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Jane Doe Oct 2015
A spark of fear on every syllable
a hint of it on the tip of my tongue
and I am a snake- a viporess
Ready to combat Burroughs himself
Burrow himself in a hole
don't come out until winter time
until the Russian cavalry comes galloping in and my lord
wont this be interesting
A real match
I must retire to my chambers
1 minute 2 minute
God, have I discovered writing?
Joyous, glorious
as the life spills on her pages
What a treat to the historian himself
Tick tock tick tock tick tock!
A day in the loony bin!
Congratulations congratulations congratulations
Analogous to Berkeley with androgynous beings
Fly away Pegasus, fly!
And I am high

You know what's good about getting high?
You forget everything you just said
But you know everything was/is? connected
Good morning brain!
You haven't been up for 18 years
Welcome to the world,
where life is light and bright
How does it feel?
This is right
Hot to cold, just like that
Can't see, only feel.
Loose Buttons
Pregnant with a platypuss but this is high time
Wackadoodle > Lackadaisical
Dictionary please
Much hate but night night
Oct 2015 · 559
Jane Doe Oct 2015
There is something incredibly comforting
and incredibly American
about sending a man to the moon
the science and math
the innovators and hard working
pull yourself up by your boot straps
named John and Bob
who come home after a long day
have a beer
and sit on their porch in a suburb
Something desolate and empty about the moon
alone and quite, completely silent
and the unknown
the fear that those up in space must have felt
how did they feel when they kissed their families goodbye
not knowing if they were going to see them again
uncertainty uncertainty uncertainty
Nov 2014 · 929
There Once Was a Girl
Jane Doe Nov 2014
There once was a girl
with dapple plump cheeks
who looked to the sky
to see if the heavens may leak
from them some message or sign
from somewhere in the divine that could
answer her questions, no matter how meek
this girl grew into a lady and explored the world
no matter how vast
this was her chance
to turn her
what ifs
Nov 2014 · 598
Lazy Kisses
Jane Doe Nov 2014
Laying together half asleep
I turn towards you, feeling your heart beat when mine beat
your hand tracing my spine
my hand cupping you cheek
we fall into a blissful sleep
Jun 2014 · 549
The Routine
Jane Doe Jun 2014
It's all very exciting
at first
everything is new
and fresh
and surprising
you learn
you go
to new places
share food
try new things
you start
you know what side
of the bed they like
how much milk
they put in their cereal
the emoticons they use
when they text
their ringtone
when they call
and you ignore it
the thrill is gone
and now you sit
with take out in your lap
watching the same tv show
as you did yesterday
and the day before
there are no more surprises
or new experiences
you stop trying
to learn about this person
you used
to gravitate towards
you sit in bed
and wonder
if you really need them
or if you just like
**the routine
May 2014 · 645
A Toast
Jane Doe May 2014
Cheers to the misfits
to the kids
who sat in the back of the classroom
and at the end of the year
people still forgot their name
cheers to the kids
who dyed their hair a crazy color
decorated their faces with metal
and welcomed the criticism
cheers to the kids
that spent every lunch in the library
until the librarian was their best friend
cheers to the introverts, the extroverts, the freaks, the geeks, and all those in between
cheers to you
because we all deserved it at one point
we didn't just live
we survived
May 2014 · 412
Write Just to Fucking Write
Jane Doe May 2014
write when no one is around
write when you know no one will read it
write for you
and only you
the rawest, purest writing
is found in old journals
scrawlings on napkins and shards of paper
write when you you've had your first kiss
or what felt like your first kiss even if it was the hundredth
write when you're falling apart
let your pen fly across the paper
and let your emotions bleed out
because when you are done
and tired and numb
you'll have a piece of art
write just to ******* write
May 2014 · 560
What I Want With You
Jane Doe May 2014
I want to dance with you
I want to take you to the ocean
to splash in the waves
and collapse with you on the hot sand
I want to watch cartoons with you
make pasta
and look at furniture in Ikea with you
I want to buy couple's Halloween costumes
You'll be Shaggy
I'll be Velma
I want to lay in your arms and read a book
I want to wake up early in the mornings
while you're asleep
and lay still in your arms
trying not to wake you
I want to memorize the contours on your face
the marks on your body
I want you to comfort me at 2 am
when a character in my book dies
I want to quote Casablanca with you
and think about you when you aren't here
but above all
I want you in all your perfect imperfections
because we quote Casablanca wrong
we never got the Halloween costumes
and we overcook the pasta
because of this, I want you forever
May 2014 · 265
help me
Jane Doe May 2014
How do I fix you
                                                                                        when i need fixing myself
How do I give you advice
                                                                                               when i am just as lost
How can I be a shoulder to cry on
                                                                                                 when i'm crying too
How can I help you
                                                                                     when i still need to help me
May 2014 · 947
Jane Doe May 2014
I hate haircuts
calling and asking if they can take a walk in
trying to decipher the woman's thick accent
going into the store
empty desolate
a man behind the counter
looking up lazily from his magazine
his monotone voice
asking if I have an appointment
he tells me to sit in the chair
asks what I "plan to do"
"with life?"
"no, with your hair"
because right now my hair is more important than my existence
I hate having him touch my hair
and the faces he makes at the split ends
I hate his fingers brushing against my cheek
and seeing the Hot Cheeto evidence
on his thumb and forefinger
Ellen is on one TV
Arthur is on the other
a little Chinese girl
running around the store
asking for her phone
she can't be older than 4
and she is asking for HER phone
the man doing my hair
gives it to her
I look at his paper license at his station
memorize the spelling of his name
look at the party streamers on the walls
the broken baseboards
the edges of the wall
that the paint couldn't reach
I hate as he tries to make conversation
asking where I go to school
what my plans are for the weekend
looking at my reflection in the mirror
not looking at him cutting my hair
I notice the grease on my nose
how poorly I filled in my eyebrows
I get sick of my reflection and look back at the baseboards
finally he is done
he blows the hot air of the dryer in my face
I cringe
he shakes out the apron and I look at the floor
I am on the floor
my DNA
I pay and he spends 15 minutes looking for change
touching my hair as I leave
touching it in the car
touching it at dinner
I hate haircuts
May 2014 · 387
Melting Pot
Jane Doe May 2014
being in a relationship
is to be with that person
yet thinking of others
all at the same time
to say I love you
and not know what the words mean
to think contemplate
and wonder why you're with them
and then feel elated when they hold your hand
to be bored and tired of them
and then a single moment will rekindle the flame
mental cheating
all in one huge melting ***
that is what it is like
to be in a relationship
Apr 2014 · 485
Hide and Seek
Jane Doe Apr 2014
You are much more
                                                                         Than they make you out to be
                            They see you as a number
                              On a card
        And that is it
                                                                              I see you as clay
                                                                              I see you as a canvas
                                                  Open to the beauty that waits to be created
*I see you
Apr 2014 · 14.5k
Jane Doe Apr 2014
Biology has no conscience
It doesn't care about love
It cares about reproduction
Biology does not care if someone gets hurt in the process
Biology does not care if he was your boyfriend
Biology has no sympathy
Lust is not the same as love
But often it is mistaken as such
4 letters
3 out of the 4 make all the difference
You are part of an on going experiment
Observed by a classroom of billions
Constantly watching
Constantly scrutinizing
Harshly graded by a force that you couldn't comprehend
Don't try to change this
People have tried to change this for longer than you could imagine
Embrace it
Apr 2014 · 263
Jane Doe Apr 2014
I'd rather be lost in a book
                                               Than be lost in myself
I need a map
Jane Doe Apr 2014
What if we were born as blobs
What if as we grew
Our personalities colored our bodies
Our thoughts shaped our form
Our dreams grew our hair
Crazy and curly
Relaxed and straight
Far reaching and long
Down to earth and short
Our aspirations and desires determined our eye color
So that when you looked into someones eyes
You saw what was truly there
You could see people for how beautiful they truly were
No more hiding
No more shame
Simple and pure
When your dreams were kicked down
When you were wounded
When you were lost
It formed scars on your body
Badges of honor
To be displayed proudly
Saying that you have lived
You have embraced the possibility of defeat
And continued on in defiance
So that when you looked at someone
You had to take it upon yourself
To study their scars
And accept their dreams
Without question
Without doubt
And they'd do the same for you
Apr 2014 · 565
To Do List
Jane Doe Apr 2014
What to do
When there is nothing to do
When you have read every book on the shelf
And listened to every song on your IPod
When you've done all the housework
And walked around the block
When there is no one to make plans with
And no plans that are equivalent to the worth of the people
At times like this
There is everything to do.

— The End —