If you're reading this, just take some time
To listen to and absorb this rhyme
This is for you, especially for you
Cause we all know what you are going through
You feel you're too ugly, too boring, and all you do is fail
You're not alone, cause we all know that tale
We've all felt the pain and doubts of youth
But even though you feel this way, it's still not the truth
You're good, you're enough, and never anything else
You're you, only you, deep into all your cells
Your doubts and sadness are no one's but yours
So get rid of your pain, and let happyness out on tours
You think you have to be perfect, and nothing less
So every little flaw makes you into a complete mess
But the thought that being perfect is what matters is dumb
No, what you need to be is you, and you're only awesome
Now when all this is said, I hope you feel better
Cause I mean what I say, I mean every letter
So the last thing you do before you go to sleep
Every night, look through this, and make is sink deep
Not my best poem in my opinion, but I made this to a friend who was feeling down, so I'm still kinda proud of it.