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Jordan Frances Apr 2020
I am almost twenty-three & her gentle prophecy has yet to come true

My curiosity gets the best of me and I browse through my old musings

I was so...seventeen.

My warped understanding of love with a twenty six year-old man


whose sheets I still find myself lost in from time to time.

Fights with my father were mountains

& I was climbing to the apex of his approval,

always just short before backsliding.

Okay, so I guess things haven’t changed that much.

Maybe the five year mark of graduating high school

makes me long to have accomplished something that feels worth this living

I spent so much time hating myself for.

I worry my poems will sound so...22 in five years

marked by smoking too much **** & trying to outdo myself

with tenderness.

Even if I hate my now poems someday,

they serve as prepackaged memories

disguised as metaphors.

As parts of my trying to fall into rain,

unchanged & stop apologizing.

I feel my body’s accomplishments already.

Making it out alive counts.
Jordan Frances Jan 2014
To be completely honest,
You do not know what I am capable of.
You treat me to same way that
So many men I know
Treat their wives,
Including my father.

They order them around like slaves,
They blame them for things that are out of their control.
Yet they expect them to be superwoman
In the office, in the home, and in the bedroom.

The men in my life have been overly critical thus far.
Call me fat one more time
Is all I have to say.
I am not someone you want to mess with anymore.

This is not some "I am woman" rant.
I just want to tell these boys
That if they want to become men,
Keep it in your pants until the women in your life
Say yes.
Or until they say it meaningfully.

If you think that commenting on a lady's body,
Is going to make her fall in love with you,
Or want to ***** you,
You are sorrily mistaken.

It's actually just plain creepy.
Jordan Frances Jan 2014
Everything about me is
A little too perfectly imperfect.
The wrong things make me feel right,
And I am one hell of a hot mess.
I break everything I touch,
And yet everything that's broken turns to gold.
Everything that brings me life,
Is proven to **** me at some point in time.
Jordan Frances Oct 2014
A streetlight is my only friend tonight.
It listens to me as I write
It watches me cry
Without passing judgement.
It smells the smoke inside my lungs
And does not say a single word about it.

A cigarette is my only friend today.
It convinces me to stay calm
And gives me the best pep talk
I have ever received.
It is like a therapist, a life coach and a lover
All rolled into one
Because as caring as it is
If you're not cautious
You will get burned.

My car is my only friend this evening.
It lets me get away
When things get tricky at home.
It allows me to dodge every
Hate-infused word that is fired like a bullet
"You're too fat"
"What is wrong with you?"
Driving on the open road
Is my escape from the clammer and the noise.

Well, I guess I have several friends after all
So why do I still feel so lonely?
Jordan Frances Feb 2014
You stand at your alter
All repentant and holy
Praising the Lord to cleanse you white.
You will talk their ears off about being "saved"
With some melodrama of a testimony
Yet, you leave that place with a deceptive heart
Knowing you will sin again
And planning when and where to get your next fix.

Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy.
You condemn those who are different than you are
Who transgress in other various manners.
If you have ever actually *read
the Bible
It specifically states that
No one sin is worse than another.

Some churches call themselves "a family"
Well, I can honestly tell you
That members of this stated clan have
Judged me
Betrayed me
Attempted to violate my body
Succeeded in violating my mind.
And others simply did nothing to stop it.
Some big happy family.

Crusty white men
Telling me what to wear
How to act
And what to believe.
It's almost as bad as the government.

Baptist camps, although I have always enjoyed going,
Telling me I will go to Hell if I do not do
This, this and that.
Telling me that virtually, I mean nothing.
But if God put us onto this Earth
How can mankind be responsible
For all of its problems?
Something has to give.

All of the interpretations of the Holy Bible
That have been integrated into the Church.
These are human interpretations of God's word.
And I find it shameful that
Many people pick and choose which passages to follow
And which to throw to the wayside.
If a man lies with another man he goes to Hell
Oh yes, that's perfectly literal and true
But women being subservient to their husbands?
I'll just overlook that one.

Is the view of many Christians today.

Force it down their throats before they get a chance to chew
Is that really the goal that God has in mind?
And if they do not follow every biblical order
They're bad?
No, this is the human error that causes many
To run away, fast
In the opposite direction.
Never even giving it a second thought.

The muddled confusion of the afterlife.
When babies die, are they sentenced to an eternity
With the Evil One?
If a person has never been exposed to Christianity
Will they serve Satan?
Is there even a distinct and tangible distance
Between Heaven and Hell
Or is it all just one murky space?
And who is to answer these questions?
People need to stop trying to
Stop playing God
Stop holding themselves to that high a standard.
As you can see,
It's worked so well so far.

I don't believe in religion
I don't believe in the politics of anything organized
It all seems too cult-like to me.
I wouldn't say I'm the cliche
"Spiritual but not religious" type that my pastor jokes about
But I don't believe in this controversy, negativity, and often times hate.

I believe in God, and I believe He meant for us to love each other
But I don't waste my time pondering this inquiry
Because I am not Him, as many people try to be.
And honestly, that is how I intend to live my life
Finding good in everyone
Loving the supposed lepers
Showing acceptance to unlikely faces, despite their disparities.
If it is not what He intends for me
Then I'd rather have no part in His plan.
Jordan Frances Mar 2016
I am sitting in a classroom during my freshman year of college
Reading about **** and infidelity
Western literature,
Where Jupiter can **** virgins for sport
Where Hamlet can assault Ophelia
And it's okay because he is pretending to be insane.
I see my assailant's face in Hamlet's
The boy who told me he was sorry six months later
Because he had been dealing with some things in his head
I see my assailant's hands in Zeus's
At seven years old, clearly a ******
But you can use my tongue as a gag
As you cause me to choke on my pleas for peace
You see, throughout the ages
Women have had their tongues used as gags
And as nooses
Like when Maya Angelou writes about taking back her body
We say it is ******
When Maya Angelou writes about ****
We rip her words from school curriculums
When Ovid writes about ****
We say it is literature
When women write **** into the folds of their skin
We call them attention ******
When men pen abuse onto paper
We say it is eloquent
Say it is mythology
Watching a friend get brutally drugged and date ***** is no myth
Burning her ******'s name out of her mouth is no myth
Replaying my own movie of childhood abuse at seven
And assault at sixteen is no myth
We treat women's narratives of violation as stories
Just ask Bill Cosby.
As I am forced to read about my own history for entertainment
As I hear my father say how college girls cry **** to get attention
That they should be more careful
How am I supposed to trust my own memory?
When everything around me tells me
I am lying
How am I supposed to trust my own experience?
My tongue keeps getting stuck inside of itself when I try to tell my story
Because I fear people will not believe me
Maya Angelou writes that she knows why the caged bird sings
But I know what keeps it silent.
Jordan Frances Jan 2014
Did you look at the title and think
This is either going to be *****
Or deep and metophorical?
You may have even giggled when you read it.
These reactions are biproducts of society.

My parents shielded my eyes when
Anything even mildly ****** was on television.
It is part of life.
It is life.
And it is not gross or wrong
It is beautiful.

Here I am going to talk about a body in the essence.
My body.

WARNING: Content may be considered
Graphic, explicit or obscene
Because I am not a size two, or a six, or even an eight.
I am sizes twelve, fourteen, and sixteen.
And I am still beautiful.

Okay, let's start with the basics.
I stripped down in front of the mirror
And really looked at myself.
Every scar and every dent I have
From trying to pick or cut off my imperfections
Remains visible.

I ran my fingers over rough skin,
Remembering how I hoped to change my situation,
In the worst way.

I looked over at the scale,
But I dare not approach that monster.
It had me fixated on a number,
Not a person.
Not me.

I do have stretch marks along my stomach,
Red and purple and white.
From weight fluctuation
Due to a number of factors,
My eating disorder being one of many.

I have swollen glands in my throat
From the intentional vomiting.
But I have not done that
In nearly three weeks.
And I plan to keep that up for much longer.

The rise of my *******,
The dip in my waist
The curve of my hips
The build in my legs

Maybe it is not desirable to you
But I am a woman,
Not a stick.
And not your plaything.

The best feeling in the world
Comes when you look at yourself
And you conclude
That while healthier is an option
You are a piece of art.

So yes,
I am working on getting stronger,
But I really do not want to be a straight line.
I am a proud woman,
Proud of who I have and will become,
All nearly two hundred pounds of me.
This may be the hardest thing I have written to date, but I felt it needed to be heard. I need to set an example for little girls out there, girls who are crying about their bodies and who feel fat and ugly. Our society is so messed up that it has literally made it easier for me to write about my abuse and death than about my weight and my body.
Jordan Frances Dec 2015
When you are young
They tell you to guard your heart
Fear the boy who will put it through the shredder
Stomp on it
Spit in it
But they do not tell you to fear
The man who thinks no means go harder
Move faster
Scream louder
It seems like your fear is supposed to stop at fifteen
Until you learn that guarding your heart means guarding your body
Until you learn not to walk alone at night
Even though there is a better chance you will be ***** by a friend
Than a stranger
This is not a "protect yourself because you are weak" poem
Since when has protecting yourself worked anyway?
No, you are strong
Our bodies are turn into fists that punch through the drywall
As he throws you around, you curl up into yourself
This is not a "protect ourselves because we are weak" poem
Since when has protecting ourselves worked anyway?
No, we are strong
I become the body hovering above your ghost
As he stops briefly but continues to shove himself inside of me
This is not an "all men are evil" poem
Since when was this conversation about that anyway?
No, you are good
You are the phone call at four AM
You are the "can I do anything to help you?"
You are the "it isn't your fault"
My heart did not break because of emotional teenage angst
It broke because a man knew he could snap my body in half
It broke because she was told she was not credible
It broke because there will always be a man
Who holds my power in the very thread of his being
And he knows the consequences will be minimal.
When you are young,
They will tell you to guard your heart
Rip yourself open
Fight the system which allows this to happen
Go before the judge and let yourself reveal the most intimate parts of this misogynistic
This oppressive
This **** culture
Fully exposed.
Jordan Frances Sep 2015
I feel my flesh move rivers
Staring down the clammy skin on my stomach
Looking into the face of a stranger
Body count?
Maybe four
I don't remember exactly
I put my legs up and let his body move like clockwork
It is the easiest position for me to detach
As far as I know, I keep watching the same movie
Man, in front of me
Man, ****** on
Man, inside of me
That is the moment I close my eyes
And stop watching.
That is the moment my PTSD tells me
I am not in control anymore
That is the moment I hold my breath
Dig my nails into his wrist
His throat
His eyes
So he will stop looking at me like that
So the world will stop looking at me like that
Sleeping with guys whose names you cannot remember
Makes you a **** these days
But blacking out does not always come from drinking.
He gets off
And rolls you to the bed of grass next door
He says
"That was fun."
You say
"Until next time."
And walk into the future
Onto the next one
Nameless, faceless
Leaving you
Naked, alone.
Jordan Frances Apr 2016
They never put trigger warnings on mushroom fields
On big houses in the country
With lots of rooms that can swallow you whole
They will claim you as food to feed the mouths of their lions
Who will name you victim
Name you child
I, I was a child
When you painted your name across my body in blood
And I said no
I said no
But I did what you asked of me
Always so eager to please
Good girl
Good dog
Fetch it.
We socialize little girls to submit
And you're the polite child
Until your identity is wrapped up in staying silent
Because the most interesting part about you
Cannot be spoken out loud
The most interesting part about you
Is the game you play with another person
Is flying out of your body when he grooms you
Flying is a super power, baby
You have magic in your fingertips
That's why he mistakes you for someone older
Eleven years later, I find myself crying in a closet
You branded me with victim
Yet I have survivor tattooed on my bare skin
Every bit of my human says
Child and adult alike shout
"I should be over this"
Two parts, constantly in conflict
Agree that I should forget an entire part of my life
That shattered me before I had the tools I needed to reassemble the pieces
Surviving means there will be months where I am fine
And then trigger warning I smell the stale stench of mushrooms
Or trigger warning get lost in the rooms of my labyrinth mind
And I am right back in that bed again
Why do I always need something to hold onto?
My father says I make up reasons to be depressed
But honestly, I make trophies out of reasons to recover
Elevated high on the mantle
Every day I see a new one
And I'm not saying everyone can reclaim this easily
Because I thinks that's a lie we tell people like me
Without understanding how much there is below the surface
But I know I had to take this back in order to grow and bloom
And I remember:
Pretty, no, pretty strong girl
No, pretty strong woman
You are surviving this nightmare
You are surviving this
You are surviving.
Jordan Frances Feb 2016
If Narcissus had a daughter
She wouldn't look anything like his reflection
So he would fall out of love with her.
If her body was not that of the flower which he became
Thin, wispy, conventional
He would spit her out of his venomous mouth
She would become a drop in a bucket
Forget how to love herself
And expect someone to do it better
She will look into the eyes of her lover
See her father and approve
Because she does not know how to love differently
He will not teach her to accept herself
But rather push her into the pond
So he can be above her
Watch carefully, darling
Trauma is the only thing you ever knew
Why would you expect anything else?
When I watched my father become a flower
Wilted over the water
I wondered if he had always been that way
I wanted to rip the eggshells out of my imperfect feet
As I crushed them and cut myself
Instead of avoiding them altogether
For far too long
They have become a part of me
So damaged and frail
No wonder I hold them close to my chest.
My heart is no longer an eggshell
It is a diamond
Not easily cracked again
But I still love the poison of your lips
The way your hand causes tremors through my skin
As I break the surface of the water
Earthquake, dear
You give me earthquakes
After all,
If all I know is trauma
How could I expect anything else?
Jordan Frances Jun 2014
What has become of us
We the people
In the land of boundless opportunity
We fail to help
Those from whom these options
Have been stolen.

We are a nation of sheep
Who push oppression under the rug
Who ignore internal injustice
We put on a prosperous facade
And when people dare to push boundaries
To expose these crises
We do everything we can
To deter them

Just keep quiet
And fit the mold we are designed for
From the time we are infants.
At the very second we take our first breath
Our life is all about us
And we are conditioned to believe
That nothing else matters.

But what about them?
What about the children
Who's innocence has been taken
By adults who should guide them?

What about the people
All around the world
Who are written off immediately
Because of mental illness's talons?

What about the women
Who are denied basic human rights
Who were brutally attacked
And blamed for it
Solely because of the body they were born with?

We cannot leave them
To fight against wolves by themselves
And yet,
Many of us turn the other way
We don't want to hear about it
Much less talk about it

So unless we choose to
Stand up and extend an empathetic hand
This nation of sheep
Will morally crumble.
#children #innocents #oppression #wakeup #womensrights #helpthem #theleastofthese #mentalillness
Jordan Frances Mar 2014
I feel it coming on.
It attacks my system
With every weapon on the front line.
It wreaks havoc on my gut
When I am stressed, when I am hurting
Suddenly, my body starts to tingle
And it aches, and aches, and aches.
The pangs of panic and regret
Pierce their way into my midsection.
As my mouth begins to salivate
I know exactly what needs to be done
To make this pain disappear.
I excuse myself, neatly and politely
How ******* ironic
As I go to do one of the messiest things
I have ever done.
It's not emotional
At first
Just business as usual.
I close my eyes
Zone out
As I stick two, three fingers down my throat.
I feel the tension
As it begins to gag
Tighten, release, tighten, release
Until I can no longer breathe.
Tears begin to form
And I begin to cough, uncontrollably.
Finally, everything
All the sadness
All the lonely
All the anxiety
Is ejected from my body.
I sit on the ground
Completely calm, yet I am shaking
It is a similar feeling post-purge as it is post-cigarette
I lean against the stall
My knees pressed to my chest.
I am not sad
But I am crying.
"What have I done?"
"How has it gotten this far?"
My legs feel like jelly
And my arms are heavier than I remember.
My head begins to roll back
As my neck is giving out on me.
It feels like I am going to lose myself
But somehow, I do not pass out.
I am snapped back into reality when
I hear someone come into the bathroom
I'm in public?
I forgot.
I walk out, emotionless and unaffected
I have done this so many times before
That I have a gigantic capacity for acting.
My body maybe cured of its physical traumas
But there is still an extreme feeling of nausea
In my heart.
Jordan Frances Jul 2014
I've always been against
The wasting of a mind
The desertion of a soul
The deterioration of a human spirit
I've never been a fan of
The desecration of a person
That sends them on
A downward spiral
Head first into the ground
I didn't appreciate
The way people who claim to be adults
Can take a young life and twist it
As if to blot out the sun
So these vulnerable eyes cannot see it.
I just never really liked
The pain, jealousy and depression
That a world like ours can cause
And how we can just sit back and enjoy
The detonation of a time bomb.
Jordan Frances Jul 2014
I love ***,
But I hate love.
Jordan Frances Apr 2016
To the cigarette I left behind
I wish you were lit
Want you to burn that moment out of my memory
Leave holes in the carpet of my body
Like the holes in my story:
Why didn't you report it?
You did lead him on...
Well, what were you wearing?
Trusty nicotine wand
Could my cotton mouth not block his tongue from my throat?
You came to my rescue too little too late
Later, I pressed my finger to thumb
Squeezing you in between
I kissed your filter
And then another and another and another
Until I found myself kissing the pavement
Face down, halfway to forgetting
Forgetting the feeling of his body pressed against mine
The way I burnt up in his sweaty palms
My body bag sizzled around me
Incinerated while still barely alive.
Oh, dear cancer stick
I have felt your tragedy
As my body shriveled up beneath me
At the hands of another.
A series of poems written from the perspective of inanimate objects about the same event.
Jordan Frances Jan 2014
So used to being,
The matchmaker
The connector
The ugly friend.

I was hoping to be intoxicated
By someone else's love.
Instead I get sparks to fly between two
Attractive, good-looking, well-spoken people.
And I may be be lucky enough
To live out my life in the company of a cat or two.

I told him that we had been talking.
A friend of mine, she had mentioned him the evening before
Said she found him cute.
He reciprocated,
And so some undetermined seed was planted.
A fetal relationship's egg had been fertilized.

And there, I stood
Watching as my work was completed.
Yet it could not bring myself to admire it.

I left my job that evening
With hopes of falling out of sanity.
No such luck.

My experience included
Standing next to my best friends as they kissed at midnight.
And I just basked in my awkwardness.

Maybe someday I will grow out of it.
Or even better?
Maybe someday I will learn to embrace it.
Jordan Frances Jan 2014
People walk the streets,
Click, click, clack.
Around here, that is not really the case.

An affluent community,
My town is pretty silent after dark.
Unless you look in the right places.

Basements bustle,
As another party takes place.
Another one that I care not go to.
I have never really been one for large crowds,
Mostly because I prefer not to risk to recognition.

Somewhere around here,
Kids are shooting up drugs
And taking shots.
Blunts laced with that old girl
Give off a thick skunk smelling smoke.

These kids don't even know
That Molly's dancing in their lungs tonight.

So, that is all well and good.
My friend's **** was laced one time,
But it did not bother her.
So what about something with a little more of an edge?

You are still at one of those parties,
Whether it be in a garage or a basement,
Or if you're lucky, in someone's backyard.
You've had a bit to drink,
And some devilishly handsome boy comes up to you.
The question is posed:
"Would you like to come upstairs?"

You would prefer to stay down here,
But suddenly, you feel dizzy.
You do not remember what happens next,
Except that you wake up in a bed,
To that same boy getting off of you.

You feel like you are going to throw up,
And it is not just from the hangover,
Or from the drugs he slipped in your cup.

Would you press charges?
If it was not simply your word against is,
But you know better.

You have heard of other girls coming out about their assault,
And they have been ridiculed and publicly shamed.
Plus, they would know you were drinking.

But oh, our kids would never do something like this.
These things never happen in our community.
We are a wealthy, quiet town.
Where there are more cows than people.
So we are going to sit back with our blinders on,
Even though we are leadership.
Events like these simply do not occur.

I know at least two instances in which they have.
Jordan Frances Sep 2014
These nights
Don't lend themselves to sleeping easily.
These nights
Are torn between hurting myself
And counting shadows on my ceiling
(1, 2...)
These nights
Are where I fall apart in the comfort of my bed
These nights
Catch me up in my own head
These nights
Caught between sheets and memories
Strewn all over the room
These nights
Leave me in a cold sweat
And steal my sanity from me.
*I can't wait until the morning.
Jordan Frances Dec 2014
Nine years old
I remembered hands but no face
I knew something had happened to me
But it felt dreamlike
More like a nightmare.
Ten years old
I saw the contour of a body attached to those hands
Same dream, reoccurring.
But this couldn't be real.

"They won't understand you if you don't have proof"
"And if they don't understand you,"
"It didn't happen."
Lies that a fourteen year-old is conditioned to believe
I had come to identify the haunting silhouette in my mind
But could it have been my mind playing tricks?
My brain had always been a vindictive magician
Playing with my memory like a deck of cards
Making my sanity disappear in thin air.

People start asking questions
When you run away
What are you running from?
When a kitchen knife leaves train tracks on your wrists
So everyone knows where you have been
Why are you cutting yourself?
When a shot of gin followed by a Molotov cocktail of pills
Chases the tears you swallow
What are you trying to forget?
I am not trying to forget anything
I am trying to convince myself that my memories are accurate.

You finally talk.
But your distrust for your own representations of the event
Are only just beginning.
Nightmares continue to slam you into brick walls as you sleep
Your heart bursts like a balloon
One too many pregnancy scares
One too many hospital beds later
And you still can't believe this happened.

Waking up screaming as knives force themselves down your throat
Never tasted so good.
What have I done to deserve this?
Cuts your lips
All you want to do is rip the scab off
Let the wound's open mouth swallow you whole.

I am nothing but a passenger
In the first steps of my recovery.
This is forced
Like they forced medication down the funnel of my mouth for eleven months
After I made threats
About throwing myself off a bridge.
Like eleven months worth of chemicals
Can balance me out?

Once I took control
Of my PTSD
Of my depression
Of my struggles with memory
I couldn't hide the fact that this had bombarded me
Everything was vivid
(That's what PTSD does to you)
So it became clear that this couldn't be a dream.
Your smell permeated my skin and my nostrils
To the point of vomiting.
How could this not be real?

I now own your mistakes
Like shackles upon my feet.
When I stand in the mirror I still see your face
My skin is saturated in your name
When I think of what you did to me
I want to reach up and rip your touch
Your mark
Out of my body
I want to clean every area you defiled
My body is a sacred temple
And you can pick your things up and leave.

Because of you
My memory was warped
My sanctity was twisted
My sense of reality was distorted.
Because of me
I got all those things back and more.
Thank you for helping me find my own sanction
And helping me remember my childhood.
Jordan Frances Jan 2014
No place for me at my house.
Yelling, expectations and failures take what should be mine.
I will never be good enough
And so I have been pushed to the side.

No place for me in your heart.
I ripped open my chest for you to see mine beating rhythmically,
And you pushed me away.
I have had to pack my bags and look elsewhere.

No place for me in my mind.
Thoughts of who I have become make me want to crumble.
I cannot think about myself for too long,
Or I will not survive.
I have a tiny one-room apartment in hope for the future.

No place for me in my church.
I have hidden my bisexuality from them,
Because it is not exactly smiled upon
In the conservative community.

No place for me in my town.
All these ******* look the same
With their money and clothes
And the fact that they couldn't care less.
And do not get me started on their Republican morals.

Will their be a place for me?
In the ripples and folds of time?
Can I ever find a place where I can stay for a while
And be accepted?

I guess that's why they build hotels.
Jordan Frances Nov 2014
When people are shocked when they hear
About the things you did to me
I am always met with a strange level of surprise
For many years
I led my life believing this is normal
That everyone faces some form of abuse
At some point in their life.
Maybe it's because my normal
Has always been feeling stranded
Feeling empty
Because I don't know how to feel anything else.
Maybe it's because my normal
Has been for over a decade
That this is just how things are
As though it has been viciously branded to my body.
Maybe it's because my normal
Includes me proudly exposing my scars
So I can help others heal theirs.
Maybe it's because my twisted normal
Has made this everything I see.
I cannot say that the way he touches me
Does not bring up memories of the way you violated me.
I cannot say that the smell of mushrooms
Though vile to most people
Does not bring up a specific image in my mind of your bed.
Then mixed messages tell you
"It's your fault"
"It wasn't abuse"
"He should be in jail"
"Why wouldn't you prosecute?"
"You should hate him"
And you just want to shut out the noise
So you can soundly make a decision on your own
But they keep hounding
And you lose the ability to cope
So you take a knife to your arm
And a handful of pills
So maybe you can just have silence
For once.
Parents find you
And therapy becomes crucial
In which she tells me
That I am safe
I am okay
I am fine.
However, I will never be fine
Because I can never accept what you did to me
But I have moved on because I am worth it.
Letting you control all of me
Thoughts, behaviors and actions
Is like letting you get away with this atrocity.
It's like letting you tell me this is my fault
When it's no one but your own.
Although, when people ask me why I don't hate you
It's because you do not get the satisfaction of any of my strong feelings.
However, it is also because
You were a teenager
If people knew everything I got into at fourteen
There would be some pretty incriminating details there as well.
But the main reason why I will never exert anger toward you
Is because I got over this traumatic event not by hating your existence
But by loving my own.
Jordan Frances Apr 2014
Before, you were here.
Before, you sang the "Eerie Canal Song"
Every time we were together.
Before, you always called me stretch
Which is ironic
Because I have never been tall.
Before, when you smiled at me
And I knew exactly what it meant.
Before, when I was sick
You always were there to take care of me.
Before, even when you snapped at me
I knew we would be joking around fifteen minute later.
Before, I wanted to keep your view of me
Immaculate and squeaky clean.
Before, even when I didn't know anything
I knew you would be there, cheering me on
Even when you were hundreds of miles away.
Before, I knew you would never leave.

That was then
This is now.
Now, you're gone.
And I don't know anything anymore.

Now, you're not around
Now, I feel so guilty because we're here
And you're somewhere drifting in some other atmosphere
That some people call Heaven.
Before, I used to believe that Heaven was somewhere
Way beyond the space we know
And that the streets were lined with gold
Because that's what I was told.
Now, I just don't know.

Now, we're living our lives on Earth
Now, we have this unquenchable pain
And some days, we don't know why.
Now, we wonder
If when you look down at us
You're proud.
Now, there's all this uncertainty
Since you're up there and we're over here
What would you say if you
Were alive and healthy
The way I remember you
The way you should be?

I'm broken.
Everything is different
And it's not for the better.
Jordan Frances Mar 2014
My sins have been exposed
I've been stripped bare of all my
Lost and misguided masks
That kept me feeling
Like maybe I could be okay.
But now
No one is there for me
I am faltering, struggling
With a knife pointed at the jugular vein
I cannot die
But I cannot do this alone
Do I even have a choice ?
Of course I don't
After all,
Making choices was never my forte
So why should now be any different?
They've left me
**** and frightened
Bruised and tender
And yet I'm so calloused?
Who am I
That I can barely escape
This pile of rubble and pain that is my
Perilous past
Or could it be
My paralyzing present
That continues to puncture
This putty-like membrane
That we call skin.
This is a relapse
With no one to talk to.
This is a war
With nowhere to hide.
Jordan Frances Feb 2014
Can I numb my body one last time?
You say you'll haunt me if
I overdose
I bleed out
I keep my food from digesting
I **** myself
Whether it is intentional or not.

Quitting cold turkey
Is a ***** and a half
But when you quit three things at once
When your life is still a living hell
You find yourself moody
And depressed
And angry.

How is it possible
That when I decide to stop cutting
Stop purging
Stop hurting my body
Stop denying myself
That I start to have those
Suicidal and foreboding thoughts
Enter my brain again?
Not that I'll act on them.

Obsessive thoughts
Lead to compulsive behaviors
I know this far too well.
The bleak practice of picking my skin
Will all but disappear from my routine.
But hey, at least it can't **** me.

Smoking some tobacco
As well as other assorted chemicals
Could send me to my grave.
It's a little bit of a longer flight, however.
And stress is a more direct route.
I guess you have to pick your battles.

People say they hate to be numbed
I guess that's why people abuse painkillers?
Sorry, I'm feeling distastefully sarcastic today.
But my point is
I don't mind it
Because take away the medicine
And you're forced to deal with whatever reality
Brought you to that point.
Might as well procrastinate while you can get away with it.
But it's a dangerous wire to dance on.
Jordan Frances Mar 2014
I have never been
The apple of anyone's eye
Because I'm too prickly and bitter.
The object of affection
Because I am not shiny, nor do I
Sport bright and valuable colors.
Anybody's "one and only."
I have been one of many
Used, abused, and stepped on
And now they wonder
Why I cannot handle commitment?
Well, I will tell you why.
If a guy cannot see past
The thick skin I wear
The bare face I show
How my hair is a little too frizzy
Is he worth the time and effort?
If he
Cheats on me
Tells me I'm worthless, ugly, nothing
Is obsessed with my
Location, activities, intentions
Why should I bother?
It seems that
Every time someone seems like
Maybe they care, maybe they are interested in me
It's a lie, a misconception, a scheme
So now, I guard my heart and mind
Keep myself closed, shut off, shutdown
But my body?
Oh, I'd give it away in an instant.
Sometimes, to get ahead in this society
You have to be their definition of a ****
In other words
Look like a lady
But act like a man.
Jordan Frances Nov 2014
My parents ask me                                               whenever I am in my room
                                                                   For several hours at a time
"What do you do all day?"
I sit in my room writing poems
                                   for boys who will never write back
Writing letters                                           to people who have abused me
Writing letters                                     to my eating disorder
"Hi, how are you?"
                                                                 "Haven't seen you in a while."
((And I'm ever so ******* thankful for that))
However, this time she responded
                                                  "It's almost Thanksgiving,"
"We should talk"
It's like she's carving her name into my bones                      one more time
It's like she finds purpose in ******* the life from my heart            with a straw
She is a cut that just won't heal
A stalker you can't get rid of
And yet,                                                                           you continue to want her
She is a paradox
Because you feed her           open mouth with the         grapes fit for                  a      queen
But she is the evil                                               witch.
She reminds me that               I need her
Traveling through the canals in my                             bones
Shooting up my                                         spine
Making my                                                             blood flow in waves
I           cannot            control             her
She tells me again,                        as if I hadn't                           considered it
That these holidays are going to be                           hard
They are going to try to                rip the skin            off of me
Pluck each individual                                                                   eyelash from me
Seeing how much I can take                                                                                                                      
before I lose it.
After all, my      grandfather          is              gone
And the last time he saw me
She was still                              my partner
Attached               at the hip
Last Thanksgiving, she not only              sat        with      me at the table
But held      my        hair         back                  as I vomited my dinner into the toilet
It's so            sad          and               sick that sometimes                I miss her
Like an old friend,                                              an old pair of shoes
So worn and broken
But still somehow             a part of me.
Still, I                            refuse to                                          sink
I am a ball of fire                                ready to explode
But I will contain
the                                                     urge
Until my
She will not be the thing     that                          kills me
I will                            die                                                               fighting her off
Escaping her talons
Recognizing she plants                                                                 bombs in me
Not roses.
So, when                       my parents ask me                                           what I do all                                            day now
I can                say
Jordan Frances Oct 2014
You explained to me that you liked girls with a little more mean on their bones, and that's why you liked me.  At that time, I enjoyed your company, until the poisonous properties of your kiss made me want to spit it back out at you and the way your text messages rolled in like thunder made me want to throw my phone out the window of a moving car.  You told me I was big, and I pretended that it was a compliment, for my own sanity.  I pretended that my body was the rolling sea as that was the only positive metaphor I could come up with that flattered these curves I never asked for.  I never asked for ******* that placed male attention on that isolated region of my body, I never asked for thighs or a stomach or a **** that I can feel ripple like waves and currents every time I walk, I never asked for this "unconventional" type of beauty, as it has been called by men and women alike.  I never asked for a ****** or a ****** that seem to be the government's property rather than my own.  But I can still use the desire to be called beautiful as my reason to be an ocean, a field, anything that has rolls but is still perceived as breathtaking.  Forcing myself to believe that when he said he preferred the fat on my body rather than skin and bones he really meant that I was something straight out of an acrylic painting that some hotshot artist created in order to materialize women.  I can convince myself that I was not his *****, when he continued to pick me to the bone and ignore my pleads for him to stop that he just loved me too much that he felt he had to show it through ****** advances.  After all, is that not what we are teaching our boys?  That women are mere *** objects that are to be used for male pleasure?  I could go into my discourse on **** culture, but I will spare you the disjointedness and myself the agitation that goes along with it.  I can just accept that this was his way of showing me that I am something to be treasured, and in order to be loved, I must be a possession.  For a single moment, I believe that he saw my entire being as magnificent and illuminating and a rolling field or some sea green ocean off the coast of Australia.  And that, to him, I was exotic and voluptuous and...beautiful.  But that would not be true.  I can keep lying to myself, saying that these men who harass me, even with simple off-handed compliments or comments on the way my chest rises or the way my hips flare out, really do think I am part of the water that trickles and ripples and ebbs and flows wonderfully down its path.  But I am not a stream, nor a hill, nor any body of water.  I am a person who is just as competent as every other man and woman on this planet beneath my feet.  My hips are wide and my ******* exist because I have the blessing of being a woman, and that does not give you the right to judge them.  I did not ask for your opinion on my legs or my stomach or my back or my waist.  No body is better than another; they were all created to do similar human processes.  Mine exists because I exist.  I exist because I am here in this very specific place in time.  And I am unbelievably here, my mind, my physical entities, my kind soul and my spirit are ever so present in this and every moment.  I could choose to be here in a bubble that blocks out their harsh criticisms of everything about who I am, from the tips of my toenails to each and every follicle of hair on my scalp, but I refuse.  I choose to live, unapologetically and undefined by these standards I cannot fit into.  Trying to meet society's criteria will always lead to more failure and brokenness, as there will always be somebody alive on this earth who believes that I am nothing more significant than an ocean.
Jordan Frances Dec 2014
Dear customers,
I had no idea my name was
Dear,  honey,  baby
Or hey, you
Thank you for informing and dehumanizing me
By giving me these new titles which you deem appropriate
Just because I am a woman
Or a person who is serving the likes of you.

Dear customers,
Holiday season is supposed to be joyous
Just because you feel you can indulge
Doesn't mean you need to order everything on the menu
I mean hey, I get it
Who am I to judge your life choices?
After all, I work in fast food
So that must mean I am lazy and incompetent

Dear customers,
Specifically, teenage boys.
I don't quite know who you're trying to impress
But none of us find it funny when you
Scream into the drive thru speaker.
Or make a mess of our lobby
Or order $40 worth your weight in beef
And deep-fried delicacies
Fifteen minutes before closing time.

Dear customers,
The next time you throw money at me
Your hand comes with it.
I am not a piggy bank with a slit in my side
Nor am I a fountain for you to toss your spare change into.
You can take the extra half a second to place your fee into my hand
Thank you.

Dear customers,
Here's the section where I discuss the
****** old men who hit on me.
Some classic charmer's that sent me head over heals are
"Your voice is so ****, you should be a ******* operator"
-Anonymous *******, about 45
"Why don't you lean over the counter and let me spank you"
-Secret **** bag, closer to 50
That is just scratching the surface
But you get the idea.

Dear customers,
The answer to
"How are you today?"
Is not
"I'll take a number three"
With a scowl on your face.
However, it is also not
"Oh well my sister's dog died"
"And my chiropractor's daughter's son has a doctor's appointment today"
"Oh, and did you see the medal my grandson won?"
Why can no one ever answer a simple
"Lovely, thanks, and you?"

Dear customers,
Sorry to burst your egotistical bubbles
But you are not always right.

Dear customers,
If I clearly have one foot out the door
It does not mean ask me for something.
I am no longer indebted to you.
I'm out.
Jordan Frances Mar 2014
People can make their own choices
Conservative, liberal, independent
Who gives a flying ****?
Just don't take away my rights
And don't take theirs either.
When Jesus said not to judge
That meant you too.
Save the unborn babies,
**** and violate the women
Logical, completely.
I guess all that I'm saying is
Stop being an *******.
Jordan Frances Mar 2014
You blame me for it all.
Everything you have been through
All of your failed attempts at perfection
The fact that your family is falling apart
The reason why I am not your description
Of what a woman should act like.
You think I should be submissive
Well, I am not so prim and ******* proper
Sorry I do not fit the bill.
If a guy even looks at me
You rush in like a blood-hungry wolf
Thank you for the protection
But I don't need saving.
Thanks for the expectations
For preparing me for "the real world"
But I know what I want out of my life.
So stop picking at nearly healed scabs
And move on with your own life.
Because this child of yours
She has run away with herself.
She is a little too loud
A little too rowdy
She wouldn't have it any other way
And neither would her friends.
The reason she is never coming back
Is because you pushed her too far.
Maybe one day you will regret
Everything you claim that you are not at fault for.
Boy, are you wrong.
Jordan Frances Oct 2016
After he leaves me in the parking lot
I walk back to my dorm and **** half a handle of *****
I become as sweet as the peach tea I chase it with
While as pungent as the burn in the back of my throat
I needed to leave my body for a minute
Because no one ever taught me this could be ****
So I am calling in sick from reality.
I wonder how the fourth time a boy takes advantage of me
It can still not be my fault
So I am trying to drown myself again
Only this time,
I am swimming in the middle of my floor
I am a transcendent drunk
I can be anything you want me to be
Including survivor
Because right now
Victim is sticky and wet against my bones
Gnawing tension, turning me to dust
But I can smile for you
Flip my hair and laugh
You and I will both know how shallow this is
We will both silently acknowledge its insincerity
But neither of us will say anything
Good dog, play your part
After all, if a woman is ***** in private
And no one is around to see it
Does she make a sound?
Will anyone believe her?
Did it ever really happen
to begin with?
Jordan Frances Nov 2014
One in eight boys will be sexually assaulted this year
One in eight of our brothers, coworkers, fathers, boyfriends
One in eight will be told "men don't get *****"
One in eight will be feel their masculinity being stripped from them
One in eight feel as attached to it as their muscle is to bone
One in eight never expected this to happen
One in eight will unjustly be told to question their sexuality
One in eight will hold it against themselves
Their shame is a blanket
One in eight are told they are defenseless
Eight in eight have experienced overly sexualized culture
In which they are told they must be strong, bold, *****
All the time
Eight in eight are told lies about their own bodies
About their own minds
Eight in eight are expected by the media
To be promiscuous and want *** all the time
So when that one in eight experiences unwanted touching, kissing, fill in the blank
They feel weak
They feel defenseless
They feel "unmanly"
To my brothers who have been sexually assaulted
You are not weak
You are not merely a statistic
And you are not alone.
Jordan Frances Mar 2014
I hate you
I hope you get hit in the face
With a brick
And finally, lastly, conclusively
Jordan Frances Feb 2014
That's me.
Bound by judgment
And childhood nightmares.
Did I mention sleepless nights?
Even though my eating disorder has dissipated
I still forget to eat at times.

What's wrong, darling?
Who told you that
You're not good enough?
That no one wants you?
Who would lie to you and say that you aren't beautiful?

Look at yourself.
Attractive and thin
Friendly and loved
By everyone.
Have you looked at me recently
Or ever?

I am your antithesis.
Grotesque and bloated
Introverted and lonely.
I wish I could be like you
But I will not try to let that happen.
I need to somehow embrace
This unsightliness
This passiveness
How I let people walk all over me.
But do I accept it
Or do I change it?

In essence,
You are nearly sublime
And all I am
Is one mess of a life.
For Mo
Jordan Frances Jan 2015
Advice on falling in love with an assault survivor
The first time you look at them
They will do one of two things.
They will either not look you in the eye
Out of fear that your passion will burn them
After all,
The last time another's eye stared through their paper skin
They caught on fire.
Or this person may stare straight back into your pupil
As though they are staring death straight in the face
There is no in between with a survivor
They will either move too fast or not at all
But their trust is the petal of a daisy in the desert
Withered and delicate as you touch them for the first time
You cannot expect warmth from something so broken
For survivors train themselves to ignore the ghost in their heads
But that demon will always show up
And when they finally let you undress them
You undress their monster as well
As you remove articles of clothing
Their body begins to freeze over
And the spirit they could once hide and stow away
Is now at the forefront of everything.
They train themselves to have *** with the lights off
Because should a fleck of brightness reveal an eye
A nose
A mouth
The face of their abuser will fill in the rest
They do not want you to see their body
For the scars leave train tracks of the places they've been
Crawling in fields of thorns
Wrapping themselves in knives
Swallowing perceived sanity in the form of a pill
They will not always be okay
Because in their mind they are constantly at war
With an enemy ship that retreated long ago.
To everyone around them, they are a martyr
They have won the battle
But in their mind
They are a fallen soldier
Who can't stop hearing their own gunshots fire
Into the chest of their opponent.
Falling in love with an assault survivor
Is agreeing to watch parts of them
Go up in flames
Over and over again
And picking up the ashes they leave behind.
Jordan Frances Apr 2014
I've been wandering
On my own again.
I've been following this lonely road
Hoping to find home again

Where did all the people go?
The ones I knew and loved
Dissipated like doves
Perturbed by a bitter sequence
Of insanity in the air
That came in
And hit them like a hurricane

The ones who remain
Are few and far between
None of whom are perfect
But they are here

They may not always have my back
But I seldom have anyone else's.
I know better than to expect people
To look out for me
It has become a lost cause.

I don't need
Any knight in shining armor
Any superman
As I will only be his kryptonite.

I'm not a damsel in distress
No Louis Lane
No Cinderella
Not today.
Today I am my own hero
And  I am all I need to survive.
Jordan Frances Dec 2014
Hold your breath, girl.
Don't feel.
As he places his shallow love inside of you
Every breath feels like a brick
Pressed against your stomach
Collapsing the walls of your lungs
Until you feel yourself gagging.
Let him talk to you
But your words have become rather expensive
As he plays with your hair
As he touches your waist
As you turn away
Because his fingers cannot feel the rivets in your rib bones.
Your eating disorder makes casual *** a little harder
As does your history with assault.
Sometimes, your PTSD and bulimia want to have an ****
They are the extra lovers you never invited
But as you mount on top of him
Trying to make him forget he doesn't love you
And that you don't love him
It seems they are whispering in your ear
Why would any man want to *******?
                         He's all you have.
Stop pretending to be good enough.
Try to let these thoughts slip out of your mind
As you slip out of your clothes
Shedding your snake skin.
You kneel there now
His eyes are resting on each inch of your body
But your skin begins to crawl
Your heart begins to shake
You unravel before him
Every end of you is fraying
And he doesn't even know.
What happened to never doing this again?
What happened to getting over it?
Promiscuity smells like stale cigarettes and ***
In the back of a car
With an older man.
Promiscuity tastes like an empty transparent bottle
You can see through it like everyone sees through you.
Like ice cubes
On your fire slinging tongue
From that shot of whiskey a few minutes ago.
How many minutes ago?
Two hours ago.
Wake up, girl
Stop holding on to the shards of glass
That break the delicate flesh
On your fingertips.
Put on a mask
Don't let him know you're dead inside.
Your job here is to
Make him believe you're still alive.
Jordan Frances Nov 2014
2 months, 5 days, 6 hours and 4 minutes ago
I found out you were soon to be
Embedded in the earth we used to dance on
But who's counting?

2 months, 5 days, 6 hours and 5 minutes ago
My world came to a crashing halt.
The I wish I could have been there's
Shocked my skin like a nine-volt battery.
I didn't feel pain
I didn't feel anything
I hit the ground and my endorphins were racing
Like a pin ball machine
They kept running into each other at rapid fire speeds
But I didn't care.

2 months, 5 days, 6 hours and 6 minutes ago
I sat in my car, getting high on every particle of air that flooded my lungs
I drove for an hour looking for a store that would sell me a **** pack of cigarettes
I planned to down all twenty of them
So at least then I could have a prayer of getting sleep that night.
But my usual spot had a cop car in front of it
So I stuck it out
This town gets so boring after dark
Everything closes at 9.
Needless to say,
I was tobacco-less for the rest of that night.

2 months, 5 days, 6 hours and 7 minutes ago
I started to restore my faith in you.
It was ironic, considering you were already gone
And the circumstances were extremely unbecoming
But my memory was like a movie montage
Every picture we ever took
Every event behind the camera
I remembered.
And suddenly,
You weren't a drug addict anymore.

2 months, 5 days, 6 hours and 8 minutes ago
I was praying this wasn't real.
I was really trying to believe that this was a joke
And you would pop out of nowhere saying
"Got you, *****!"
You always did have a slightly morbid sense of humor.

2 months, 5 days, 6 hours and 9 minutes ago
I didn't cry for you
But my heart was a rock in my stomach
My body took the blow
Much worse than my mind did
At least at that time.
There was a total disconnect between the two entities.

2 months, 5 days, 6 hours and 10 minutes ago
A part of me changed.
And I could use an abundance of metaphors
To describe this feeling more vividly
But the truth of the matter is
No words will ever be able to convey the pain of losing one of your first best friends
To an overdose.

2 months, 5 days, 6 hours and 11 minutes ago
I missed you intensely
And I haven't stopped since.
For Briana
Jordan Frances Nov 2014
Red stop light blends into grey clouds
Looking around, faces blend one into the next
Just as their stories do.
While individual
We are all the same.
Stuck in traffic.

I have broken something some would call
It feels as though I am moving
But like quicksand holds my feet in place
Where are you, my love?
Are you that far away?
Breathing becomes intentional
And suddenly, I am stopped.
Stuck in traffic.

The quicksand I mentioned earlier
It's beautiful, yet horrifying
I can suddenly think about all my mistakes
But I am too entrapped to fix them.
The golden ocean surrounds my body
Tugging me down, letting me watch
As my fate is reduced to an idea.
Once again, forever
Stuck in traffic.

I believe that I can save myself,
Maybe, just maybe
If I get down far enough
Crawl out on my knees
I'll be ****** and scathed
But I truly think I can succeed, right?
Not a chance.
I already am well aware
That I am eternally and unequivocally
Stuck in traffic.

More things flash before my eyes.
Do I look okay?
Am I the fat girl that was staring in the mirror
Tearing apart her appearance
Just fifteen minutes earlier?
Now, none of that seems to matter
As I am dealing with the extreme effects of being
Stuck in traffic.

Do I really exist?
Is my being a fact or opinion?
Suddenly I feel
As though I am not here at all.
If no one sees me
Am I invisible?
My thoughts, spinning the wheels
Have caught up with my body and are
Stuck in traffic.

Speaking of broken bodies
Seven years old was the most dreadful.
Full of shame from the way he touched me
He led me to believe I could trust him
But that trust was not mine to harbor.
Funny how when you're about to die
These memories implant themselves in your brain
Things you think about while
Stuck in traffic.

It's a miracle I am even thinking at all.
Considering in these dire situations
My mind tends to slip
And I stumble and fall with it.
Shards of glass hit my face
But I am the one who crashed and burned.
At least I am no longer
Stuck in traffic.
Jordan Frances Oct 2016
When I came home and found you lying on the couch
Eating vanilla ice cream and watching Oprah
On a Thursday
I knew something was wrong
I always wonder if the way I taught you
To tie little pink bows at the end of your wrists
Cut off your circulation
Causing you to slice them open
Watching the blood pool beneath you in the bathtub
It rippled, so smooth and gently
So ladylike, as you have always been taught
My girl, I know you watched me in the mirror
As I synched my waist together with different diet regiments
Plucked the hairs above my brow and beneath my chin
As if my skin grew flowers beneath its surface
Now, as I find deposits of ash and *****
Hidden in the folds of your restlessness and depression
I know it is more than teenage angst
But I wait until I can longer deny your illness
I will tell you you are not sick
Even as the blood creeps up your forearm
The scabs are gasping for sunlight
As they peak beyond the seams of your sleeve
When you are sent home from school for being suicidal
We wonder why you never told us
But you did, my girl
My brilliant girl
Though your lips never formed the words
How could we not have seen this coming?
Your father will get defensive
His armor raised as you become child yet again
Fifteen, not girl, not yet woman
It will be hard for me to ignore you during an episode
But baby, I only do this because I love you
There were no training wheels before we were dropped
Into unfamiliar terrain
This sickness is a battlefield for us, too
But we still fear the untapped power of those little white pills
It is not that we do not want you to get better
We just don't want to lose
The little girl we have always known.
for Mom,
I love you
written from my mother's perspective
Jordan Frances Feb 2015
Recovery is like a closed wound
That keeps reopening.
Sometimes it doesn't hurt
Sometimes it stops aching
Sometimes it blends into the skin in such a way
That you forget it's there.

Other days
It itches and stings
And you keep picking
Until you rip the scab off completely
The blood covers you
You become trapped by this illness
You are smothered.

Eating disorders are open wounds
That heal over time
But the mark leaves a scar
That is there forever.

So I cannot say I was bulimic
And frankly, I wasn't a very good one
But I am a bulimic
At peace one day
In raging battle zones the next.

The important part
Is that the shot never fires
The enemy never wins
The wound never stays
Jordan Frances Oct 2014
I went to our special spot today
With a cigarette and a pen
It was still breathtaking.

For the first time in years
I felt small.
You see,
Since I was a child
I have always been overweight.
It used to consume me
It was all I could notice when I looked at myself

Since I was nine
I stashed food and binged
While at thirteen I started purging
As an effort to control my apparent largeness.
Here, I am surrounded by cliffs, rocks and trees
That tower over me
Finally, I am the smallest one in the room
And yet I feel on top of the world.

I am sad to report this place is changing
The stream we used to splash in
Has dried up.
The log where we used to sit
On which you educated me about ***, boys and family
As well as everything in between
Is rotten and soggy.

I am not fond of such changes
Because we both changed too.
You could not shake a ****** addiction
And it eventually took you home.

I, myself, battle
Mental illness and recovery from self-inflicted abuses
That, after one particular incident,
Almost sent me to heaven, too

One more thing before I let you go
I'm sure you're busy, but I wanted you to know
That the cigarette still remains unlit
In my sweatshirt pocket
Not because I forgot a lighter
(Although I did)
But mostly because this overbearing forest
Is my only sacred memory of you
And I could never allow that to
Go up in smoke.
For Briana
Jordan Frances Jan 2014
I must avoid this
Body shaking
Palms sweating
Heart racing
Pain ensuing
All over.

My head
My stomach
My lower back
Everything burns.
Everything stings.

I want to scream.
I want to cut.
I want to die.

All because I lost a homework assignment.
Or I'm running late.
Or I had an argument with my parents.
Petty things, enormous reaction.

I have learned to quiet those tendencies
Because I can feel them coming on.
I feel the compulsions raging inside of me
Like someone has detonated a bomb.

Slow your mind by
Repeating a phrase
Over and over
Round and round
It turns.

I am okay
I am okay
I am okay.
I must continue to remember
That these things do not determine
My future, my life, my existence

These are the things that one must constantly think
While in the midst of a panic attack.
For Janna
Jordan Frances Oct 2014
You know if you asked them "did she have an eating disorder?" No, she's fine.  And yet they spend so much time trying to convince me I am crazy.  I'm either utterly, irreversibly insane or I am absolutely fine and dandy, but it can't be both.  I cannot be both.  I'm sorry that I'm not the perfect little angelic robot who you raised me to be, I'm sorry that I step out of line and speak up for myself and others around me who are scared to, I'm sorry I just don't conform to your high brow society or your selfish mentality.  Am I saying that I do not make mistakes?  Not even almost because sometimes, it seems like I am hardly more competent than an infant who has just emerged from its mother's womb, taken its first breath and tasted this frail air for the first time in its life.  I am hopelessly blind and I **** up nearly all the time.  However, you expect me to be flawless, like snow before it hits the dirt and water as it ebbs and flows effortlessly down its already established path.  If one drop moves out of line, it is not considered pretty anymore, but rather, it is an outlier and an outcast.  I was never pretty to begin with, so why should I pretend to be and conform to something I do not understand?  You cannot tell me I am wrong for this because I love who my convictions make me.  Even if my views are wrong, they seldom waver.  I also seldom wake up thinking "Hey, I am going to make terrible decisions today and ***** up my entire life."  There is usually a reason behind my mess ups and a good deal of pain behind my reasons.  But I have overcome every reason to give up, and I have yet to relapse into that dark synapse that is my past.  In which case, I am freer than the chains that seek to bind me to society's crazy and unattainable expectations of which yours are mirror images.  Therefore, I may not be the perfect person, but at least I am perfectly different from you.
Jordan Frances Jan 2014
In my home, I have been:
Afraid to talk about certain things,
Most things.
Fearful to express my views
With the possibility of getting jumped on.
Taught that I am worthless
Or at least
Worth less than most other people my age.
Told that I am selfish.
A disgrace.

I will talk to my children about ***,
Safe ***, the way it was never discussed with me.
But if my daughter comes home pregnant,
I will not banish or brand her.
I will continue to love her.

I will not force any religion down their throats.
I may expose them to some,
But they can feel free to tell me that it is not for them
And we will try something else.
I want them to come to believe in something,
Not feel that they have to.

If my daughter brings home a girlfriend,
Or my son a boyfriend,
I will embrace them.
My household will be open and accepting.
My children will not have any reason to fear
Expressing themselves.
Their true selves.
The thing I could never express.

I will not overlook it if my child has scars on her wrist
Skips meals
Shows signs of abuse.
I will not tell myself
That this cannot happen.
But I will try to help her,
Not diagnose her
Or shame her out of her behaviors.

I will accept my children
For everything for which I was ridiculed.
Jordan Frances Oct 2014
Gunshots fire
Telephones ring
Crowds become mobs
Children scream
Why do we choose to ignore it?

The "American Way" is
So inwardly, selfishly focused
And yet within our own little world
Racial tensions are stretched to the limit
Gender roles still exist
Little girls are told they are not pretty enough
And never will be
Little boys are told that if they cry
They are weak
Why do we do this?

Then, peak across the globe
27 million slaves
Yes, they do exist

150 years after
The most "advanced" country in the world
Eradicated it
We can and choose to
Do nothing to stop this epidemic.

Think of your daughter
If you have one, or ever hope to have one
Consider a man who is significantly older than she
Buying and selling her as though she is a toy
To entertain older men
And their sick and twisted desires.

Ten years from now
I want my daughters to be safe
Fifteen years from now
I want my sons to know
That women are humans too.

Twenty years from now
I want my children to feel accepted
No matter the color of their skin pigments

Twenty five years from now
I do not want my kids to think
That money can solve their problems
I do not want them to be as sick of hearing
How rapidly our unemployment rate has risen
Even for the most well educated of those among us.

I am not okay
With the standard
That my predecessors have established for me

I do not accept
The path that people have paved in the past
And they expect me to walk down it rigidly
As if it is my role

I am *******
That this world is failing
To give us, the underdogs, the outcasts
The ones who are "too young to understand"
A fighting chance at not only surviving
But truly living a fulfilling life

So aren't you?
Our children deserve a better world
A better path
So it's time we pave them one.
Jordan Frances Mar 2014
Whenever I do
What they suggest in therapy
I ***** my friends over.
They say
Do something for yourself for once
But whenever I try
I am being selfish
In someone else's eyes.
And so
I allow myself to crumble
To self-destruct
But as long as I don't disappoint anyone
I feel just fine.
Jordan Frances Jan 2014
I miss our kisses in the stairwell
The way you played with my hair
The way you would smile
Maybe sinisterly
When I would give you an off-handed compliment.

I miss when you taught me how to drive for the first time
Illegally, of course
Did we ever do anything ethical?
I was only fourteen
But I thought I was hot ****
I thought I was tough enough for you.

I miss the first time we..."you know"
As you would say with a wink
You'd send me texts about where to meet you
It felt so secret, so sensual
And it was, for a while.

A quickie in the church boiler room
Our first time in the parking lot
It was the only place we could be alone
Well, unless you count the Big Guy upstairs
I guess we're both eternally ****** to Hell.
And somehow, I'm okay with that.

It was so wrong,
But we were so right
Too bad we lived like a train wreck.

We were built up by adrenaline
We had every reason to believe in ourselves
So young, so in love
Isn't that what they all say?

It's all cliche to me, anyways.
For Matt
Jordan Frances Oct 2015
Hi Ma, it's me
Me, equivalent to the extra ten pounds
That have molded so perfectly to round out my hips and belly.
Me, equivalent to everything society wants to shut out
Fat, free, female.
Me, becoming ever so used to flashing my intelligence
Instead of the skin everyone either wants to see too much of
Or encourages me to hide.
No...everything's alright
Everything, like the fact that my girl friends and I
Pass around stories of ****** abuse and harassment over tea.
Everything, like being told my worth is based on
How many men I have slept with.
Everything, like being told I should feel repentant
For no longer being a ******.
Okay, talk to you later.
I won't talk to you about
How I have no interest in the "ring by spring" phenomenon.
I won't talk to you about
How, at a Christian school, LGBTQ+ students are given a dwindling voice
As if the fire in their words will burn down a failing hierarchy.
I won't talk to you about
How hard it is to make anyone take me as seriously
As they do my male friends
Same opinions, same demeanor, different parts.
I love you
Love is supposed to be unconditional
So why am I encouraged to work so viciously to earn it
As if there is not enough to go around?
Love is supposed to benefit both parties
So why, as a woman, do I still get treated like my partner's property
As it is still custom for a father to give his daughter away to another man?
Love is supposed to be understanding
So why are **** victims still chastised by society
If they appreciate a trigger warning?
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