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May 2018 · 302
Jessica Woodward May 2018
It's happening Now.
There's no point in Soon.
What's happening Now
You're already giving into.
By Giving, I mean that
You're already living it, it's here.
Right now Choosing to Ignore
The Now is giving into Fear.
Fear's not necessarily bad...
But choosing ignorance is indeed mad.
So live it, love it, take it, give it,
'Cause without the Now you ain't got ****.
May 2018 · 316
Jessica Woodward May 2018
So once again comes this time of year
When all everyone's expected to show is cheer.

Cheer for all that they have around
"Cheers!" as glasses clink together ringing sounds!
But this year, in particular, out of many
Highlights the every day struggles of any
Person unlucky enough to fit in with modern day 'expectations'
As our country chooses to eject any hopeful relations,
Casting down Others and even creating this Other-ing,
Rather than living up to Old Britannia's proud Mothering.
Leaving many, if most, fighting for jobs
We're not all lazy, just all that's left is odds and sods.
A culture already devoured by its own empty greed.
Flashing advertisements disguising us from anything we really need.
So instead of buying into what They want me to,
This year I've had to cut-back, but it doesn't mean I don't think of you.
And not just at this prescribed time of festive medication
But always - for you're part of me, in this crazy creation.
May 2018 · 240
Jessica Woodward May 2018
Chicken is what they call me,
Though not 'cause I flee at a fight.
I'm Chicken from birth, it's my family fo'real,
That frees me with my flight.

Though cumbersome my wings may flap,
Not propelling as most birds are able.
I can certainly procure a slap
To the face of the Strong and Stable.

For this Chicken is fed up
Of current state black market affairs.
That's right this States' colour's corrupt.
And ******* if you're thinking 'she's racially unaware'.

I mean black like skin that blood no longer supplies,
I mean brute black like when the river dries,
I mean black like it's the End, when all magic dies.
I don't want to be called a pessimist,
But I truly cannot deny;
The current affairs seen by a realist,
Are a 'Big Issue', Strong and Stable's a clear lie!

Personally, I've never even seen, nor do I seek,
A Strong and Stable Tory.
They're usually over 70, or weak and meek,
Like an embarrassing aristocrat's public school story.
The Tories I've seen
Are mostly on the TV screen
And even then, Strong and Stable's a far shout.
Their best attribute's looking mean
And keeping their skin taught in a tight pout.

To be honest, this Chicken thinks
All that's necessary would be a blimming flap
And they'd be scrambling on all fours for their cuff links,
Just with one feather's single tap.

So they must stop ****** trying to deceive
Those unfortunately circumstantial souls,
Because they're making them thicker as they thieve
All of their lasting retrievable goals!
If you are balanced, indifferently
Or stuck upon the fence,
Listen to the Chickens' squawks carefully:
Read up! It's your world too!
Let's destroy former pretense!
That Politics is an area only for the Privately Schooled
Because the majority of us definitely know now,
They are false Strong and Stable fodder-food.
Who really we should not even allow
A say in the rest of Our futures,
Because they'll take the rest of what's ours
They're programmed-in, suited-booted-Vultures!
**** Vultures!
Chicken's got Powers.
Chicken's gonna remind us of what was
Already Ours!
Weak and Wobbly.
That's the truth of the state of Today,
Funny that isn't what the masked Vultures say.
May 2018 · 232
Those Three Words
Jessica Woodward May 2018
"I really like you"
I touch her nose.
I kiss her cheek.
I think of all the things left to speak.
As those Three Words
Cascade around my head,
And as again we rise from an un-Nuptial bed.
I stare at her.
She stares at me.
Will either of us pluck the courage to use Those Three?
Words of violence
Break the silence
But what happens when there's no words at all?
No way in which to describe the felony of your fall?
"I really like you"
I hold her hand.
I kiss her cheek.
I think of all the things left to speak.
But of those things,
I think too much.
Instead of lingering
Skin's touch.
We curl up tight.
We sleep so sound.
And in the dreams
Three Words are found.
May 2018 · 222
Jessica Woodward May 2018
I don't feel like a drop in the ocean will ripple my sheets,
For I am the one steering clear of all of the other fleets.
Steering wide, steering far,
I don't want to see you, no matter who you are.

Set your anchor and wait right there.
See if in the morning my Western sails care.
May 2018 · 202
Jessica Woodward May 2018
See my life just keeps speeding up
If it gets any faster I won't catch up.
Jul 2011 · 775
Night Tar
Jessica Woodward Jul 2011
opened the door,

looked out to the night:

the black tar - stuck,

hiding the purest light.

head stops spinning,

chance to breathe still air,

as the jaded mirrored reflections

invade my milky stare.
Jul 2011 · 1.7k
Future Cyborg
Jessica Woodward Jul 2011
cyber forces glitching,




inside… inside…

further deeper,


onto body…

onto body…




cyber forces becoming




the old,

the old.

new cybernetic soul

born modern,

born modern,

progressive process,

tradition’s torn,

Jul 2011 · 1.5k
Cloud Gazer
Jessica Woodward Jul 2011
Unearthly weightlessness,

Bunched abandon,

Carelessly clustered,

As if ‘He’ planned them

To cause star-struck wonder;

Defying ‘DIY’ laws

Cautiously cradling,

The nature of wars-

The whispy familiars

Of sunset clouds

Feed vitamin horizons

To unaware crowds.
Mar 2011 · 1.3k
Jessica Woodward Mar 2011
Jump and glide across moon-still open waters,
Pass with ease through mind-made vacuous quarters,
Electrocute the most unexpecting still seas,
Ignore all pre-learned rules, erase all sensibilities.
Do not cease to migrate from thought
Unless your life is lost, forever stretched, forever taut,
Dance together, forever floating higher,
Drive you like a sober high from which you never tire.
Mar 2011 · 1.2k
Jessica Woodward Mar 2011
Flourishing and frivolous wisps
Dance in the spotlight
Over your right shoulder.
I wonder where the dust's going,
Where it's already been?
Whether it's just because you're getting older?
Sparkling and seducing eyes,
Telling their very own story.
To where I lock my gaze,
I think things like these
Should sometimes last forever,
I guess that would be a lost,
Epiphanerial haze.
Mar 2011 · 1.0k
Modern Vomit
Jessica Woodward Mar 2011
The wind, it calls, through foggy day
T o dazzle dust and drive dirt away.
But some of these darkened vertex
Hide the stories and forever perplex
The strengths of tested 'feel-good' fables,
Denouncing sciences' empirical labels:
Too thin, too fat, too short, too tall,
Too hairy, too bald, too square, too like a ball,
Too strong, too weak, too open to lies,
To encompassing of stories of the skies.
Too angry, too meek, too full of passion,
So give us pills!  It's the latest fashion!
Dose us up on your chemical compounds,
Stop us from disclosing rebellious sounds
Which remind us that not all we know,
Are these soul-******* television shows:
Nip-Tuck, What NOT to Wear, Big ******* Brother,
This is the modern day 'Watch With Mother',
Feeding false standards, 'Bieber-fied' norms,
Sapping energy, becoming a nation of vacant gorms.
So Yes! Hide your kids, hide your wife,
Open your own doors, live your own life,
Because this **** ain't going nowhere,
And even without a deity, a higher force is watching, somewhere.
Mar 2011 · 1.0k
Night Tea
Jessica Woodward Mar 2011
Lemon and Ginger
Floating on water,
Slowly, diffusing
Slushing into
Wide mouth;
Burning pain,
Nourishing, bare
Throaty flesh,
As repetition comes:
****, after ****.
Jan 2011 · 828
My, Oh My
Jessica Woodward Jan 2011
Ideas drifting fast between the empty vacuum
That is my mind - as eyes droop heavy,
With vivid images of mud melting
From the sky.

Blood rushes through passages
That is my body - as heart flickers,
With heavy dispute of intoxication
From this lie.

Words tumbling from unexplored cracks
That are within - as mind opens,
With confused conclusion of whether
To laugh or cry.
Jan 2011 · 984
Snow Harmony
Jessica Woodward Jan 2011
The icy woodland cradles unknown tales,
Of the woman of the earth.
Where man is no longer surrounded
By objects of his greed.

Deep within the glazed leaves,
An erasure of material compulsion
Drifts with the sailing wind -
Wants are dissolved and freed.

Expulsion from man's apparatus of power
And immersion in this alternative story
Where harmony lies with her great presence
Indeed is what we need.
Jan 2011 · 809
Jessica Woodward Jan 2011
Toast and fleas, dead with butter.
All the things that unlike no other
Bring repulsive familiarity, joy and blood;
Like a soiled white flag, or a planned flood.
Jan 2011 · 1.1k
The Crunch
Jessica Woodward Jan 2011
How is it that I can live
In such a notorious quarter for trouble,
And yet feel like I am inside
A buoyant and cushioned bubble?
Why is it that when returning home;
To the clean, rural air,
People feel inclined to abuse,
and tear?
This security blanket draped
Over this small seaside town,
Leads people to ignorance,
and always looking down.
To tell them that there is more,
Will end in a smack or a punch.
I guess I have to accept these people do exist
When it comes down to the crunch.
Jan 2011 · 1.6k
Teething Taunts
Jessica Woodward Jan 2011
I don't know why my teeth,
Continuously seem to be preying
Upon my very own flesh:
Choking my words,
Devouring what I am saying.
I really can't control
Their spiteful, teasing tenses.
But it's starting to hurt:
My lip's swelling,
Alongside my senses.
Dec 2010 · 633
Life is a (Hard) Game
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
She was a good girl
Always did what she was told
Until he was taken from her
When she was not very old.

She supported the other love
He left behind
But in doing so, she chose to escape,
To hide from what she may find...

The loss etched into her,
Invisible to sight.
Something that irritated sometimes
And halted sleep at night.

But as experiences soared
With her growing age
She relised she'd passed this test -
Onto the next stage!
Dec 2010 · 3.7k
Carnival Girl
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
Carnival girl; exuberant and enchanting,
Scattering feathers and glitter as you sway
Through the swarm of dancing, dilating faces,
Patchwork robes, electric threads and strawberry laces.

Carnival girl; a hurricane of exhilarations,
Swirling and spreading relentless wonder
To all - none deny your splendour,
Your mystical ability to be dangerous and raw, yet tender.

Carnival girl; are you just a test for my desires?
Tugging at puppet-strings, miming my dreams,
A figure for me to fester my fantasies...
Or perhaps jus to challenge the acceptance of my realities.
Dec 2010 · 661
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
There's no reason to pretend
That you don't excite my senses,
That you don't push my buttons,
That I completely ignore the consequences...
Of being connected with you:
The destruction from within,
The fight for just your gaze,
Must one day become a sin.
Dec 2010 · 645
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
Biting my pen:
At least it doesn't bleed,
When I get too eager...
Unlike my finger.
Dec 2010 · 627
Bane of Beauty
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
There seems to be no where out of this
Confusing state of mind.
Everywhere I go,
I feel like I've left you behind...
You feel so right to me,
Your beauty makes me blind
To the looming negativities
That are there for me to find...
On and on I wish it could go.
'Til our bodies are pulsating.
Senses racing,
Eyes fixating,
Upon each other...
And then embracing,
Holding tight...
Kiss, lick, kiss, lick;
On and on into the night.
Dec 2010 · 1.1k
Never Ending Seas of Stuff
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
Ongoing internal questioning
Enhances the mind's strenghtening
Through purposefully lessening
The certainty of what's inside.
Mountais of unexpressed views
Hidden beneath what's first known
Produces knowledge to be sewn
As never ending seas of stuff are grown
And swell up... deep inside.
Dec 2010 · 865
Bin Liners
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
Entire scenarios mounted upon paper
The meanings disguised;
Except to those who share
The memories.

Moons packed away into darkness;
The realisatoin of the future
Begins to dawn -
But the past never dies.

Life bundled into plastic bin liners
As the peculiar feeling arises:
Of being plucked from the bunch...
As we say our last goodbyes.
Dec 2010 · 532
New Year
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
Candle light and ash collecting
Eyes half open, mind reflecting:
In with the new, out with the old.
Start listening, do as you're told...
Open as many doors, but never forget:
How to firmly shut and never regret,
The way you choose to live our life
As wherever you look there are those in strife.
Dec 2010 · 860
Mary Jane
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
The ember flickers a fusion of oranges and greys

The whisps emerge and the cherry thickens

Each tap produces a new layer of solid mist to ignite.

As throat tickles; mood soars

The evil once more becomes the saviour

Those ignorant: minds full of opaque sins;

As still the mind excells in mysted conditions.
Dec 2010 · 833
Stranger Danger
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
Why is he riding his bike

Around the tracks of my path?

Cycles keep turning as tides bring waves,

But still the wheels creek.

He’s watching, as he awkwardly disguises

The fact that he finds me …

Now he talks he seems to be trying

To woo me from the fence:

“A poem?” He asks.

His bike! It falls to the ground!

He picks it up -leans upon it and resumes

The viewing.

Hastily I collect myself for I am no show

“Do not follow me, OK?” I say as I go.
Dec 2010 · 761
Nightjar Watching
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
I remember sitting in awe of the moonlit common:

The rainbow-washed sky and the prolonged calm.

The only disturbance: a troop of elders

On nightjar pursuit.

And as I sat…

Life’s ambivalence disappeared completely;

And all I could think was how long I wished to stay.

Yet - back into the flow I must go

For life’s game is one we all must play.
Dec 2010 · 472
Love Circles
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
You took the best in me
And replaced it with confused scorn.
For everything we built together
Instantaneously became torn.

The person I was before
Is hidden deep within my pain
And i'm finding it difficult
To see the light again.

The loneliness created
By this oversized town
Enables people to become lost;
Forever stuck with a frown.

But the sheer number of people
Promotes ability to forget...
As new friendships blossom
The pain turns to regret.

Maye you were right all along
And my love was in vein.
But this is something I must realise
As I search for completion again.
Dec 2010 · 729
B Life
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
Stuck in this fun-loving bubble-rut
No reason to escape but...
Wear and tear upon body and mind
Yet the more I intake the more that I find
A certain contentness.
Lack of stress.
Away from life's more nonchalent routines
Which are less than suitable for teens..
But soon twenty will creep upon me
And I always want to be this free
To exercise my own creativity
And to be who I want to be.
Dec 2010 · 1.0k
Innocent Pain
Jessica Woodward Dec 2010
Individualistic intensity
Of perfect heart.
Aggravateed and silenced
By a tormented start.

Pure passion for knowledge
Of future and past
Yet the thirst is often drained
A little too fast.

Confusion of adulthood
Tainted by childhood remains
Excelles the mind's questioing
Of innocent pains.
Nov 2010 · 668
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Twenty years spent in this exciting confusion
All the things learnt: from death to evolution
Trickle past me, my body, I
Roll right through me as I let out this prolonged sigh.
Nothing seems perfect, nothing profane.
I seem to be lost in this simultaneous reaction again.
Endlessly searching for rights and wrongs
Trying to hold this dead weight where it belongs.
Twenty years spent; i'm supposed to understand
This exciting confusing mess of land.
But instead I reach inside, where questions transpose,
As inside of me the exciting confusion grows.
Spliff in left hand, pen in the other;
Succession of inhalation - surely intended to smother...
Feelings too raw to sit with right now,
Instead I will continue to ignore and to ask how
Twenty years spent in this excting confusion
can lead to such fluidity... such dissolution?
I wonder what I will say in twenty years time?
I wonder whether I'll still be drawn to this infectious, repetitive rhyme.
Nov 2010 · 877
Opposites Attract
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
This delicate thread suspended between us
Shall drive me to insanity.
If too often stretched and disturbed,
It will be destroyed by gravity.

This icy mist smothering our connection
Surely must someday rise?
For mirrors too often reflect the love,
And shadows engulf the lies.

This magnetic resemblance that we hold
May lead us to our demise.
The poles must have their faces opposing,
Or else the electricity dies.
Nov 2010 · 458
New Page
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Another new page,

Another clean start;

I wish it was this easy

To cleanse the heart.
Nov 2010 · 564
Thought Control
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Ongoing internal questioning

Enhances the minds’ strenghtening

Through purposefully lessning

The certainty of what’s inside.
Nov 2010 · 2.6k
Just Friends
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Just Friends.

Pure platonic love,

Asexual Adoration:

No desires, less sensation.

Just Friends.

Un copain,

Who, again, I must learn to know,

As, again, I must learn to grow.
Nov 2010 · 582
As Summer Sleeps
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
It it as images of summer drift

Deeper down into sinking darkness

A realisation of your beauty

Almost symmetrical to a once vibrant jewell

Shines through my thoughts.

Your distinct characteristics

So well-known to me, as my own

Have began to rust, rub away, tarnish;

As your metallic shards melt

With the death of the auburn air.

Chemical restraints to your natural spark

Hold you like no-one ever has before

Although scared of the consequences

You cannot escape its safety.
Nov 2010 · 692
Junk Mail
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
The more we are told what to do

The more inclined we are to gather throughts new

To rise up and intentionally ignore

The mindless **** shovelled through the door.
Nov 2010 · 832
City of London
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Distributed so randomly,

Yet tessalating like Tetris,

Man’s masterpiece: the city

Forever and ever stretches.

Sculpted meticulously,

It spreads on into the night,

Startling flashes and stationary shines

Reflecting out, so bright.

People’s faces happily

Slipping between the lights…

Yet some must wait in darkness,

Forever dreading the nights…
Nov 2010 · 590
Paranoid Panic
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Security lights flash on and off,
Wind gushes through leaves,
Strange crumpling sounds from bushes
Make senses feel unease.
As the tingling rushes through my veins
I lose ability to translate thought.
My head pulsates..
Again, I hear the sirens’ scream.
Again, my conscious self
Becomes nothing but a dream.
Nov 2010 · 712
World Wonders
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Washed in amber hues,

Drenched with delicate light -

Glistening accumulations of natural gold

Outstretch into the night.

Infinite beauty of vibrant shades,

The familiar shadows’ carresses,

Paints the perfect masterpiece

And unintentionally undresses…

Life in its richest; bordered

By synthetic restraints

May never mask

The wonders the world contains.
Nov 2010 · 1.0k
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
The once turgid expectations

Become saturated with haste,

As seconds, repeatedly, seem

To fall to waste.

The now blossoming promises

Of isolated “opportunities”

Allow tumultuous time to defeat

The hauntings of our insecurities.

The separation - from routine

Will embellish jaded skills:

Unleashing creativity

Finally driven by natural thrills!

The future for once

Excites, No pain...

As slowly I learn

To know myself again.
Nov 2010 · 631
The Pet Plan
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Butterflies suspended,

Dangled on string.

Promises of the wealth

That the future will bring.

But when entrapment

Becomes something of a win

The question introduces itself:

Under what order are we living in?
Nov 2010 · 534
The Passing
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Passing places -

Green tufts,

On empty waste.

Pillaged by -

The promise of sun.

Frozen buds,

Search for growth.

In spaces

That offer sleep -

And nothing else.

Until that great

Day may come,

Things stay the same,

Forever stagnant.

Until the passing

May be undone.
Nov 2010 · 2.8k
The Elders
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
The crevices of physicality

Sink deeper,

Yet the jewells of originality

Grow steeper.

Erasing the short-comings

Of distancing years,

Ignoring the elderly’s hummings,

And death’s fears.

You stand bold and proud;

Forever young,

Within life’s merry-go-round.

For the joy you have created

Is endless and ongoing;

And the love that you ignite

Is forever growing.

— The End —