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Sayge Daniels Mar 2020
You think you’re so slick?
You got away with a few things sure.
Little do you know I let you get away that time
Little do you know I let you get away all times before

Slick is what you think you are
Slick is what you are not

Think again little one
Best think long and hard
Think twice and then think more
Think until you don’t think you’re slick anymore

You are many things
Slick is what you are not
Sayge Daniels Feb 2020
There are days better than others...
They just don’t happen often...
I know that they say hold on just a little while longer...
It will be alright.
When will it be alright?

I’ve been trying to hold on just a little while longer
But each passing day it only seems to get worse
How can I live when my mind wants to die?
My body is begging and pleading to live..
My mind is begging and pleading to die…
What one do I listen to?

My heart stays out of it
My heart says it’s up to you to decide
My heart is no help...
My heart is broken...
My heart can’t take one more break….
My heart still beats
My heart is lost…

My heart is caught in the middle of all the fighting
My mind is battling my body
My life is now almost nothing to you or anyone
I told you this means nothing to me
Yet you still sit there blind
Yet you still act like everything is fine
Everything is perfect in your eyes
Sayge Daniels Feb 2020
I wish I was good enough,
But, in reality,
I guess I never will be.
Not now,
not ever.
I know this because,
I am me.

The truth is I am not her,
I know I am not her,
I can not make you laugh as she can,
Because I am not her.
I am me.

I am not pretty,
I am not smart,
I am not funny,
I am not kind,
sometimes I am happy,
But, most times I am depressed.
I am me.

There are things I can do better than her;
I can love you like she can not,
I am faithful to you and only you,
I would die for just not live for you,
I can be the shoulder you cry on,
I can be a one night stand if needed,
I can stand by your side on your worst day,
I can praise you when you can’t do it yourself,
I can smile if you need me to,
I can be whoever you need me to be,
I just can’t be her;
I am me.

I will never be good enough for you,
I will always be your last choice,
I won’t ever even be your second choice,
I will be your last choice,
Sadly, I know this,
Sadly, I’m okay with this,
But then again,
I am me.
Sayge Daniels Feb 2020
I've been searching for the light
I'm trapped in the dark
In a cold cold room

I'm begging you to let me out
I'm pounding and pounding on everything around me
Yet I'm still here

The dark is consuming me
I'm stuck in the dark with no light in sight

— The End —