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Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Ongoing internal questioning

Enhances the minds’ strenghtening

Through purposefully lessning

The certainty of what’s inside.
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Just Friends.

Pure platonic love,

Asexual Adoration:

No desires, less sensation.

Just Friends.

Un copain,

Who, again, I must learn to know,

As, again, I must learn to grow.
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
It it as images of summer drift

Deeper down into sinking darkness

A realisation of your beauty

Almost symmetrical to a once vibrant jewell

Shines through my thoughts.

Your distinct characteristics

So well-known to me, as my own

Have began to rust, rub away, tarnish;

As your metallic shards melt

With the death of the auburn air.

Chemical restraints to your natural spark

Hold you like no-one ever has before

Although scared of the consequences

You cannot escape its safety.
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
The more we are told what to do

The more inclined we are to gather throughts new

To rise up and intentionally ignore

The mindless **** shovelled through the door.
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Distributed so randomly,

Yet tessalating like Tetris,

Man’s masterpiece: the city

Forever and ever stretches.

Sculpted meticulously,

It spreads on into the night,

Startling flashes and stationary shines

Reflecting out, so bright.

People’s faces happily

Slipping between the lights…

Yet some must wait in darkness,

Forever dreading the nights…
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Security lights flash on and off,
Wind gushes through leaves,
Strange crumpling sounds from bushes
Make senses feel unease.
As the tingling rushes through my veins
I lose ability to translate thought.
My head pulsates..
Again, I hear the sirens’ scream.
Again, my conscious self
Becomes nothing but a dream.
Jessica Woodward Nov 2010
Washed in amber hues,

Drenched with delicate light -

Glistening accumulations of natural gold

Outstretch into the night.

Infinite beauty of vibrant shades,

The familiar shadows’ carresses,

Paints the perfect masterpiece

And unintentionally undresses…

Life in its richest; bordered

By synthetic restraints

May never mask

The wonders the world contains.
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