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Mar 2014 · 437
the smile
J'Hahn Johnson Mar 2014
The smile to the man from which you once knew
Were his most reliable boots in a winter without shoes

The flush of her cheeks when the smile would size
Drained  the man from his troubles during the moments of rise

The smile that stayed in the heart of the man
Who would surely take bullets before a thought to aband

The smile that bandaged every burn and every cut
was like the man's first sign of spring through a window he couldn't shut

The smile that the man sure knew would change his life
That he no long wanted as just a smile but belonged to his wife

Was neither real or a smile but a sinister grin

For the boots fell apart upon than mans first walk
For the rise's hidden peak turned to a never ending drop
For the bullet that pierced him came through his back
For the bandage which covered his wounds was laced with salt
For the first sign of spring was really an eye to a never ending blizzard
And the one who left with his smile was nothing but ***** and a ****

And I may never know love again because of you, thanks
Sep 2013 · 940
J'Hahn Johnson Sep 2013
Now I made alot wrong turns before I became this man today,
Drove through alot of towns where my life was just a sway,

Cause I tipped bottles and smoked **** to try to hide the pain,
I thought it was normal cause I saw y'all do the same,

I hated the feeling of seeing my brother in tears,
So in the attempts to make it vanish I cracked open another beer,

But when the beer seized to work I cracked open a bottle,
With my left foot on the pedal shifting gears to full throttle,

I hated feeling the pain of everyone crying,
So I crushed up some pills and used my card for a lining,

And if the pain still proceeds I'll spark up some Ls,
not understanding why my problem still swells,

" I don't have a problem, I only use on the weekends." ,
Little did I know this rode only steepens,

Schools getting boring, so park in the back
" Yo **** first period, let's finish the sack",

"Bro I'm way too high, you mind if I sleep it,
We'll keep this skip day just our little secret,"

The teachers catch on to me skipping all week,
So I drop out of school to run with the street,

The amount of my daily use, I can't seem to keep track,
Mabye this left turn will take me on back,

Now the coolest ****** in town so I guess it's alright,
Who cares if my bed it a park for the night,

Two showers a week so my shoes might have stunk,
But my bottles 100 and the **** smells like skunk,

My visions always blurry and I "might" have a temper,
We had fun last nigh. Right.... That's all I remember,

But hey, you only live once so why not party all night,
As I drive through the dark in a car with broke lights,

My girlfriend can't stand it, " well who needs one girl"
There's a million other "*******" that live in he world,

So many black outs I can't keep count,
My moms ******* crazy for kicking me out,

Money got low so I smoked some fake ****,
Till my my boy tries to **** me so I leave him to bleed,

So while I take out my stitches we'll party till death,
Or till I wake up in the morning with stickies on my chest
And IVs in my arm and a tube around my nose connected to different bags and machines while a female officer waits outside my door

For as I flew down the highway as fast as I can in the attampt to escape the guilt of my life,
I didn't not see the upcoming ice,

And as the car slides, clips the railing, and flips Into a crash,
I did not believe  I would make it out of the ash,

But I did

And with this miracle given to me by a power greater than myself I made it a promise........

I won't abuse it
Please criticize me anything that will make me a better write will be greatly  appreciated

— The End —