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Jul 2015 · 418
Words Like Water
Josie Anderson Jul 2015
Do I say too much?
Do I spill words like water overflowing a cup?
Unnecessary waist
Somehow, words left unspoken are like water too.
Slowly boiling, stirring something up.
I must spill in order to control
the heat
They lay there
naked and blunt
You've heard me now.
Do you forgive me?
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Empty Advice
Josie Anderson Jul 2015
If I had something for anytime I'd done something,
I would definitely be something else.
So, don't worry about that thing,
That made you do that other thing.
We all do the same.
Never be ashamed.
That's the only advice I can give you on anything.
Jul 2015 · 707
The Dictator
Josie Anderson Jul 2015
Like rain I fall down.
Drop after wet drop.
Yet within rhythm
I maintain
the pace of life.
Never skipping a beat.
Always on time.
I do as I am told by the dictator
Oh, obedient slave
feasting on fear and complex
Don’t provoke a storm.
Let the drops in
time beat,
what only I can.
Jun 2015 · 491
Black and White
Josie Anderson Jun 2015
It started off with a bottle of wine
Like so many things do
One thing led to another
And here we are stuck in chapter two

Now you ask me if I'm falling in love
Well, is that what you want me to do?
Or are you just
A little afraid
Of what a woman in love might do?

It's not so black and white at all

And meanwhile she waits for you at home
And meanwhile I wait for you by the phone

It's not so black and white at all
Josie Anderson Jun 2015
I miss you like a bird would miss it's wings
I'm grounded
I miss you like an ocean would miss the wind
I'm steady
I miss you like a story would miss an ending
I'm ongoing
I miss you like a memory would miss past tense
I am
I miss you like a song would miss it's melody
And all that is left is rythym
Jun 2015 · 366
Josie Anderson Jun 2015
I could dedicate a thousand words to you
And still I wouldn't find
The right one to pin on you
For you're a word that hasn't yet been written
Nor told

— The End —