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Joe Butler Dec 2010
A falling
A failing
A flaw in my character
What, I don't know
That thing that keeps me alone
What trait do I lack
Searching my heart
Leaves me quite disturb'd
Leaves me lost inside myself
Darkness permeates my soul
Through and through
Evil springs up in me
Like the dew
I turn away from shadow
Into light and like
Though my self
Puts up a good fight
I look for me
I find me
But I don't know where I am.
This is another old one from 1998. Still pretty applicable, though.
Joe Butler Dec 2010
Peace unto thee, not so!
Fading as light, the flame is snuffed out
Let us be done with the show
The armies of light are routed.
Ne'er has there been such a wand'ring soul,
As empty, and bitter, and as cold
As the wind is uncaring
Of a world despairing
So shall thy days turn into nights
The candles no longer produce enough light.
As it were, let it be
We are lost in a maze that we cannot see.
'Tis all a dream,
'Tis all a dream!

Weep! Weep, O weary heart!
This pitiless realm hath fallen apart.
The spark of life has faded away
And night turns not into day.
Peering across the deep,
Cast down into the mire,
We waste not, want not for a moments sleep,
As we watch the dwindling fire.
Ne'er in all eternity's hall
Shall the beast with the will
Nor the angels come to call
E'er succeed, they must ****.
And, peace shall not win
Above evil hatred's din.
Lost we are,
Lost you are.
'Tis all a dream,
'Tis all a dream!
This is an old poem from back in 1997 or so.
Joe Butler Dec 2010



















Joe Butler Dec 2010
I am not
What I seem

I am
What I do not seem

In fact
I neither am
Or am not

Nor seem
Or not seem

What difference is there

If all is
Being and not being

Then what is?
Joe Butler Nov 2010
Sonorous sensation seething sorrowful

                                      Sagacity serendipitous

     Sing-song similes sidling southward

Seemingly slipping ******

spectacular symmetry shows sputtering soul




                          fecundity fearlessly flaunting

former friendships foundered


N u a n c e s


      nymph-like nuptials


destiny Disposes

                damaged defenses

duly dramatizing

             dour dowager dreams

declaiming drowsy doleful deeds




exiled emissary


Joe Butler Nov 2010
Is it?
Is it really too much
To ask
That we have a world of peace

A world without violence
No guns
No bombs
No soulless military machine
Grinding ever on
Leaving only desolation in its wake

A world without war
A world not driven by the cruel whims
And made desires
Of politicians and generals and tyrants

A world where people can simply coexist
Where love and understanding
Can flower
A place where children can be safe
And grow up without fear

No more genocide
No more tragedies like Darfur, Rwanda or Palestine
No more refugee camps
No more walls

When will people wake up
And realize our shared humanity
Binds us in ways more numerous and profound
Than ever our differences could be

When will enough be enough
When will we rise in a mass satyagraha
For peace
To end war for all time
We can do it
We must do it

Is it really too much to ask?
Joe Butler Nov 2010
Ah, the yawn
How strange
Yet peculiarly wonderful
Such an odd quirk of evolution
I have to ponder
What circumstances caused this reaction to develop
In some distant past epoch
Were yawns different
Than we know today
Was there a time when we did not yawn at all
And it was merely an adaptation
That took on a memetic life of its own
And through those glorious mirror neurons
Spread to all creatures
Until it became ubiquitous

How it makes one wonder
How the yawn conquered the world.
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