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210 · Dec 2015
The Little Girl
JoAnna Smith Dec 2015
Foolish little girl who did not see
what the world is turning out to be,
You wanted to grow up, you wanted to see everything their is to possibly see, how foolish of you, the once happy young girl is broken and beat. crying every night in her bedroom, door locked and not a peep for she silently cry's herself to sleep.
171 · Sep 2015
Dead but Alive
JoAnna Smith Sep 2015
I'm alive and numb, I don't feel like i'm here living I feel as if i'm just surviving,
trying to hold on for dear life but its hard
I feel as if i'm slipping into a bottomless pit of moving emotion,
Scared to take one step or even move, feeling like a time bomb waiting to explode
the darkness surrounds me and i'm left blind,
numb and blind tumbling out of control,hard to tame
mentally scared and physically hurt, covered in my own drawings, i'm slipping more each and everyday,
my cry's for help are loud but it seams as if no one can hear me. sweaters and long sleeves are my friends, everybody is oblivious to what is going on, and it would be so easy to just..... let go....
163 · Sep 2015
Behind these walls
JoAnna Smith Sep 2015
Behind these walls are stories and secrets that are not meant to be shared,
iv built these walls so i wont get hurt, so you don't see the ugly that's hidden. iv built theses walls so high i don't think they will be coming down,
the truth is ugly and the pain is horrible, as i said behind theses walls are the story's and secrets of the unknown.
138 · Dec 2015
JoAnna Smith Dec 2015
I'm not me,
I'm not what I led you to believe, for deep inside my crimson walls,
A girl afraid of the world,
Beat, broke, bruised, and hurt,
They tell her to come out and enjoy life,
But how could she enjoy it when everything only hurts her.

— The End —