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joe callari Jul 2014
Accuse Me of being nice…this should have crossed your mind once or twice
Accuse Me of all the things I do…Like how I care and show much love for you
Accuse Me of putting you first…so easy for me and unrehearsed
                                         Accuse Me of faithfulness and Love…
                                           The truth is in all thee above
To me it’s so much easier to accuse one of the things that make you happy in a relationship. I know accusations are usually meant or come from a place of   mistrust. Just my attempt to take what is considered a negative to a positive. Accuse yourself of being more understanding today.
There is no better feeling then making the one you love feel special.

  Joe Callari  2014
joe callari Apr 2020
Once there was Joy much taken for granted,
Fear is a seed silently planted,
The world goes around torn apart from within...
Maybe just in its due with the payback from sin...
A fight full of Sadness but with fight as we must...
A danger of silence, attack of Disgust...
We move straight ahead without malice or langer
The answer is found amongst all the Anger

Joe Callari
joe callari Aug 2014
Come share with me what is real
As we all seek what is normal
I dare to find the difference
Dream the impossible
Love with Abandon
Chance my fate
Come share with me what is real
Believe the unbelievable
Be kind to the unkind
Take the road untraveled
A square will easily fit in a big enough circle
Nothing is ordinary in the eyes of another
Who determines what is real?

Joe Callari
joe callari Dec 2009
It’s amazing how fast you can change
Your feelings, priorities can all re-arrange
The pain that you felt is finally gone
You feel like a king no longer a pawn

The confidence you have allows you to shine
You’re healing yourself with a new state of mind
You can never allow to be brought down again
No matter who tries… a spouse or a friend

The power of attraction is in positive swing
Compliments abounding without doing a thing
That’s how I lived not so long ago
Taking advantage as I continue to grow

I can not be stopped by others who wrong
Justify to yourself as I move along
Cause I have no time for those anymore
Who choose to live behind a closed door

My world is open and I see a new life
One that will prosper no worry or strife
Roadblocks will surely eventually form
I will go up and over or through like a storm

With the strength I feel building deep in my soul
There is no more worry I’m back in control
It’s just for myself the control is for me
That’s all I can do I finally see

Joe Callari
joe callari Aug 2015
Evolution of this Man

Born in the wind of a summers day a infant boy arrives pure and without sin. The sun touches him for the first time and he is blessed. Speed grace and power he is to possess with humility for all to see. He is destined for greatness, gold appears with just a simple touch and people for no good reason will adorn him. Life progresses and success is plenty without the young mans knowledge of the universe. Gluttony, debauchery, hypocrisy could easily take form in a world known to few...caught up in the spiral of indulgence is for those who spew talent sought after by the masses. A mirror becomes not such a good friend as reality takes the place of surrealism. What found was now lost, time rings the bell and shows the scars that life delivers even if you are not at home. Brilliant in mind will not escape the derelict of time. Belief in false promise he is a target for those with malice. With fight as a winner losing is in plenty. Rationality, Generosity, Curiosity is the norm for celebration to those who choose to use.
In the wind of a summers day a old man discovers all his sins.
The sun touches him for the first time and he is cleansed.  

Joe Callari
joe callari Dec 2009
Car payments, Insurance bills all the money that we spend

Climbing trees, playing tag those days would never end

Fighting with a boss who never gets it wrong

The boys down on the corner sing your favorite song

Credit cards, utility bills are most important now

Corn dogs, popcorn you ate all some how

Braces, tuition the bills keep coming in

Sitting with a jig saw puzzle, where do I begin

A year has come and gone with fifty on its way

“Hey Joey what cha doin; ya wanna come and play”?

I needed that promotion I guess I’ll have to wait

The kid who got my job just turned twenty eight

It used to be so simple when youth was on your side

But now it all got backwards the game is seek and hide

We always take for granted what the future has to hold

The one thing that I do know, is that I’m getting old

I often sit and ponder of all the things we did

If everything was equal, I’d rather be a kid

Joe Callari
joe callari Sep 2018
So now its finally over, the grip is all but gone
I used to be your king but wound up as your pawn
There are no more words to say, respect has long been lost
The best was never good enough, no matter what the cost
Men, Drugs and alcohol will help you ease the pain
The game is nothing new to you, a circle of insane
A carefree world where you reside an imaginary land
The clock is ticking oh so fast a minute glass of sand
Leaps and bounds were asked of me, yet left me on a fence
All the others are so good now seen with much pretence
Manipulated love, back and forth is how it goes
You left the door wide open but now my door is closed.

Joe Callari
joe callari Apr 2019
The past will not leave with stumbling remembrance of yesterday, a warp in time torments beyond comprehension with reasons of unbearable hope. A hope of non existence where imagination is king. A throne made of thorns is where you may sit to think, ponder, pretend. Pain is the norm with thought processed and bewilderment takes its place. Reasons of good have long been lost, looking back should not be an option but the head keeps turning, rotating, shuffling to a forbidden place. The fight is real, but how does one win against an imaginary foe.
Let It Go, Let It Go.

Joe Callari
joe callari Dec 2009
All I do is tell the truth that no one wants to hear
The truth will set you free
But it’s the truth that they all fear
Sticking to your word is never part of the plan
It’s easier to degrade someone
Than stand up like a man

I never seem to get it right; maybe it’s me who got it wrong
Should I lie like the rest?
Or hold on and be strong
Is lying really all that bad, what’s really in a lie
If lying doesn’t hurt someone
Should I do it to get by?

No, I don’t think so; lying never feels quite right
So how do liars prosper
And live better than I might
Cause people do believe in lies with glimmer of some hope
The hope these people hang on to
Dangles like a rope

I’m convinced, there I said it; the truth is the only way
So I sit all alone
The chips fall where they may
**** it, I’m not like the rest, all alone on the shelf
Maybe I’m one who is the joke
In lying to myself

Joe Callari
joe callari Jul 2016
Non existing no matter how you try...spots of a leopard never change here's why...time can demolish those who allow time to control there thoughts...not important to most with lies and deceit by the one closest can hurt to the core...numbness is protection from years of mistrust by those closest...strength is yours with a mind that can block pain...My heart is open but words from others are gospel and I'm no longer with knowledge...This train is one way with a destination leading to another land...My audience is now one...Me
joe callari Dec 2009
I always do everything that’s different from the rest
Never finish what I start, how can I be the best
I live my life from day to day, wonder in my mind
What could have I become… if I really tried
Memories is all I have, with all my hopes and dreams
In a land of make believe, Nothings what it seems

I guess a man is measured by what he has to hold
I who have nothing…Like a broken mold
I used to have some promise but squandered every chance
All the years of wasting…are nothing but a glance
In my life I found it hard to settle for the best
What I thought was better…was always something less

Mistakes, regrets, indecisive and with doubt
I thought that I fit in…I was merely just left out
It’s easy to divert the blame on reasons why you fail
It’s harder to accept the blame with failure on this scale
Regain your edge; make a stand, no sorrow without fault
Make your dreams accomplishments, or let it go for naught

Can you do it all alone and do you have the will?
All the negativity has promise of it still
Now it’s time to start a new, you never lost your way
To believe in those who want to help, fall victim to the prey
So keep your focus straight ahead and leave the past behind
What’s mine is yours is not the truth…what’s yours is never mine

Joe Callari
joe callari Sep 2012
Twisted leaves fall silently to the ground
The circle of life continues around
Innocence will not stay for long
Ignorance with love is much too strong
Suffering from within is not meant or taught
Compassion for one is not sold or bought
With thought in narrow through a funnel you fall
The mind starts out big, but ends up too small
Hatred and Fairness, can they both be the same?
If you don’t know the difference, they can in this game
You do what you see without fault as you grow
Embedded in mind you reap what you sow
Sorrow is not what beginnings are for
Tomorrow and yesterday will equal much more
Too many with knowledge is what I concern
For the teacher to teach, must be willing to learn  

Joe Callari
joe callari Jan 2021
A veil of light covered in darkness rejoice in the day of night
Visions of love with words of hate bring joy to sadness
Truths of false and facts of fiction stimulate the sense of dullness
Words of genius stupidity of thought consciousness of sleep
But the eye's are slammed shut with malice of good
Yet the eye's can still weep...
Joe Callari 2021
joe callari Jun 2018
My shadow is a friend that merely never ages
His life an open book with at least 60 pages
No hurt no pain no wrinkles on his face
Never out line and always in his place
He's never had to love... disappointment not at hand
Opinions he has not but will always make a stand
The sun the moon can help him cast a glow
Not a worry in the world regret he does not know
Money's not a factor for this he does not care
No matter what I say or do he'll always be right there
So when the day arrives and go to greet the sun
If he is not beside you, you know your time is done

Joe Callari
joe callari Dec 2009
Opening my eyes not surprised to see
A world of disrespect and debauchery
As I continue to fight for the positive side
I would peer with distain for myself in my mind

What happened? Where was I…lost in a haze?
I can see much better as I start a new phase
No longer trapped by negative thoughts
Cause the more that you squirm the deeper your caught

Traveling down a slippery *****
Now look to the future with a glimmer of hope
For the path that I choose is determine by me
Outside detractors can no longer be

For I am the king of my personal throne
It’s all up to me…and to me all alone
Self respect, dignity was once what was lost
Forgiving yourself still comes with a cost

The world is mine…confidence or conceit
Positive movement not accepting defeat
Visual thoughts can help make it real
It’s the start of my life…I’m beginning to feel

Joe Callari
joe callari Nov 2013
With the slightest touch of her hand the hint of a smile. I draw her near but not with intensions to make her run. The softness of her hair brushes against my face for lust of another day...I see the interest in her eyes and the eyes don't lie. The game has begun but no one will be the winner... Is it stolen? or the effects of the ocean. Just another millisecond of life in motion.

Joe Callari...
joe callari Dec 2019
Anguished thoughts hidden from the conscience will surface from within
Happiness wears a mask of love worn by the lack of substance
Abundance of family approval self taught from years of dysfunction can only be seen by the enlighten
Celebration with the enemy no one can see and yet the joy can be felt with hindrance of reality surrounding
Rejoice, rejoice & again rejoice…repetition mirrors life enjoyed by fools
This love for many is proof enough felt by the lucky ones who escaped
A web spun by eight legs tethered but weakened as so to break
Rejoice, rejoice… again rejoice for you are the strength…
joe callari Nov 2012
In the still and coldness outside, the constant hum of generators and chainsaws break what was silent.
The deafening buzz, despair in my mind, delivered by wind so violent.
Lives will change; foundations replaced, material things lost in a storm
From loss in remembrance is a way to start over and new life gets reborn
Gradual and forthright we start this new quest
Positive thought, the old at its rest
Rebuild with a new the end not in sight
One day at a time is a sliver of light

Joe Callari
joe callari Dec 2009
What are secrets really all about?
Are they meant to protect… I may have some doubt
Protection from the truth this can only be
So the person with the secret can still feel free
Free from what you may ask
Freedom to continue the unworthy task

Is a secret a lie lets explore and see?
If you’re not completely truthful what else could it be
Deception, indiscretion is the root of this deed
For a secret to be a secret you must continue to feed
The appetite is endless with the burden to bare
A secret might be wrong or else you would share

And the people you trusted with the words so discreet
The more that you’ve told increases defeat
Cause most people can not continue to lie
Some will crack with the pressure inside
The cliché holds true when a wise man once said
Three can keep a secret when two are dead

Joe Callari
joe callari May 2015
Light shines through with the ease of the sun...3 minus 2 equals negative one…Secrets and lies cause unruly pain...deception and doubt leave nothing to gain...Whispering winds tell the tale that is true...respect and honesty is long over due...The troubling world is not to concern...take care of your own is the lesson to learn...intentions with good misplaced by the heart...begin on yourself is the best place to start...
joe callari Nov 2013
The strongest of passion was felt to the core
The slightest of touch bellowed for more
The way that you moved brought chills to the skin
The night was still young such fire within
You looked at me with such beauty & grace
You knew from my eyes what would take place
You said lets go slowly but quickened the pace
So tightly together was still too much space

Joe Callari
joe callari Nov 2013
What has she done that’s so perplexing. I’m a grown man with the world next to me. Spinning like a top in the night, just the scent of her drives me crazy. Being pulled in directions I don’t want to go, I can’t stop it. Just when my mind clears I see her name, a silhouette. I’m haunted by lust, drug down to primeval man hunting…I’m gentle as a lamb by the touch of her skin. I’m not out of control can’t lose my cool…This is a dream what else could be…

Joe Callari
joe callari Nov 2013
The Fool  
Your shadow is blinding how easy to see
Reflection of light is who I must be
I calculate flaws and see as they grow
With smile to grin I hear your words flow
Assume the position must be in your mind
I make the transition much knowledge to find
Words that are hollow you keep from the wind
Will they go forth…or will they rescind
With promise entailed you act out the game
It’s never your fault no malice or blame
But just when you think you’re cleared from the fall
This man is not foolish…This fool fools them all.

Joe Callari
joe callari Jul 2014
With slight of hand misdirection deal from the bottom I say nothing...not a sound...with so many jokers stacked in your image for you is not to detect...the one eyed jack is who I am not ...2 eyes I see clearly kings crown is atop...
So just stop...clarity is mine cloudy is yours...poison seeps from the pores from those who choose to day you will cry for your misdeeds...don't try to beg or plead...the judgement and torment you inflict on others will smother your own flame this is not a game...sin from within will cause you much pain...deception with no remorse will of course make a show...very easy to forget what we all hundred years could flow...but in the end...we all reap what we sow...
joe callari May 2014
With lies meant from mind you spiel venom like the snake
No harm can abound if you know it’s only fake
Mentally misadjusted believing false from true
At some point you will realize what is your justly due
Absence of malice will not suffice from God
He can see clearly no matter the façade
Children used like pawns to spread your words of hate
Slither through grass as you seal your only fate
Victims are in plenty as you prey upon the weak
This can never happen cause I am not the meek
So chuckle even laugh…be it as it may
If you ever mess with me…you will surely rue the day

Joe Callari
joe callari May 2020
Thoughts by peasants are congratulated by the know-ers of nothing
Pride of rejoice with 2 circles of sin vowed and worn proudly
Serenade of darkness represented in white 
A sinner of the 10th Power bears smiles for all
Blinded by joy passengers look through a mirror of a mere image
Little does one know...what is deservedly so.

Joe Callari
joe callari Aug 2016
The endless cycle repeats without courage as those whimper sentiments of non sense...The party of one goes on with grandeur as crashing waves erode your sand foundation...the undertow of life pulls you forward as you stand still...lessons learned become lost in the sea of happiness as the tide climbs slowly...gasping breath will soon take the place of music as the dance floor empties...the moon the sun...the sun the moon supplies the flashing lights which hypnotize the sense of time realized as fleeting moments. Fleeting?...How many times can we be awakened...Welcome to the ocean of Life...
joe callari Dec 2014
The dimmest light among the stars that use to shine so bright

Asteroids and comets have hit with all there might

Battered, torn down...but spinning oh so fast...still generating power with light years in its path

Suspended animation can make it look at rest, believing what you see...
is still only but a guess

Many orbits yet to come as this planet gains it's strength

The Sun the moon and the stars are merely at it's length

Joe Callari
joe callari Dec 2018
Those who are cold and seek shelter will find the eye of the storm at their doorstep

The eye is calm, serene even comforting from the turbulence of your personal journey  

Moving ever so slowly

Soon the dark clouds will roll with the mist of one’s value deserving so from the misdeeds handed down by the Trustee

Deceit, lies, of the 10th Power will become the norm for the perpetrator who bestowed them upon others

Thunder, Lighting and Winds of disproportion will furiously rip through the clay foundation thought of as pillars of strength

Crumbling walls of life will crash like tidal waves of mayhem, darkness with fire being the only light

Reap what you sow has been written but not of concern for those who seek a false nirvana

Fear not for the timid or innocent who cross the path of the Trustee as the universe has a way of wreaking havoc that time will not forget.
                                        written by Joe Callari
joe callari Sep 2012
I used be a cowboy with a six gun on my side
I used to be a drinker with a six pack for the ride
Driving down a peaceful road ******* on some brew
That’s all I ever wanted and all I ever knew

I used to a astronaut looking down from far away
I used to be a doctor healing those who couldn’t pay
Traveling down a peaceful road ******* on some brew
That’s all I ever wanted and all I ever knew

I used to a builder built some houses just for fun
I used to be a joker telling jokes to everyone
Driving down a peaceful road ******* on some brew
I never was an addict but I popped a pill or two

But things got hard and all things do change
There ain’t no more drinking on the open range
So now I sit by the old picture show
Smoke a cigarette and sip a cup a Joe
My how time flies’s when you’re having so much fun
Not a care in the world just waiting on the sun
I wish you could see all the things I feel
I can always stop by for a free home cooked meal

Joe Callari
Like a Country Song
joe callari Dec 2009
It’s amazing how your life can change on a dime
What you think is real is just passing time
The people so close can lie straight to your face
They may think its better…but it’s just not the case
Deceit and lies continue to fly
For within your darkness…no one hears you cry

I find it ironic with those who will judge
It’s hard for me not to hold a grudge
Cause with all my faults the thing I would never do
Is to lie and to cheat…like the rest of you.
My feelings are obscure but with malice to a fault
I accept the blame that’s due to me and the truth that I sought

But with those who might think that I’am not wise
They attack my intelligence and continue to lie
Cause when the day comes when truth rears it’s head
I will never be able to believe you again.

Joe Callari
joe callari Mar 2014
Deep in thought from words in your mind
Playback, Fast Forward, Pause and Rewind
Phrase of two meanings no balance in tow
Talking in circles it’s around that you go
The culprit is you with hype that you need
Prices you pay for soil and seed
It’s all just so clear but you are the cloud
Tricking the mind makes you feel proud
This is your life with many before
It’s just who you are right down to the core
Admire in plenty but is for real
Its few that will realize that this is your deal

Joe Callari
joe callari May 2010
I moved on with my life…what to you mean
It’s time believe what I heard and I’ve I seen
The purest of pure is what you betray
You’re fortress of lies are not bricks but just clay

It crumbles with ease with the lightest of wind
Cause a lie is lie created by sin
Self righteous in mind but wrong to the core
Self image by you is one to adore

And I know the truth without shadow of doubt
You’re lies are not small but measured in stout
I accept what I’ve done and carry the blame
Though left with your sin and burdened with shame

But no shame for you still boggles the mind
Cause what you have done is much justified
Only to you but most would agree
A cheat is a cheat when those are not free

A much selfish task with worry for none
A girlfriend a daughter or even a son
With much hurt to follow when first you deceive
Desperate in heart, fake love you’ll receive
joe callari Jul 2016
Time is of the essence as clouds roll spinning clock is the background of infinity but the naked eye can only see close...the tip of an iceberg can be a mountain no one can can be measured in milliseconds or centuries as light beams dart from dessert to destiny...dry barren, lush luxurious is determined by your own mind...a penny can mean so much and millions can be so is in the eye of the beholder...this is so true with just a glance...Dreams fulfilled from another's imagination can only be reached by a dreamer...Time is of the essence...Belonging to YOUR thoughts opens the way to your destiny, your life, your love, your heart...
joe callari Feb 2017
Silence is deafening with signs of impending betrayal...importance is lost with growth from a fake sun...words of a plastic prophet are taken as gospel with followers of the weak...loneliness becomes an ally...winds of change can be felt as Remembrance sweeps the corners of your mind...nonetheless life is better as the moon shadows dance to a different drum...only time holds the answer to what lies ahead...fullness of oneself is rendered in  opinion and reflects on the world through a rose colored mirror. Heed...I think loudly...but the weak can not heed or read the mind and only take the word of the foolish one...

— The End —