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I want to move on with my life,
but something tells me that I can't.
You put chains on me like I'm your wife.
When did I become that?

I have never committed myself to you.
I could never love you, even if I wanted to.
You cause me pain because you act like you care.
I don't know why you would even dare.

Why can't I move on with my life?
Am I afraid of what you might do?
Am I afraid that you will keep me in strife?
How did I let you do this?
Why did I let you steal me away from my innocence?

How can I be free
when you decided to be
the holder of the key?
moving on chains non-commitment life
The dark hollow tree lays alone.
Nothing is hiding in it's shadows.
Nothing blooms on it's limbs.
No one can see that it even exists.
"I'm still here..." the tree tries to say.
No one can hear it's cry.
Not the flowers in the valley,
not the corn in the field.
The tree lays alone, empty and hollow.
If I could run away, I would...
If I could fly away, I would...
But I know that if I leave,
I leave everything behind me.
I will have to let go of everything
and move on like I please.
But I will stay here and fight
because I know I will one day
find peace.

— The End —