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jester Jul 2019
Don't look back.
i tell myself to let the foxes go.
it was hard to let go after i was damaged
i wanted them back
i waited months and attempted to look for them
i hoped they had became better
they pulled the same trick on me
i should've known a fox would always resort to old tricks.
this is about toxic people i've had in my life, let go of and well.. ended up letting back into my life with the opinion of i thought they changed, but foxes seem to always go back to their old habits huh?
jester Jul 2019
I saw foxes near my home
they were nice and i let them in
they were charming and sweet
it turned out too good to be true
they only wanted to rip me part
eat my flesh
i was only food for them
I based this off run rabbit run by the hoosiers, also a vent thing
jester Jul 2019
Overwhelming darkness and sadness
taking ahold of me and chaining me down
but soon a shine of light pierces the darkness
the chains unbind me
reminding me i'm loved and cared about
haha,, this is a positive vent poem i made awhile back-

— The End —