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Joanna Jul 2013
My feelings are always so powerful and unclear

These are feelings that will generate several types of fears

The way I feel is intense and full of emotion

Something you never considered until you sank my heart into the ocean

With chains and an anchor, down it all went

Shattered and cracked my feelings have never been more poorly spent

&& now you want to come back into my broken readjusted life?

Why don’t you just stay where you’re at and enjoy your new lovely wife

You think you can have your cake and eat it as well?

Why don’t you come on over so I can spoon feed you to hell

Because that’s what you want in the end, is it not?

You just want what you want and don’t want it to stop

But now you’ve realized that life isn’t a game

You were a player once but the player has now been played

So leave me out of all your negative misery you see

Because all of your insecurities are now well beneath me

If we ever really got together once more

I’d do injustice to you so fast, you’d feel completely ignored

And you won’t recognize my evil face

You won’t find that I left any kind of trace

So I suggest you be a man and know your rightful place.

Because your life became a lie and will always remain a disgrace

I'll forget about you soon enough though, hopefully after this one cife

I hope you watch me become a success and be an amazing mother and wife

To a man who deserves more than you should ever recieve again

I’m out of your cold world running as fast as I possibly can

I'm finally out of your cruel, restricting, forceful bare hands

So goodbye once and for all Mr. Cold Iceman
Joanna Jun 2012
Have fun with those skanks an hoes,
Should've let you go sooner
didn’t think you would turn out to be such a ******* loser.
Let them figure out the real you
Oh wait there’s too many different kinds of sides of you
There’s the one that I can’t let go
Then the other that got a good flow
Then there’s the one that I'm scared of tremendously
This side is anything but user-friendly
He doesn’t care what he does to me
At this point I just can’t wait to get free
Thinking to myself “Is this gonna be the last time?"
That quote is always on my ******* mind
It doesn’t help when I need to sleep
Thank god there’s a plant called ****
That makes everything okay for the moment
Nothing to this side brings any enjoyment
Until we hit the bed and another side to you is brought out
The side that just wants what it wants and then wants to be out
But I can’t blame anything on you
Because you’ve mind ****** me so bad I believe that I’ve done something to you
Like I did this to you
But oh well if this is how it ends
Then there really isn’t a point to be friends
Now that I've gotten that out of the way
I’ll just go to my bed, rest, and enjoy the rest of my days.
An end to a violent relationship.

— The End —