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Jul 2013 · 1.7k
Homegrown Terror
Jobe David Jul 2013
Creative expressions, examine artistic talents.
Plan it out, count ounces, keep countering the balance.

Distant planets i feel more at place with,
disgraced by the disgusting face human-race-lift.
I'm currently placed here, a pessimistic cynic thinkin
sink or swim, who cares? i'm already ****** dippin in it.

Deep thoughts dropping, with brainstorm droughts often,
countermanding clever cogitation conjured in common;

I'm om nom nom-ing, busting every ****** ******,
endowed well where it counts never gave a ***** a problem.

Now drop that on an album, lay down a simple beat.
Sample the same **** over and over on repeat.
Call it a hype track, make some mixes, overlap.
Over a short duration you can claim to be savior of rap.
It's just that easy. Innovative minds depleting,
stillborn America with its heart still beating.

Patiently waiting..
I'm about to go crazy..
Basically, I better blow up or this hate is gonna take me.
Jul 2013 · 699
Showing All The Signs
Jobe David Jul 2013
You know I have issues with trust,
You continue to remain suspicious.
Situations arise, I can sense lies
I think your feelings are fictitious.
Love is blind, daring, and cruel.
I've went through it all before.
If there's something I've learned from it
Its when I should walk out the door.
Alarms go off in my head, you see,
I know signs that hide the truth.
For now you have benefit of doubt
Unless convinced otherwise by proof.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
At The Clinic
Jobe David Jul 2013
I'm so tired, but I can't get no sleep.
My deep thought ***** incrementally steep.
I keep getting visions like I have a disease.
My life expects so much, I just don't have what she needs.
I'm caught up in a moment where I'm lost in my mind.
Kinda ***** a bit because I'm alone all the time.
I'm always stressed about it, there's no others of my kind.
Rhyming feelings, I find is healing, at the present I am fine.
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Jobe David Jul 2013
With heavy sighs, I release my breath.
How many more do I have left?
Exhale my life, seize up my chest;
Anxiously withering the way I know best.
I might love life, but it doesn't love back.
Im jealous of others that have theirs on track.
Attacking my ego, self-worth and respect,
If I keep hitting rock bottom, I'll eventually crack.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Jobe David Jul 2013
Clearly I'm self-aware, copacetic with myself.
Can't help lying, slyly sneaking words in with stealth.
But if I told the truth, I'd find it hard to just continue
living each day revolving around the same issue.
There's a time and place, I'll just let it fall into that.
Slowly bleeding out though, health is ruining my stats.
I wake up every morning like I'm somehow surprised.
The hardest part of doing that's to open my eyes.

I let go of everything that gets too close to me.
It's not really hard when all they want to do is leave.
I can't keep a straight face while my heart beats,
like it's just a joke, or some sick kind of make believe.
I guess my life just likes it to match my humor;
dark, sinister, perverted. That last one's just a rumor.
I ruin lives like addictions to a bad drug,
disconnected mothers that never gave their children a hug,
accidental situations replacing limbs with awful stubs.
The only difference is that I just make it easier to love.
I provide the tools to lose yourself within the moment.
When its gone, I only have one rope, i guess i can loan it.
I need it back though, never know when it could be useful.
Youthful euphemisms hanging from the ceiling, plain beautiful.

Will I ever see the brighter days before my last comes?
Raising my standards after each and every "last one."
My life is like Detroit roads with all its holes and bumps,
dumpster diving bums searching every scrap and crumb.
I can't interpret karma, reasons why it put me here
living life as less of a person than my surrounding peers.
Clouded judgement, but my intuition's much more clear.
I can't find the road, with abundance of potential to steer.
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Eyes Closed Wide
Jobe David Jul 2013
Insomnia day dreams deliver the message
Messing with emotions gets hearts arrested
Blessings disguising as anthropomorphic
Telling me lies, scary times like horror flick
Side notes enabled, let me see you comment
On complimenting verses like toilets to *****
I'm dying to see what it is you can say
Sorry for sincerity is lacking today
Try to be convincing in your words of dismay
Disapproval is common, for me anyway

Let your heart pound as you slip down deep
Not quite a coma, something other than sleep
Rest your heavy eyes as you come undone
You'll need the strength for when the time comes
Unravel your mind, let the brightness glow
Then open your eyes to watch it explode
Just open your eyes is what it comes down to
Open your eyes, insomnia impromptu
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Where Is Home?
Jobe David Jul 2013
It seems places I call home are in all different spaces
The placement is unjust, miserable in all cases
Dates I can't remember, they go by so fast
The last place I came from I lost with a crash
It all gets confusing when motives aren't clear
Far-heart intentions, my mind commandeers
Actions are pointless if my love wanders long
Gone forever searching to fit where I belong
There's nowhere for me, especially where I am
Everyday I give more *****, but less of a ****.
I hate being a product of a ****** up culture
My ***** of a life sends me back as I approach her
I hate those surrounding, surrounded by those that hate
Their ****** up decisions and distorted mind states
Opinions, I guess, from heads in the sand
When I'm in the clouds, I'm outstretching my hand
I swear if I leave, I won't ever come back
Homesick feelings are something I lack
Rather constant impulses of allowing my mind to roam
Missing love of my heart where in my heart is home
Jul 2013 · 807
Welcome To Hell
Jobe David Jul 2013
A master of disaster, guru of my craft;
Staff-wielding wizard of all that is daft.
**** around and **** up and just not give a ****.
Realized my life is more than just **** for luck.
Some believe in karma, others reside in fate,
I believe I was named well to match my mind state.
Hate on my hand, counter balanced was the plan,
Descriptions of relationships, the ones I can't stand.
Metaphorically speaking, my life is such a ****.
Can U Not Tell? Its not just brash, but clearly blunt.
Its not all that bad, I know, its just hard for me to tell
Where all the angels are, if you're all living in my hell.
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Touch As A Remedy
Jobe David Jul 2013
Please don't leave me,
I don't want to be alone.
I don't know how you feel,
But when you're here its home.
I'm calm, and comfortable.
Able to focus, and be real.
I have a broken heart, yes.
My love wounds attempt to heal.
Love wounds my attempts to heal.
I trust too much, can't handle or deal
When I get let down; get in bad ordeals.
Afflicted, my name it says it all, and I say:
I didn't ask to be born, to grow up this way.
I never asked for a mom, or cried out for a dad.
If they left or they stayed, I wouldn't be mad.
But I never got the option, not even to care.
Dare to be aware of knowing no one was ever there?
I hate the feeling, it hits me deep in my chest
My personality reflects traits that may not be best;
I crave your affection. Really bad, you don't know..
I just need all that love that i consistently show.
I'm afraid to be forgotten, I'm afraid to let you go.

Please don't leave me,
I can't be alone..
Jul 2013 · 546
New Relationship
Jobe David Jul 2013
I want to say I love you
Then again, I'm afraid
You may not say it back
or may not feel the same

Every time I'm with you
I close my eyes and dream
Sleep overcomes me
Like the way I keep feeling

I'd never let you down
If you just give me that chance
I know our love is true
After taking a second glance

Timing may not be perfect
But I can make time for you
I just hate sitting, watching
Falling apart, my heart unglues
I'm not asking for everything
All I want you to do
Love me true, be loyal
And I'll be devoted to you too
Jobe David Jul 2013
All these nights I've stayed up late
Straining hard to contemplate
All love lost will forever be
All connection between you and me

Everything's gone, they won't come back
The times we've had, I've lost all track
I never was, and I'll never be
The other half that makes you complete

All this grief, all regrets
Sunset comes, the setting sets
In the dark, I'll watch me fall
These words for time mean nothing at all
Jobe David Jun 2013
It may not have ever crossed your mind,
or just could be something you ignore.
I'm just glad I can't see your face
when I'm not here any more.
It's not that I don't love your face,
I can't express how much joy it brings.
But on that day I leave your life,
just the thought of it kinda stings.

I'd never hurt you intentionally,
I hope you know this to be true.
If I had one wish it all,
It'd be used to never leave you.
I'd love to give you everything,
there's just some things I can't do;
Live forever, long, or full.
Just to name a few.

You'll do fine, just remember
all the times that we have had.
I helped you become a stronger person.
In fact, it won't be all that bad.
All those times I needed you,
you helped so selflessly.
Just one last thing you'll need to do,
Be brave and don't worry about me.

— The End —