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Jordan Frances Oct 2014
Falling for someone you can never be with
Is like looking through a window.
Watching from afar and pining
Wishing I was five years older
And that he was not married
To someone beautiful.
Beautiful people tend to attract each other.
Sometimes I lust for him
Through this broken pane
And wish he was not such a good person
Not such a nice guy
Not so madly in love.
Whenever people ask why I don't date
I simply tell them I am over high school boys
But I don't explain that there is a man
Who enters in and out of my dreams.
My fingers run along the cracks
And I begin to bleed
The chipped glass punctures my once thick skin
My calloused heart has been ruptured
By a tiny shard
That I call
*Love, unrequited.
Jordan Frances Mar 2014
Last night i almost lost you
and i remembered everything.
The songs you taught me to sing
every joke we annoyed mom with
how you knew everyone we ran into on the street.
I realized
that i cannot imagine what it will be like
if you miss
my high school graduation
my first day of college
my wedding day...
and i know that you might not make it
long enough to experience
all of those things.
but i can simply not imagine my life
without you here.
For Gramps, whose pulse stopped in surgery last night.  He is more stable now (thank God) but I am terrified to lose him.
Jordan Frances Dec 2014
When you tell someone with an eating disorder that they are fat,
We will not hear you right away.
We are far too busy warding off our own voices
Cupping our ears to block out the screams
Telling us vile things, disgusting things
About how we look, how we are.

When you tell someone with an eating disorder that they are fat,
You make a choice to further advance this gnawing disease
Because days later, what you said begins to sink in.
It tears our flesh apart with knives
Leaving the splinters of bones exposed
Leaving the bloodstains on the carpet
Leaving us empty, messy.

When you tell someone with an eating disorder that they are fat,
Your words are not harmless.
They permeate my pores
Submerge my body in deep pools of sweat
I no longer have control over my thoughts
Your words are triggers
They are a loaded gun pointed at my temple
And as the bullet penetrates the surface of my skin
I give in, solemnly throwing my hands in the air.

When you tell someone recovering from an eating disorder that they are fat,
You allow the illness to take control.
It still ebbs and flows in waves
Pulling us out and tempting our unconscious desires
Then leaving us gasping.
This phrase gives immense power to the tide
And these words allow it to drown us.

When you tell someone recovering from an eating disorder that they are fat,
That is not the adjective we hear
We hear "worthless," "ugly," "horrible," "better off dead"
Because "fat" is still equated with those things in our minds.
The sickness is still a little monster who hides in the crevices of our brains
She is always there and the more your environment and the people in it feed her
The more aggressive she becomes.

When you tell someone who has recovered from an eating disorder that they are fat,
Do not believe the lie that we are okay with it.
I still have triggers that send me spinning out of control
And steadying myself is incredibly painful.
It is an acquired skill
But just because I have it in my toolbox of coping mechanisms
Does not mean it is easily accessible.

When you tell someone who has recovered from an eating disorder that they are fat,
Their body still feels its effects
Like an electric fence
Sending fields of shocks to each and every corner of my being.
Sadly, I have scars all over my body
I have etched that word on my skin
And etched the names of the people who said it
In my bones.
The walls of my body know who you are.

When you tell someone who has recovered from an eating disorder that they are fat,
We beg you to
Please, be careful with your words
They are not harmless
They are not inane.
We have overcome a vice
An addiction
A disease.
Please try to be proud of us
Rather than rip our progress
Right out of our hands.
For my father
Jordan Frances Jan 2014
Terrified, he stood there
Lame like he’d been shot
And taken out again

Horrified, I laid there
For days and days, I stayed
Two wounded soldiers
One cause, one fight

Out of the right
Into the wrong
Fading the night
Into the dawn
It’s like opposites all over
With me fighting your battles
It’s like you and I need closure
From this disaster

We broke our spirits
No prior knowledge was needed
You practice what you preach
And I’m practicing empathy
In the worst way

Out of the right
Into the wrong
Fading the night
Into the dawn
It’s like opposites all over
With me fighting your battles
It’s like you and I need closure
From this disaster

Hello, I’m outdated again
I’m sorry that you let me in
I guess it wasn’t worth it
Or was it?

Out of the right
Into the wrong
Fading the night
Into the dawn
It’s like opposites all over
With me fighting your battles
It’s like you and I need closure
From this

Out of the right
Into the wrong
Fading the night
Into the dawn
It’s like opposites all over
With me fighting your battles
It’s like you and I need closure
From this disaster

We’re longing for closure, for freedom
From this disaster
For Brett
Jordan Frances Oct 2014
I used to be such a good writer.
When I picked up a pen
The ink would automatically begin to flow.
I could tell a tragedy through words
A love story through spaces
And it all came so naturally.
But recently,
Writer's block
Has been the bane of my existence.
Jordan Frances Feb 2014
Hey you,
I've been thinking a lot recently
Wondering how this could have happened.
Five months and I'm still not over it.
But at least now I'm somewhat functional.

Did you know I used to feel the same way you did?
Wanting to end my life
By some self-inflicted act
The rush of a knife,
The avalanche of pills
Anything to make me feel okay
To run away.

Can I tell you the truth?
Sometimes I still do.
But I owe it to you
To get better.
And I know you would say
I owe it to myself as well.

So yes, I've written about you before.
About the sacredness of your memories
About how it breaks my heart to miss you.
But today, I just wanted to say thank you.
You've had a weighted hand in
Saving my life.
And you probably don't even know it.

So, in conclusion, sincerely and, as always, love
For Colin, you were always perfect.
We miss you more than you will ever know.
Jordan Frances Feb 2014
I found you one day
unassuming and shameless
and I liked this innocent boldness I saw
shining through your face

You are my glimmer of hope
my beacon of light
when the darkness consumes me.
you see my blackened soul
and thaw my frosty heart
the way that no one else can
or ever could.

Why do I allow myself to feel this?
with other men, the initial thought is
I must stay guarded
don't let them in
hurt them before they hurt you.
with you, none of those thoughts enter my mind.

I am scared that you will be scared of me
but I allowed myself to show
you the ugliest parts of me
and yet you still tell me I am beautiful.

you do not think I am a basket case.
you are the only person I have ever met
who makes me believe that I really can get better.
For Will
Jordan Frances Jan 2014
Although I never thought I would use that word to describe you.
You played me like a pawn,
And I willingly went along,
All the while hoping you would get better.

You say that you do everything for others,
But you only think about yourself.
Well aren't you just the martyr now?
I let you trample all over my back,
I hope I can wash your footprints off,
Before they stain me red.

I drank from your gauntlet
The malignancies infect me now
It could have been lethal
But I will not let it invade my blood stream.

If I could string together a few words to describe a hypocrite,
They would choke you out.
If I told you all of them, I would run out of breath.
So for now, I'll leave you with two:

It goes something like
Jordan Frances May 2016
My aunt likes to tell this story / where her and my grandma used to have this vibrant garden / and she'd make salsa out of the Crimson tomatoes / from the crops. / one time when I was two / she / made this spicy salsa / and I / ate the whole *** of it / before/ she could catch / me
I am two / with hungry eyes / and a raging tongue.
I am sixteen / and I know every time I hear my / parents yelling or / my dad angrily snapping at my mom or / my heart like explosion in my body / killing everything around it / because I know the fire in his voice is about me
Our tongues both bleed Crimson / both hold salsa in our cheekbones.
Our tongues collide inconveniently / now every time I am home from college / I wonder when I'll be kicked out or / wonder if I should leave my room or / wonder if I should drive away / make example out of my dripping body / cut open my skin and bleed my overwhelmed corpse of its screaming / parts
Body, fueled by rage / family, fueled by fire / just like / my tastebuds and / my / yearnings.

— The End —