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JKela Smith Dec 2011
Your touch can be as soft as a feather
A trickling feeling my down stomach
Tickling my body as your hands embrace me


Your touch can be as aggressive as a wrestler
I feel secure as you hold me
Rough housing playfully as the night falls

From the lips that place a kiss
Feeling bliss as if it were my first
Adding a burst of love and joy

Your touch
the only net I want my body to be caught by
The feeling that I can fly when every I'm in your arms
A feeling I never want to die
JKela Smith Dec 2011
I'm forced to believe what I look like isn't beautiful
Skin is in
and bones are too
also, If your over a size 2 you're fat
Being tall is a must,
lighter skin is a plus
and long hair is a bonus.
Magazines, television, radios;
the media tells me what I should look like.
But, what is the "media"?
The media is an idea
and everyone seems to want to be a part of it.
They promote dangerous actions
Bulimia, anorexia, weaves and make up;
just without words
The people behind the media should be revealed,
they are probably fighting with themselves to look like what they advertise.
JKela Smith Dec 2011
I'm sorry for all the tears I've cried,
I'll keep re-hydrating with all the water I drink
I'm sorry for all the times I've lied
I didn't think I was good enough for the truth
Sorry for all the times I'd hide
you just weren't beautiful enough
Sorry for being ashamed of who I am
I'm just forced to believe what I am isn't the definition of  **good
JKela Smith Dec 2011
Dear Distance,
You're so close, but so far
I feel as though you've numbed me into thinking you're only space
When actually you're much more
You're not only a number, but you're the number of hours, weeks, months that I'm away from my love
You're not only space, because when I'm with him there is none.
We fill it as though there never was any
My heart flutters in the distance you've created
And I'm supposed to accept it as though nothing is keeping me away
Half of me is somewhere far and I can't even get the slightest touch
I see him through a screen, but once again you've formed yourself into another barrier
Distance please stop playing this game and bring my love back
That's all I ask.
One simple request, I'm lonely


       A Broken Heart
JKela Smith Jul 2011
My first time wasn't how I imagined
Says the words of most girls these days
When I had ***, I had *** because I felt it was the right thing to do
I felt that the guy I thought I loved would appreciate me more
When only the complete opposite happened
But, at the time I didn't know that
I thought *** was the answer to my worries, problems, well my self confidence
I thought it would make me beautiful
When all along I never even understood what I was doing
The first time I understood what *** was,
Was not by having ***, but the time I kissed him last year
When his eyes were sleepy shut, but I still seen the smile that appeared on his face
And from that moment on, I know that *** won't make me beautiful
But, I'm beautiful.
And at 2Am when we looked a mess, after that kiss
I understood that *** is only beautiful with someone  you love
And you can always be beautiful without it.
JKela Smith Jul 2011
The time I live in is not what it used to be
Social networking is the new talk
Texting is the new writing
Skype is the new "hello"

In the midst of all of this I'm caught in a parallel of do's and don't
Lies and untold truths
And then I realize these kids are only speaking from what they see
Not from what they actually know

The words they speak is out of vanity
Insanity, really
And it's as if they have lost all sight of communication
Forced to find a new way

Teens find ways other than physical confrontation to get their point across
Whether it's harass or some picture their parents wouldn't approve of
Their words are no longer something spoken
But, something thought of and hoped to be understood

This day and time isn't anything "normal"
But, what is normal anyway?
Their violent words scar the heart of others
The things they say will never actually come out of their mouths

When you think about it, who really speaks anymore?
Kids use everything else to say what they "feel"
When it's not really what they feel at all
Just a disguise to be someone they aren't, but to gain attention in the process.
Didn't come out how I thought it would. But, I still think it's okay.
JKela Smith Jul 2011
The happiness of others is what I used to desire.
Leaving my unattended needs there to rot,
like this cycle of life that never was returned to.
Being so into pleasing rather than being pleased,
is where my mind left at ease.
Gracefully strolling through life on the outside.
Hiding the pain and lies of my dispise aside .
On a forbidden road my mind placed itself.
Engraved its roots and sprouted something that grew to make me uneasy.
Shaky with the wind and the pollutants that floated through the air.
I didn't care.
As long as I was somewhere, where I thought where I belonged.
Forgetting what's important and necessary.
My heart and soul combined making me choose what to believe and what to leave behind.
My mind formed a world of confusion .
Leaving me to find myself in a place that wasn't clear.
My reality and dreams morphed.
Seeing the darkness of the roots squeezing through.
I cut that unhealthy being of life my mind planted .
Cleared all negative energy and created a new path for myself.
Finding my happiness and clearing my mind of unnecessary seeds.
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