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Jessie Pallen Jun 2012
A single ray of light
Shoots through the blinds
I can see the outline of your face
I can see how your face shines

I can't believe how lucky
I am to be with you
To watch you sleep
And kiss you too!

To think that any guy
Could have you right now
But I have you
And I barely know how

Every day like with you
Is as happy as a birthday
Every hug with you
Makes me ecstatic and gay

Every kiss with you
Is like a taste of perfection
Every date with you
Fills me with infatuation

Every second with you
Feels like forever
I would truly go
With you wherever

I won't be a love sick puppy
But I gotta say, I've fallen for you
I'd love you no matter what
No matter what you do.
Jessie Pallen Jun 2012
The sun shines straight at me
Like a natural spotlight
Why do I have the leading role?
Why must I fight this fight?

I don't remember how I got here
How I became this way
I will never be the way I was
No matter how many times I pray

The eyes on me are heavy
The pressure is hell
I look out at everyone
And already I can tell

Each one of them
Hungry for something good
Each one of them
Hiding in their hood

Why are they embarrassed to show themselves
They have all the power here
I wish I could blend into that crowd
But I can't move because of fear

The crowd is getting restless
The crowd is wanting more
I'm just their puppet
Their puppet of gore.
Jessie Pallen Jun 2012
It creeps up on me
Every second of the day
The darkness in my heart
Never seems to go away

I cry out and tears roll down
But It's like I'm screaming at a wall
I try and climb out of this hole
But I end up falling like a rag doll

I sit here in the pit of my hatred
Watching as my heart slowly die
The darkness is suffocating me
And soon I will have to say "bye"

With each beat of my heart
The darkness corrupts my soul
I don't know what to do
I'm already deep in this hole

All this feelings of hatred
I'm so sick of it
Why can't I just be happy
Can I do it?

The darkness is slowly sinking
Me into it's cold, hateful gaze
Maybe this is the end
So much for the rest of my days
Jessie Pallen Jun 2012
Her smile lights up the room
Her style catches every eye
Her very presence demands you
But it's all just a sick lie

Her purple-green highlights
That streak in her hair
Hide her prominent grays
Like she would care

The stress of her over perfection
Causes her to abuse her body
It makes her crave more
Makes her judgement, shoddy

Why is the journey for perfection?
So self destroying
Why is she doing this to her self?
So annoying

She forces a smile, a smirk
A laugh, a grin, even a wink
She isn't brave enough to reveal it
Reveal that she's at the very brink

She's close to insanity
Her minds slowly dying
Her heart is growing cold
Why am I even trying?

Trying to save this girl
Saving her with all my heart
It sickens me that I care
It tears my insides apart

It's like walking down a winding road
That circles around and around
I can't escape this path
Failure was probably in bound

Yet I can't escape this feeling
This feeling to keep on going
I can't believe that I'm doing this
Her heart is barely even showing

I guess I'm stuck on this path
A path made of gravel and sharp rock
Even though I can see the end clearly
This dead-end journey, I must walk
Jessie Pallen May 2012
I long to be in your arms
Even though we are miles apart
I long to feel your lips on mine
To feel the beat of your heart

Each IM, text message or email
Cannot amount to the way I love thee
You must travel into my heart
Deep down there, in order to see

I don't say it as often as I should
But I'll say it as many times now
I love you, I love you,
Express my love? I don't know how

All I can give thee are these words
Words that come from my very heart
From word to word, sentence to sentence
Filled with love, each and every part

To express my love for thee
Time would not have enough hours
If I could rule the world
The world would just be ours

To say "My love knows no bounds"
Would just be cliche
But you know what?
I'll say it anyway

The seconds turn to minutes
Then the hours to days, then years
I could lose everything else in the world
Because to me, you're most dear
Jessie Pallen May 2012
Its very eyes demand existence
Its complexion is as dark as night
Its mouth oozes with uncertainty
Its presence demands fright

One cannot just stare into its eyes
without losing oneself in the dark
Its words beckons the strong
Then eats them like a shark

With this monster
There is no discrimination
With this monster
There is only intimidation

Its trials are absolute hell
Its games are sadistic
Laying obstacle after obstacle
Until someone goes ballistic

This mysterious monster has but one name
Its occupation is this: an abuser
Its a name that strikes fear in all but the brave
Its name is this: the future
Jessie Pallen May 2012
We all hide behind our masks
made of our own insecurity
It covers our shame
and depicts our pseudo-purity

My mask hides my hate,
Hides my fear and despair
It protects me from them
and their evil glares

They can't see the tears that roll down
my cheeks down to chin to the ground
They don't see the scars that riddle my face
They don't see my eternal frown

The mask just shows what everyone wants
A smile
How could a small, simple gesture
Be so vile?

It sickens me
The pressure for one to be glad
So trivial
A frown isn't all bad?

So until the world can care less
I'll keep on showing a false smile
So I won't hear their judgments
So I won't have to match their style

— The End —