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3.6k · Jun 2010
Michael Jun 2010
Consider this day one.
No more being walked all over.
No more being **** on.

Those unwanted, rejected, ignored
“I miss you” exclamations are no more.
Gone is the day I waited
For a message back saying I miss you too.

Oh you hurt?
Try not knowing. I guarantee my pain hurts worse.
Consider this my broken heart’s
Glorious ******* rebellion.

Oh yeah, and ******* and space.
The space you want from us,
Is a cover up
For the space you want from me.

You know I’ll respect you,
You know I’ll walk away.
I hope it’s been easier for you
Because lately babe, things can’t get much worse for me.

Just one ******* smile,
Or just one text message saying
“You’re on my mind”
From you, would have lifted my heart.
© 2009 Michael Plum
2.0k · Jun 2010
The Sun Sets Alone
Michael Jun 2010
Hearing nothing but my breath
I wander this war torn city alone.
A cool moist breeze hits me from behind
Signaling the start of a summer thunderstorm.

The smell of the unfallen rain is heavy
As I find my way to an old abandoned park.
The brush consumes an old rusted swing set
I rest at an old bamboo picnic table.

All around me is destruction and rubble
On my left, lightning surrounds black clouds
Quickly moving in to consume the city
The perfect euphemism for this country’s inevitable fate

As the rain begins to fall, the sun dips below the tree line
Casting a shadow on an old apartment building.
Across from it, the swaying palm trees glow orange
A luminous contrast to the storm above them

To my right, a couple is sitting on their balcony
Swallowing the chaos, welcoming the rain
Surrounded by rubble, in this infamous country
They find peace in being together
© 2010 Michael Plum
720 · May 2010
Take Me Back
Michael May 2010
Take me back
To a wide open world
Where hope is not an illusion
To a world of possibilities, love

Where we can lay on our backs
Enjoying the breeze
Watch the stars flicker
Thinking the same thoughts

Surrounded by an awkward silence, half grins
Our hearts racing, tongues twisted
Always the right time
Always the right place

Take me back
To a wide open world
Where my hope doesn’t become an illusion
Of a world of possibilities

and love
© 2009 Michael Plum
661 · May 2010
Goodbye My Love
Michael May 2010
As tears fall from his chin
He looks down to see,
This life drip out of him
One drop at a time.

Colliding with his tears,
Down his body to the ground,
Collecting in the mud
His broken heart lies.

His world once vast,
So full of love and optimism,
Now is reduced to a slow painful fading.
One so agonizing, it tears him.

A warehouse once filled with stockpiles of hope,
Is abandoned now, only storing a frigid chill.
A chill that no blanket could heal,
No heart could survive.

It was that very chill that pierced his heart
By taking the form of hope, and lurking it’s way in.
His heart was instantly infected,
And it was more than he could bear.

It was just a splinter of hope,    
No louder than a whisper, no more dense then a midnight fog.
A faint breeze could have blown it away,
But it was powerful enough to make him collapse.

His legs beneath him buckle
Dropping him to his knees
When he lowers his eyes to the ground
He finds the hope lying there.

His heart which has felt so much,
Once bound by an infallible determination,
Now only feels the rain washing away the infection
And replacing it with regret and doubt.
As the beats become slower, the tears descend faster
He is slowly fading to gray.
The voices from within his soul
Cry to him as he screams out in agony;

“Why will this pain not subside?!”
This infection, this plague
It once looked so promising,
But it is now grabbing him by his throat.

Coughing, reaching, gasping
Each breath shorter than the last
He becomes weak and useless
As his face collides with the mud.

The sound of the rain is deafening,
There is no one around to comfort.
His blood becomes diluted, so that no one can see
The truth behind his gray eyes.

Gravity is pulling him down,
Sad, dreary eyes hung low.
As he fades away
He slowly pulls in one

“Goodbye my Love.”
© 2009 Michael Plum
654 · Jun 2010
Michael Jun 2010
You sip on your house coffee,
Study hard my love.

The serious eyes,
the gorgeous yawn from your mouth;
watery eyes gleam.

Dream I do, of you
each night. More and more I see,
how much I love you.

Eagerly I wait,
for the days we do this more.
Study hard, we will.

Hair flipped to one side,
twirl your pen, concentrate.
Breathe in and out, deep
© 2008 Michael Plum

— The End —