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May 2012 · 1.1k
jmc May 2012
Fall is the season that I hope to make it
Seen a thousand green leaves and I hope they're changing
Cause the color red is one that's more attractive
Seen them hit the ground waiting for someone to rake them up

Winter is a time that I know far better
Sliding down the frozen hills much faster
Wishing that the snow shines whiter than last year
And then maybe my angel can fly up to you

In the Springtime when it's warm but rainy
The seeds in my hand will float down to daisies
I can pick em out when the sun comes saving
The light of my life looking like a lovely lady

Only in the Summer when I'm free and happy
We'll lay together in the sunlight laughing
No curfews to keep us in for mischief
Time will stand still and we can imagine what if...

When all the seasons come together, I'll be praying for lovely weather
But if the world should end by noon, I'll cuddle up and die next to you
May 2012 · 1.2k
Crossing the Border
jmc May 2012
The machine turned black as the power
went out. Slowly returning to our natural
origin of birth.
My mind went blank. White. A tabula rasa of
sorts. Now she said as we entered the field of our
own existence. The familiar pulsing sensations
that made its way through my body pushed me forward
into this strange world.
Rotating fields of energy greeted me on this
new plane. As if entering a new universe opened
up both body, mind and soul. So did it expand our
certain sense of who we are as individuals.
There is a certain acknowledgment of discovering
the strange and abnormal, without leaving one's
place. But through the act of leaving the body,
and using one's mind to achieve new boundaries,
our souls enhance in ways we cannot comprehend.
May Jeff Buckley's soul and song live on...
JMC - 06/24/08
May 2012 · 647
Aeternal Beauty
jmc May 2012
There is a soft sound of your guitar playing violently
into the wind. It echoes through the vast open fields of
my mind as we wait for the sensations of our souls begin to
set themselves into motion. I feel your sweet embrace touch
me like a drop of early morning dew on a dry leaf. There is
only magic in the air as we pick the forget-me-nots and
watch them slowly fade away. As the sun sets suddenly, our
shadows fall into the disarray of elegant emotion.

Faithful is the night that cries its warm hollowed glow  
of happiness and fortune. As we accept our choices of
a free balanced ever changing life we begin to
imagine if we truly are eternal, and not only
taken in by the lies our senses contain. Very soft, very
chic, our bright eyes speak, of a time when our land was free
and the hope we once yearned for was really there, that
we truly are aware. Do not be scared my immaculate
princess, our hearts may still play. Although she may seem
unhappy at times, she will never break. Like that unwanted
can of tuna, our wasted memories become absent to the past
goals that meet within our serenity. Star child of the sun and moon,
let the enigmatic powers of the universe hold true to our
inner most desires of what we expect of ourselves.

Not gold but silver. Not heaven, nor hell, enchant us in the ways
of the weak, meek and humble. For we owe them the world.
JMC 06/18/08
May 2012 · 642
Slumbering Heart
jmc May 2012
Your eyes like Kether, the beginning of all things
solemnly I swear to share my soul with your sight
sometimes the light looks so elegant in the white of your bright
ness, I weep in the wallowing waters of your world
the weight seems oh so Empty when you wash up on shore
I never bore in your presence, it is your mere essence
that I crave, in which it makes me behave in wild
wonders of wasted memories of yesterday, won't you
welcome me into the fantasies of your dreams?

Whenever there is darkness in my night I feel your
heart as my light to keep my days bright
your touch as sweet as the sound of silence that
Simon and Garfunkel slowly sing, sadness is never
my sword when you are around, my shield
never sorrow, I only wear the crown of your
cherished kiss. I'll never miss anything
more than the stone of your scent

I cannot recollect a time when all was simple
but in your hair is where I care to hide
when all my troubles seem too high to bare.
I will never scare those furies in the forests
of failure, but flourish in fables of your
fixed phantasms, your tragic caves and comedic
ark that seem to ring through rites of spring

You are my everything, my hope for a level
above gods and men, if only we could
live on vibrations of purity and aether
we'll travel through dimensions vast and humble
when some golden future welcomes the mumbles
of our soft sounding hellos and hurrahs.

Can I say? What more is there on earth than
emptiness where we can play and forget
what we used to be. This reality is no more
fantasy than the dreams we see each other
in, where we can swim and never drown,
where our gold rests not in crowns but in hearts
of blood beat waterfalls, flowing faster with
every fabric of our forgotten foundation.

The moment we met was tragedy because I could
never once again feel that happy.
Let's draw lines forever and never, oh never fall...
Our wings white with feathers of a new dawn dripping
with dew we could taste the elegance of a new life...
you need not be my wife, because all marriage leads
to strife, what we need are barriers, so everyday
we can break through and I can touch you
only to be pulled away and struggle to fight another
day and see your face, embrace the pain of
fading away, soft and slow, like a heartbeat that never existed...
May 2012 · 449
jmc May 2012
Out of the darkest of days and brightest of nights,
this ever fueling living energy subdues you,
a limit never sleep that stops to only cut you up when you awake
there is no fear but reason there is only one key and that’s in the mind, do not forget the answer to the role of endless time.

That once inside the astral, all your dreams and wishes take flight, whether real or illusory, you define them all through what your conscious mind doth believe.
For what you knew was nothing new to what you are about to perceive.

Within the eye of third direct lighting of the fourth dimensional state where all is real and no thought is fake , when you believe its true, you have no clue, what is existence and what is home.
We are all and everything, we are enhanced beyond belief.
There exists nothing more than us and all that is us can relate, all that was once, can always be found with eyes shut.

Light your mind, fill your heart with joy, fill your arms with that of others and you too will know the way.
jmc 2011
Jul 2010 · 718
this is not for you
jmc Jul 2010
silently spend your time oversexed and can't find a day to unwind.
your energy's gone into your biggest fantasy instead of the man you used to be.
struck with a moral dilemma, two peas in a pod blown away through stormy weather.
never to return, always on the run, seasick with eyes bloodshot lacking sun.

what is this face that looks into my mirror, sullen with a taste of pain
always hesitant on what to do, but would you really call him insane?
alone again, he wakes up silent waiting for the day to begin
within a hollow body, his heart beats softly to the rhythm of the wind

the attitude of a broken man
quietly aging in the dark
his eyelids with worn black bags
hoping to find a spark

contempt found in his ever changing moods
splitting one day at a time
so confused, desolate and alone,
if he could only find a sign

what's the point of waking up if you have nothing to look forward to?
he speaks each morning beneath his breath
wisecracks of the summertime inching into a dribbling bore
the longer he stays awake, the more he becomes a pest.

eaten up alive by the world that he loved so much
dreaming away a life of happiness
if only he could smoke the residue of the day
perhaps the light will bring well needed rest.
Jul 2010 · 1.7k
Lucky Love Letter
jmc Jul 2010
Deliver this message to sender
I hope it arrives before noon
Your eyes are dreams I've been missing
And I do hope they come back soon

Yours are the lips I'll be kissing
Yours are the hands I will hold
This is one love story darling
That you can keep in your soul

Let's make a toast to the future
Let us make plans til we're old
I'll be with you in the morning
And keep you warm when you are cold

Write me back when you get this
And tell of the things you have seen
Cause its a wide world out there honey
And people want to know where you've been

Oh Paris and Morocco
And Brazil and Japan I know,
Australia is stranger than
The Antarctic and glaciers that
Float all across the sea

From Indonesia I'll
Fly back to Norway
But catch you in Amsterdam
Take the train out to Pakistan
And there you will find me

This letter goes out to my lover
Who stretches the boundaries of time
And there will be nothing better
For us to kick back and unwind
jmc 2009
Jul 2010 · 1.0k
Stay Young @ Heart
jmc Jul 2010
Retired, hopeless wonder
Spilling his thoughts onto an LP love letter
Your last goodbye to a forgotten generation
Spending your money without hesitation

Live fast only to die young
We'll remember you for the last song you sung.

Shot to stardom on an ounce of success
Delivering the sound only you detest
In the news for the week you're on the scene
They capture you as you lose the dream

I remember you for the eponymous
While your sophomore sits collecting dust
The more days you age, the less we know
Of how good you were at playing shows

Live fast only to die young
We'll remember you for the last song you sung.
JMC some time a year ago.
Apr 2010 · 920
jmc Apr 2010
Man vs. Man at each other's necks
Eight and a half million living now wrecked.
Hero defined as a medal and a grave.
How many souls did those deep pockets save?

So by the end, of those lasting four years,
Many men fought while living in fear.
Did action gain comfort for all your misdeeds,
Cutting and cropping to get what you need.

What does choice mean to men that have all?
Is it just a lark, a game of cup and ball?
Or is it power that comes into play,
To corrupt younger minds and all that they say?

Will the wealth of the world help in the end,
When you're drowning in the ashes of a million dead men?
Your lily-eyed soldiers won't keep you afloat,
As you sink down slowly on your small lonely boat.

So while you sit and wait at those pearly white gates,
Your judgment now chosen, thus sealing your fate.
Blind, controlled and tortured by all those you wronged,
The master now puppet, in hell you belong.
JMC, 2009.
Apr 2010 · 548
jmc Apr 2010
In my mind there is a mirror
With two heads talking back to back.

Duality conflicts this image
Two sides going head to head.

Oh I'll be dreaming in a room of error
Cause my black is an offshoot of red.
JMC 02/20/10
Apr 2010 · 910
jmc Apr 2010
I lie.
I lie to myself, I lie to others,
I lie to keep them happy.
I lie to keep my heart and eyes.
I lie to stay awake sometimes
Just so I can fear sleep.
I lie in bed at night sometimes
Dying as I weep.

I lie to those around me,
Friends I've known for so long.
I lie to perfect strangers
So they feel nothing can go wrong.
I lie to keep myself at bay,
So my mind can feel normal.
When I don't lie, I feel as though
Everyone would hate that I'm abnormal.

These lies I tell my heart,
Just to keep me in check,
All those days I used to have when
No lies I would tell can affect.
The outlook I used to have on life
When my thoughts were oh so callous.
But the more I lie, the more I find,
There's no use in finding balance.

My lie lived life can never stop
As long as I continue to live to lie.
But the thing that hurts the most is when
The love of false makes me sigh.
I will accept my faults, as a liar lost
Within this world I create to be.
But don't hate me when I set myself
Apart from those lies that had set me free.
JMC, 2010
Mar 2010 · 841
Mark 5:05
jmc Mar 2010
What if we mailed a letter,
To Matthew, Luke, and John.
That Mark had conceived a practice
Which would turn the world around.

To freely speak his mind upon them,
Faceless tadpoles in the crowd.
Just open your ears and hear these
Insightful thoughts through a speaker loud.

As he turned his mic toward her,
And grinned a smile so warm.
She often got too frightened,
Fearing his life in danger and harm.

But this was not a contest,
No beauty prize at hand.
The only thing he demanded
Was to introduce them to his band.

Of cheerful loving misfits,
That faught for truth and good.
To flip the frown from beneath them,
Just like any honest citizen should.

But to win over such an election,
Of justice, daft, and punk.
Would be to lift them from their tight knicked chains
And fill their lungs up til they are drunk.
Joel 5:00
Mar 2010 · 495
jmc Mar 2010
Oh what an hour for thought, my most hated of all times.
The way you keep me up so restless, the way you paint black my eyes.

There is only silence with music, rhythm without an end.
The lasting laughing hatter sitting, quietly without friends.

But when the sun comes up in the morning, when everything is right in place.
The darkness seems to linger,
Dead last winner with a mindful of the never ending race.
JMC 2010
jmc Mar 2010
Watch the work pile up
Let the books tower above you
One essay after another
Each thought forsakes thought
Lifeless emotions a blunder

Wired to a desk
Four by five to be exact
Lucky linger a top your head
Utter feelings of being dead
When can we kick back?

One more month til spring
No use crying over spilt milk
Dig that whole real deep
With enough room for your mind to breathe
Pencils don't write well in dirt.
Joel Chico - 5:59 pm
Mar 2010 · 885
TOR Punk
jmc Mar 2010
The desire that I had in my mind was something that I had not expected;
to bury its neck so deep;
to make its home so welcome;
to lay its egg so sweet;
to haunt me in my dreams; and cut me down from beneath;
until I discovered its purpose,
did I learn how to control it, and never let it go.
Joel Chico 2010.
Mar 2010 · 465
untitled thoughts
jmc Mar 2010
let's be friends and wallow away together
free from the agents of control
yes, we'll be lonely and bored
but at least we can be happy within our souls

the monster is eating me alive
from the inside out
although he keeps me quiet
i wish to scream and shout

restless games
restless games
Mar 2010 · 1.6k
Hamlet Prince of Denmark
jmc Mar 2010
To be or not to be
**** the man who stole the throne from me
A father murdered by a brother's hand
Fooled my mother with a wedding band

Sitting meek with no one to trust
Fell in love with a maiden's lust
Cut my throat and hope to die
Instead of living in a house of lies

Passions flare as emotions rage
They tie me up and throw me in a cage
Off to England I'd hate to go
For here in Denmark we await a show.

Be bold and ****** my actions sing
To avenge my father, defiance I'll bring
Perhaps a play will be the thing
To catch the conscience of the king

To hold my mother in my arms
Her heart I wish to always keep warm
But wretched vile serpent you slay
And sneak into the bed, with white venom you lay

Crazy does my mind still climb
Upon ladders which intertwine
For an answer my soul to seek
This utter madness makes my body weak.

But at least my death be not in vain
When mine uncle sit with sword, blood slain
Poison me at my throne I'll lay dead
Hamlet, The Prince of Denmark, King once again.
Joel Chico, 2009.
Mar 2010 · 572
jmc Mar 2010
Oh how you eat away at me like a bat in a cage
You're interior motives assemble in rage
To the beat of the restless hearted sage
Fill me up now hunger, you get worse with age.
Feb 2010 · 1.6k
Devil's Advocate
jmc Feb 2010
The days seem so empty,
I’m bored it’s all the same.
I want some change in life,
I want to play a new game.

Time is of the essence,
I’m feeling a little blue.
So I call up my friend Lucifer,
To see what he can do.

There’s a knock at my front door,
And I ask just who it is.
He says, “It’s Luci, Charlie.”
I say “**** that was quick!”

He comes in all dressed in red,
With a skin-suit and a tail.
He asks, “What’s the problem friend?
Won't you tell me your tale?"

I tell him my dilemma,
“I’m looking for something new.”
He paces back and forth until
He says, “Well I’ve got something for you.”

He pulls out a slip of paper
And says, “Just sign right here,
I’ll make you’re life so happy,
And everything will seem clear.

So I say, “Okay,
That’s exactly what I need.”
And I write my name quite nicely,
Signed with a pen of greed.

Then he grins a smile so deadly,
So horrific, dark and gray
He takes the papers fiercely
And hands me my prize with no delay.

He disappears in a puff of smoke,
I hear laughter as it fades.
Things seem to be pretty great
Now that the deal is made.

I walk around so healthy
My guns are big and strong.
I have many cars and woman,
I feel nothing can go wrong.

Life seems so perfect now
I’m having a good time,
Until I hear that laughter
As I near the end of my ride.

There is no smoke but vapor,
For Luci comes with one thought in mind,
He grabs me violently by the wrist
Holding the papers I signed.

He says, “You’ve had your fun,
But now it’s time to come with me.”
As the ground burns up with fire
He’s left me with no where to flee.

I ask, “Hey what are you doing?
I didn’t sign for this!’
He says, “Yes you did Charlie,
You should have read the fine print.”

He said, “You can have anything in life,
But at the end I get your soul.”
He laughs again profusely
And kicks me into that flaming hole.

As I fell into infinity,
I heard people dying, demons feeding.
My head hit the ground
And I couldn’t stop the bleeding.

I looked at my surroundings,
I was in a dark place full of pain.
I saw millions of screaming people,
It was driving me insane.

I thought back to my boring life
Something now that I do miss.
Cause five minutes feel like forever
In this miserable abyss.

The days are long and weary
I have nothing left to hold.
My senses seem to leave me
Now that my soul is sold.

Fear has become my enemy
I’m lost and no longer level.
Content has got the best of me
Now that I spend eternity with the Devil
Joel Chico, 2009.
Feb 2010 · 661
The Head of Abraham Lincoln
jmc Feb 2010
Yeah I've got the head of Abraham Lincoln
Nobody knows but I'm sure they're all thinkin'
What's on his mind in this time of need,
The world will all watch, the children will see
How a man once did die, once died for his dream

Now I don't know too much about politics
But as you know all the people want more of it
If only what we say on those pages are true,
What the world needs now is the help from you
Oh Abraham Lincoln what should we do?

Oh I can't offer much to this world you see,
But don't just stand there and criticize me
If you ask me one question, I'll tell you a tale
That we're small specs of sand on this giant earth scale
So please get out there and please don't you fail

With your top hat and your beard
I know you have doubts. I know you have fears
But sir aid us now, before we all go
Into the depths of the holes we've made long ago
What to do with our lives we just don't know

So you speak about the war, about slavery and death
But what should we do about the peace we have yet
To find is our need, it's our desire, our cause
How many more must die until we just hit pause
And realize that our answers were here all along

Well have you got an answer for me, my dear friend?
We'll all sit and watch and listen to your head
As it speaks of things that it never got to say
Before it was all violently blown away
We know that your choices will come in handy today
Joel Chico, 2009.
jmc Feb 2010
wake up.

Move quickly dear son, the race is won,
Don't fall behind or else the sea may turn green.

The world is sick, the earth is tired from holding those beads of war,
those times of discontent.

Freedom exists in the hearts of men, a woman's soul and together their minds will find their way to transcend.

Living inside our own heads free from pain and misery,
sometimes though I feel so utterly alone
when the times get tough,
the days seem longer when lost in a dream.
Jmc 5:01
Feb 2010 · 615
jmc Feb 2010
Talk of night, talk of day, but the thoughts and memories never seem to fade away. 
There is a distance that is so close to us, but it seems as though we have lost our charm. 
I saw you leave, get on that bus, off into the world away from harm. 
Darkness flows into the night as the stars resemble the day. 
Emptiness seeped into mind as my thoughts continued to delay. 
As I jumped into a puddle of madness, the clarity of the broken joke died.
I lost control of myself and let the turmoil set into the progressive lie.
Feb 2010 · 517
Kings of Silence
jmc Feb 2010
Slow down don't keep that heart so cold
Its true and I believe that you can heal 
Oh to be home again with those you know
Reaching out to someone else that your hands can hold.

I just want to get my feet back on the ground 
Lord knows I've been flying so high
Far from reach of humans and ants 
Closer to the space between heaven and everything in between.

Watch out for the mics beneath,
the holes and gaps within your teeth
***** rising as chance length falls
at the end of the long wide aching time at ease

— The End —