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 Jun 2014 JMSiv
I took a plane here
I didn't come by boat

I crashed into the ocean
but i learned how to float

I loved it here
when i first came around

The more i explored
the more things i found

Sparkling rivers and deep seas
these are a few of my favorite scenes

From the golden beaches and very tall trees
the animals can run free

But as time goes on
the excitement is gone

I finally know in this nightmare of dreams
everything here is not what it seems

I now know i am stranded on this island of misery
I spend everyday dreading the never ending sea.
 Mar 2014 JMSiv
A Girl
 Mar 2014 JMSiv
A hidden poet who writes when she doesn't know how to speak
A girl who has no talents yet she tries to be unique
A girl who hides within the shadows of the world because she's scared of being seen
A girl who tries to stand tall but is always thrown in the backseat
A girl who said she had enough when she reached the age of fourteen
A girl who tries to find a word to describe the girl in the mirror she sees
A girl who's been called names and always felt like a freak
A girl who believed what anyone said because she was naive
A girl who is now seventeen
A girl who would rather read then sleep
A girl who is learning more about herself each week
A girl who is trying to finally learn how to see herself as a queen
 Mar 2014 JMSiv
I Love You
 Mar 2014 JMSiv
I Love You,
not because of what you have or who you are but because your the one person that ever made me feel special like a rare star

I Miss You,
not because your gone and you just left without goodbye but more because i no longer have someone to comfort me when i feel like i'm going to cry

I Care For You,
not because i owe you but because you might need comfort to

Your My Best Friend,
not just for the sake of calling you my best friend but because your the one with whom i hold a friendship that i hoped and prayed would never come to an end

I'm Always Here For You,
not because your there for me but because i want to be a good friend the best that i can be

I Want To Show You Friendship The Way You Have Shown Me
 Mar 2014 JMSiv
 Mar 2014 JMSiv
They say it's a terrible disease
that it's a sign of low self-esteem

They tell you to get well soon
not bothering to ask why your so blue

They Judge you
when they don't know what you have been through

Yet what you don't know is that
they can't help but be jealous of YOU
 Mar 2014 JMSiv
I Wish
 Mar 2014 JMSiv
I wish... Oh I wish Upon a Star
that is brighter than the moon and more powerful than the sun,
that I can be wanted,
that I can find the one,
the one that can truly help me find love.
The smoke never seems to cease
In it most people decease
We understand it
And yet we don't
People spend their lives
Searching for the will to survive
Until they abandon all hope
And vanish in the smoke
The smoke cloaks our life
To find the smoke we strive
I don't want to live in this life anymore
Haunt me no more
Take me away smoke
I have abandoned all hope

— The End —