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1.8k · Oct 2011
Held hostage
By my hopes and dreams.
In *******
To my endless schemes.
Pray to God
That I succeed.
Then light
Another bowl of ****.

JMA 2003
1.7k · Sep 2011
Old Bikers
Look at them,
Old Bikers.
They can hardly stand up straight.
They are old bikers.
At home their wives still wait.
Candy *****,
But in leather they look great!
Slick back hair
Of silver, white, and grey.
Watch them now.....
As they slowly limp away.
Yet, they simply live.....
To ride another day.


1.4k · Oct 2011
Computer Companion
I have a computer companion,
Who is content to sit on my lap.
She studies the screen so intently,
As quickly, on keys, fingers tap.

I have a Velvet Tuxedo
Thats by my computer each day.
So small, so soft, and so comfy,
Just hanging as I sit and play.

I admit my Tux is a kitten.
White stockings, white collar, no tail.
Tiny soft paws on my keyboard
With Tux here I surely can't fail.

I have a computer companion
Who is content to sit on my lap.
My little Velvet Tuxedo
Now quietly taking a nap.

1.2k · Oct 2011
The dark poet speaks to me
In tones of negativity.
Altho, what is reality,
Is...we are what we choose to be.
We see just what we want to see,
Blind to spirituality.
In the true eventuality
Our hearts and souls and minds be free.
This is what I want to be...
Adrift in positivity!!

1.1k · Oct 2011
High Horse
There once was a man,
On a high horse he sat.
Drinking his *****
He soon became fat.
He thought that he ruled
The world from on high,
Til the horse that he rode
Kicked this *** in the eye.
"You weigh way to much"
Said the horse to the man.
"Stay off of my back
Til you're a small man again".
The man puffed his chest
As he spit foul words.
The horse snorted and laughed.
He said "You're for the birds".
He trotted away,
Left the man standing there.
The man wandered in circles,
Justly going nowhere.
He kept going in circles
Til he lost many pounds.
To his surprize
The horse came back around.
Kindly he said,
As they stood face to face,
"Good thing you kept circling
Stead of standing in place.
You can get back on my back
If you promise you'll stay
As slender as that."
Soon they trotted away.

The moral my Dear
Of the story told here
From a high horse
Is a long way to fall.
Especially, my friend
If your mind is quite small.

JMA  10/12/2011
1.1k · Sep 2011
I Am Still There
I miss the chestnuts of my youth.
That childs innocence and truth.
I miss those walks down through the fields
And harvesting the fruit it yields.
The smell of cow manure, indeed!
That farm that met my every need.
I miss the days I had no care.
In my dreams I am still there.
In my dreams I am still there.


739 · Oct 2011
The Gift
Through pain, Strength is achieved.
Relentlessly, Time passes.
Love grows stronger,
Ache sinks deeper.
Mortal cup of understanding, overflows.
Forgive, be forgiven.
Reach out, be reached.
Love, be loved.
Live to die, die to live life everlasting.
In death, free from mortality.
Free from dissapointment, pain and fear.
Free to live in spiritual bliss.
Knowing is believing.
Belief is a powerul virtue.
Virtue, in essence, a healing power.

Thus, A gift of God.

730 · Dec 2011
The Lake
There's something 'bout the Lake that brings me solace.
It makes me want to stop and take some time.
Like it was, back in the day, when you rode with me.
Made me want to stop and write this rhyme.

The sun still makes it's glimmers cross the waters.
The sun still shines in a bright blue sky.
The trip around the Lake is still quite wondrous.
I go back to when we drove it, you and I.

Now , instead of driving back to Voorheesville,
I go home to my house thats on that Lake.
I sit in front of this, my warming fire,
Knowing that it wasn't a mistake.

The time we spent together.....finding wonder,
Seeing beauty in God's awesome world, indeed.
Though we, my friend, have both moved on,
We still share a common need.

The need to reflect upon the Spirit,
The God thats given all required.
A need for light amidst the darkness.
The will to be as He desires.

The time we spent together was a Godsend.
If we never get together, it's okay.
For what we shared, we're sure to share forever.
Yes we will, forever and a day.....
        JMA 12/03/2011
689 · Oct 2011
All Decked Out
The Joker, the Jack and the King
All follow the Queen.
You know what I mean?
The King, the Jack and the Joker
All wanna poker.
While the Ace, the Twos and the Threes
Just do as they please.
Ah, but the rest of the deck
Just say "What the heck?"
As they all sit round the table and play.
They all skip the strip
For they are ill equipped,
Being cards in the deck of misfortune.

JMA   2003
678 · Oct 2011
Rich Grief
Rich Grief, as Gold, a priceless weight.
Your love has reached the Pearly Gate.

The Lords forgiving, outreached hand,
Guides her to the promised land.

This broken heart, that haunts your soul,
That keeps your "Self" from being whole,

Will surely never mend complete.
Yet, you should not concede defeat,

For in Gods ***** rests relief.
Your souls touched love, however brief.

The fleeting moments were well spent.
Your time together heaven sent.

Let go the guilt, release the tears.
The days will fly, as will the years.

Then once again the joy will be
The driving force that sets you free.

(Can be sung to Amazing Grace)
672 · Oct 2011
The Ant
I watched a small ant swim the sea.
It was a wondrous thing, to me.
I saw him struggling ten feet out.
I watched him as he flailed about.
I saw how hard he fought the flow,
Then finally let the body go.
On frequent waves he floated free.
They brought him in, where he should be.
He, exhausted, sat once more
Upon the the sun warmed sandy shore.
The lesson Ant was teaching me,
As I sat watching patiently.....
I should not struggle, such as him,
Worried..... Should I sink or swim?
I should give in and let it go.
Be patient and accept the flow.
For, fighting it could surely be
The cause of what's exhausting me.
Give up, give in, just let it go.....
Patiently accept the flow.
661 · Jan 2013
Sticks and Stones
Beaten and bloodied.
The waters all muddied.
He never picked up the gun.
He picked sticks and stones.
He battered their bones.
Simply the job was still done.
648 · Oct 2011
Cluttered table
Cluttered desk
Clutter everywhere.
Sticks and stones,
Clutter and bones.

Written in response to "Important Notice". Didn't feel the need to expound on the clutter......short and to the point suits this best. The bones spoken of are those used in my Native American Artwork.
643 · Sep 2011
Oh, the sadness I have lived,
That I have learned.
Every hair I sport of white
I have surely earned.
They the lives that I have loved,
That I have lost.
Yet, still I strive to love
At any cost.
This the gift, forgiving nature,
I've received.
No place to judge, have I,
All the lessons I have learned,
The tears that I have cried,
Inspired! Truth awaits
The other side.


631 · Oct 2011
Old Me
I looked into the mirror .
Saw that I was fifty five.
I pondered for a moment
That I was still alive.
My face is still the same one,
Though lines surround my eyes.
Again I glanced back at myself
Taken with surprize.....
The curves still curved
In places that they should,
My derrier was hanging there
Looking pretty good.
I smiled to myself, to think
I've really been quite blessed
Time was kind, I still look fine
Especially when I'm dressed.

JMA c 7/15/08
620 · Oct 2011
Our Souls Who Serve
Extinguish my fire that oft times burns.
Bless my heart that for freedom yearns.
Do not forsake our souls who fight,
That all of us may sleep at night.
Stand strong beside those souls who serve,
To give us more than we deserve.
So many say, "Just bring them home."
Shall we leave the weak to fight alone?
Remember, all, from where we came,
We fought for freedom just the same.
What kind of people would we be,
If we did not help the world be free?
We  must all share this planet, Earth,
For which the Lord gave his son in birth.
To show us we are brothers, all.
I pray thee now to please stand tall.
Bless our men and women brave,
Free your soul that you enslave.
Just give credit where it's due,
What they do, they do for you!

JMA 2003
617 · Oct 2011
Be Received
For my son, Jason Anthony Ahrens
March 7,1972-November 20 2002

Let me walk You to the door of Heaven,
Kiss my hand and take your leave.
When you turn to walk within the Gate,
You need not wear your heart out on your sleeve.
For the love that you have given me
Is woven into every web that I have weaved.
If the crowd does not believe that
Then their hearts have been deceived.
Talk the talk,
Walk the walk,
Enter in and be received.
Enter in and be relieved.
On 11/20/02, at three in the morning, as my son Jason lay on his deathbed struggling for his last breaths, nearing the end of a 30 year saga of living with Cystic Fibrosis, the words to this poem came to me with such intensity that I left the room to find pen and paper as the words flowed and the time drew near for him to leave this mortal world.  After the few moments it took to jot it down, I returned to his room and read it to him.  I know he heard me.  

At 8:20 am, Jason took his last breath...

The clouds opened and the sun broke through, telling me he had been met at the Gate.
608 · Sep 2011
I Might As Well Be Read
While everyone is busy


To someone else's words

Set to music

I have music in my head.

Yet, No ones heard

The words

I've said.

I might as well

Be read.

But I am


For missing you.

And life goes on.....

The world still


My heart ache


I might as well

Be read.

But I am blue.

For missing you.

JMA 9/9/11
475 · Dec 2013
What's The Point
What's the point of livin'
When there's nothing left, from givin'.....

There's just little left to make me wanna stay.
I hear Heaven's just a simple step away.

The salty tears are coursing down my cheek.
The heart is strong, the spirit's somewhat weak.

I try to hold on tighter to the truth that I once felt.
Thinking back to times before this hand was dealt.

It seems when I had much there were many,
Now that I've got naught, there isn't any.

Two things that seem to keep me here
Are two things that I hold, clearly dear.

My love of God, my love of one mere mortal man.
For them I'll try to hold on tighter, if I can.

Tell me.....what's the point of livin.
When there's nothing left from givin'....

There's just little left to make me wanna stay.
I hear Heaven's just a simple step away.

— The End —