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JL Deyarmond Jun 2011
Sadness and sorrow
is thick
(in what is left)
on the breathes
of our noble men
red bodies
thieved of our glory
and stripped of our pride
forced to survive beneath
the feet of wandering eyes
sleeping among a silence that seems too violent
to compromise
                               from sunset to sunr    
                                                              i        e
wing whispers and
tender cries
JL Deyarmond Mar 2011
Such a misfortune on your behalf,
trading lovers on a night like that.
If we could manipulate the time
would you take it right back?
Memories and mishaps
what should we make more of?
Insomnia in its prime
is what's eating at the core of
my soul.
A contentious invasion,
some might call it the perfect persuasion.
Dismantle my mind;
salvage what's left for another occasion.
JL Deyarmond Feb 2011
Sufferers and survivors;

what's the difference between them?

No one can tell me

'cause it's the same air that we're breathing,

the same dimension and distance,

the same space that gives us freedom.
JL Deyarmond Nov 2010
It's 12:25, but she always seems to arrive just three minutes later
A bag and coat under her arm
I wait, watching by the green, rusted radiator
Orange and green recycled
Sometimes not
We check into the room
and head to our old familiar spot
up top
maybe by the window
unless one of us is hungry
then we start to follow the crowd
But we end up back by the window
to avoid the mess and the sounds
So we sit down
and we eat, and we talk
and occasionally I'll get up to look at the clock
because time matters
Especially with Louise because she has to leave
in a matter of time
Je ne sais pas
what she means sometimes
And that's absolutely fine because we don't always need to understand
and that's why I collect so many foreign friends
Because they can only get so close
until they have to leave again
Lunch with Louise is the best time to eat
but I'm always hungry after it ends
JL Deyarmond Oct 2010
                           you fade
                                                        and fall into
                                                        the darkness.

Like a piece of art
From a string
From the ceiling
Legs crossed
and lights                  
There was a risk
and between
this floor
JL Deyarmond Sep 2010
Your room is so warm
but the place where you
rest your head is so cold.
It's so cold
but I wanna learn how to control
and unfold
the layers of my one soul.
And what if I let go?
What if I told you every secret that you deserved to know?

Complexity from simplicity.
Oh, this could be so simple.
But instead
I'm contrived and trying to survive
while my mind is in the middle
While my mind strives to take pride in the greatness
of what feels so little.
So non-committal.
That was like your favourite word.
Like how your name went from my
favourite noun to my favourite verb
spewing from my throat like an intoxicated slur,
waiting impatiently for the day that we
return to the way we once were.
We were great for one another.
Staying out late and sharing stories of our fate with each other.
Now we're building walls of hate
while throwing red ***** of paint as our cover
So I sit and I wonder
and I wait, wrenching hunger
until my silence pulls me completely under
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