she's as mysterious as a faceless murmur, like a goldfish in the pond, hiding amongst the fronds. Am I desperately intrigued by you? Am I trying to touch the fog? Or are you the fog that will be nowhere to feign, when the sun will shine again?
she had eyes like limpid pools in shadow, Her face like a light She danced like a flower in the wind, Her gracefulness ever so slight. Then she was gone like a glow on the cloud at the close of day, gone astray like a sheep that is lost
You know the feeling of knowing something is near? Oh it just fills me with fear Fear of how things could go wrong Like how a tone deaf person sings a song Despite all the mental preparation And all the friendly persuasion You still make me scared Without even knowing I cared.
His mind was like a lonely wild, murmuring like a harp amongst the trees. Like a great tune to which the planets roll, his words gave a curious satisfaction, as when a coin, tested, rings true gold
You may think I'm crazy I can assure you I'm not But if things seem peculiar And I'm sort of in a spot Its not because I chose to be weird Its all part of the game
That heavy sinking feeling in your chest When you find out something that you really didn't want to know It's almost like your mind just delivered a lethal blow To your soul