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574 · Aug 2015
The special one
Joe Gallagher Aug 2015
I’m off out down to town, I’m off out for the night
I’m dressed-up to the nines, oh what a lovely sight.
I’ve got my shiny shoes on, I’ll get in any place
I’ve got my brand-new suit on and my Durex just in case.

I’ve learnt a trendy dance this week I’m off down to the Ritz
I’ll spin and do the moon walk, might even try the splits.
I’ll pick me out a woman and pester her all night
I’ll tell her all about myself and set her heart a light.

Might by myself some bubbly, make them think I’m rich
All the girls will love me and the lads will all be sick.
I’ll wear my Rolex wrist watch and my golden belcher chain,
and my diamond studded cuff-links, might even take a cane.

I’ve been down to the barber’s, for a Kevin Keagan perm
I’ve been under the sunbed for a thirty minute burn.
I’ve plucked out all the hair, from my nose and my ears
I wear a leather G-string; got both ******* pierced.

I move like John Travolta, smile like Steve McQueen
there’s not one thing I’d alter I’m the perfect specimen.
I am a medical marvel, I am a bundle of fun
there’s no one else quite like me; I’m the special one.
The end
This is just a bit of fun, written for a friend's wedding speech.
456 · Aug 2015
Political Babble
Joe Gallagher Aug 2015
Today I come to speak to you, a messenger of the gravest news.
A spokesman from your leader’s views, the tradesmen of disaster.

My Lords, ladies and gentlemen, my fellow countrymen,
a wave of apprehension as engulfed us once again.
We promise as your leaders, your future’s safe  and sound
so let me make it clear again the answers will be found.

But first let me assure you, there’s no need to fear
I’m sure you’ve seen the changes, so let me make it clear.
Everything is for the best, just you wait and see
now here I stand before you will you put your trust in me.

We hoped there was a better way there’s nothing we’ve not tried
So please believe me when I say with this my hands are tied.
I’m sure you’ve heard the rumours, we’ve also heard them too
So let me make it clear again there’s nothing we could do.

I hope I’ve given clarity, on what I’ve said today,
And why we must all push on through co’s it’s the only way.
I know that times are hard, but there’s better days ahead
so please  lets all be patient and remember what I’ve said.

So let me finish here today and wish you all fair weather
In times like these as we all freeze we must all stick together
So until our next meeting, I’ll deliberate no more
I'm not a man of many words, so bye I’m out the door.

The end
This is a silly little poem based on the hot-air that politicians spout.
455 · Aug 2015
Joe Gallagher Aug 2015
Scrape scratch rusty latch close the double doors                                   
Clitter clatter muffled natter in the corridors
Cling clang dropping pans right outside my room                              
needles gleaming patients screaming nurse is coming soon.
Titter tatter coughing spatter; chest pain all a heave
Needles ready hold on steady, rolling up my sleeve
Sweat like hell, sickly smell lying on the bed
Windows steaming my arm bleeding, bottle full of red.
White washed walls, distant calls, nurses all a clatter
Creaky crack stooping back, my heart a pitter patter
Squeaky wheel tapping heel, rustling nylon coats                              
Scribble babble noisy rabble, doctors taking notes.
Beeping stream, loud machine, a tapping all the night
People checking, doing my head-in; turning on the light
Isolation; high contagion rubber glove and mask
No hesitation, trepidation, they go about their task.
Interruption with consumption, stops you in mid-flight
Time stands still, take your pill and shiver throughout the night
With ****** tears and deathly fears, image from which I stare
don't let go, back home to Joe, to those I know who care.

                                         The end
442 · Aug 2015
Hooded way
Joe Gallagher Aug 2015
All must pass by hooded lane
through hollow way and on that day
when you rest on swimming plain
Again, your tears shall wither away.

A march day morning like a lamb
timidly waltzing the waters face
Slowly, gently her face so fair
she stares, in her natural grace.
A place of enchantment.

Then on to pastures of blazing shade
sweet aroma, petal cascade
Over hidden dweller
Over hidden grave
Seekers of tranquil shall only remain.

With sun and sky, with earth and I
with warmth as deep as mind.
Through hooded lane, alone again
I will leave my rues behind.

Now down to rest on beds of leafs,
and down to rest a while.
Whilst beneath the earth their minds lay still,
and mystically, alone, they smile.
A place of enchantment

The end
420 · Aug 2015
Frozen shadows
Joe Gallagher Aug 2015
The frozen shadows cast by the trees
lie still as ghosts in the morning freeze
shrinking against the rising dawn
their misty spirits above my lawn
A wisp of wind carries them aside
in search of shadows for them to hide
until the dark whence they return
to their haunting beds to adjourn
and come the morn they stretch their hands
across the static frozen land
then up the alley and across the grass
tapping their fingers on my window glass
the dancing figures perform a ball
has skeletons upon my wall
like nightmares from my childhood born
But no they lie upon my lawn
and yes they roam inside my earth
the frozen shadows upon the turf

the end
391 · Aug 2015
Joe Gallagher Aug 2015
She glistens and sparkles
she shimmers the sun,
She’s whispered her rush since time has begun
With thundering clamour
And restless dilemma
Though she never veers out from her run.

Her hair is the wind,
her moods, the weather
Her heart a boulder of stone.
There’s ice to her touch
There’s death in her clutch
As she endlessly rolls alone.

Her form, indefinable
Her charms, undeniable  
As she spreads herself out on the sand.
With passion and fight
With wondrous delight
She sculptures herself on the land.

With white on her face
And heart all a race
With temper, she swirls up a fight
Then calm and demure
She’s silent once more
And bathes herself in the moonlight
380 · Aug 2015
Joe Gallagher Aug 2015
As the last drops of morning dew
rise up to the dawn
When sleeping rosebuds begin to stir
to mark the start of morn
As the first notes of morning song
swathe in from the night
You cross the bridge from dark to grey
then silver glinting light
As a silent fox creeps its way
back home to its rest
When the alley cats chase the rats
back to their hidden nests
As the first flutter from a single bird
takes to the air
Then a chattering and rustling and a almighty bustling
from inside the hidden lairs
When single rays of sunlight
burst down through the trees
Like golden silk curtains
shimmering on the breeze
Then a distant bellow from a startled dog
awakened by a sound
and a sudden chatter from a brace of crows
debating the meal they've found
Then clinking glass and humming float
cascades the overture
With whistling man and rustling coat
he's tinkering at the door
And staring clock with tick and tock
beats out the perfect time
Awake all night, ti's my plight
ghost be rid my mind.

— The End —