside square one,
Picking up where we started from.
Nothing is forever, nothing lasts,
All's lost eventually, nothing's stead fast,
Never believe and never trust,
Do this and you will never hurt.
For people mess up people's lives,
And people damage people's minds,
Idealism is not worth the fuss,
You'll end up cynical like the rest of us.
People see yet they are blind to me,
For they only see physically,
As revolving earth goes round in haste,
And hours of life go to waste.
Dec 2010 · 687
John Dec 2010
Your beauty brightens the darkest night,
Your face it shines, your eyes delight,
My door for you will always be ajar,
When I gaze in your eyes I gaze afar,
When I think of you my jewel, my gem,
You fill the ink well for my pen,
My inspiration, that's what you are,
My motivation, my twinkling star.
Your hands, your feet, your mouth, your hair,
Your slender fingers, your tender care,
In your creation god smiled with glee,
In you he takes pride, all will agree,
With brightened glance and softened voice,
If between you and the world I had the choice,
There would be no competition between you and them,
My precious jewel, my perfect gem.
And now as I lie before I sleep,
A thought of you in my heart I'll keep,
Maybe I'll be lucky to see you in a dream,
Oh then when I sleep how my face will gleam,
My memories of you I'll cherish forever,
The times when we laughed and smiled together,
You mean much more than you'll ever know,
To the ends of reason, for you I'd go.

— The End —