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Joeysguy Aug 2014
Why I Volunteer at Meals on Wheels
By Joeysguy

Why I volunteer at Meals on Wheels,
I do it to help people receive meals.

I had to get a photo id
This is for the people’s safety

At first I thought of it as just something to do
After that first day I realized that wasn’t true

I deliver a meal to the elderly and I do it with care
Some of the elderly may be in a wheelchair

The hot food is carried in a hot insulated bag
The cold food is carried in a cold insulated bag

It’s a good feeling to volunteer  
The people appreciate that we care

I knock at the door and yell hello
I also check on them before I go

A stranger had said to me, thank you
She was thanking me for what I do

It’s a good feeling to volunteer
This is something we Americans do to show we care
Joeysguy Aug 2014
With Pride
By Joeysguy
It’s so dark in here, it must be night  
I see an opening, I can see some light

Why are these people pulling on me
I guess out there I should be

I’m upside down, you hit me and I cried
That hurt and left me teary-eyed

Who’s this lady you put me alongside
Who’s this man staring with so much pride

Are they someone that I should know
When they leave will I also go

This lady says her name is mom
She puts out her hands and wants me to come

The man is called dad  
They are so nice and never seem sad

Will this good feeling always last
Time has gone by and it seemed so fast

In the blink of an eye
I’ve learned what it is to cry

With little suffering and not much sound
Mom and dad are now in the ground

They said we are of one heart
Even in death we can never be apart

Now I look at this lady with our baby at her side
How beautiful, and I’m so full of pride
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Words of love
By Joeysguy

From heaven I wish my wife could see
The words of love that come from me

Out of my heart and into my head
Come the words I wish I had said

From my lips to my wife’s ears
Hear the words that bring my tears

Joey I will never forget
That day and how we met

You and I started as two
I look forward to again be with you

I don’t know how or when it will be
Together again just my darling and me
Joeysguy Aug 2014
Yes It’s Love
By Joeysguy

When you can’t take your eyes off of someone
Did their face glow like the sun

On the first time that your hands did touch
Did your body tingle and you felt that inner rush

After that first time that you kissed
That separation, that feeling of something missed

That special someone is always in your mind
You don’t want to leave them far behind

Every time that person is around
Do you feel your heart pound

Your heart races so very fast
It’s a feeling that you want to last

For that person you want to do so much
To keep close and always in touch

The time comes to let them go
You release them ever so slow

You tried to protect them from any harm
They die and slip away from your arm

You want to be with them in that other life
This could have been your husband or your wife

With that person now in the heaven above
Your feelings still, yes it’s love

— The End —