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Perhaps I'm lying.
Perhaps I've been lying
this whole time.
Perhaps my apathy
manifests only as self defense;
as denial. How can one
understand the center of the
labyrinth from the outside? Or perhaps,
it is from the center of the maze that I stand,
unable to conceive of
the outside world. There is an
ambiguity in emotion
with lines blurring between
apathy and anger, between
love and hate. --as they seem
to come so terribly entwined--
So perhaps I am lying, not only
to you, but to myself, and in
consequence my soul is
stagnating and stalling out in an attempt
to break through toward the surface.
However, that's a chance I'm unsure if I can take
at this moment in time.
I don't think I mind it so much here,
stuck inside the labyrinth.
It was with:
and servitude,
she sought to tell me
of living proclivities -
voice and demeanor
while dancing with candor
that surely would show us
the damning demanding
of each one another
and there
in those words
in that flight
I was shown
the topography of
all the love I had known
where without I would be
just a speck in the sea
but to me,
it would seem
there was nowhere to land
so we took to the skies
and we took what was ours
so she took from my eyes
all the color and life
and replaced it with hers
so that I too might find
there was no need for wings
when the flight through the sky
was to float through the sea
the reflection set free
as we drowned, I and she
we obeyed, as they say,
She smiles sickly sweet;

wears nicotine stained skin.

"Go **** yourself," she sings.

We're never going to win.
 Sep 2013 Jessica Saunders
I am a tangled web of scars
Seen and unseen
Man and child
Accustomed to the cold and dark
A black serpent writhed in my chest
The deepness of his fangs and the pull of his grasp
Leaving me swollen, bruised

There is patience in the crook of your arm
Contrasting the track marks  in mine

You dine alone at a table set for two
Your fingers dance about the cold glass of water

Inaatiable is the pull
Pure in in its  testament
Slender chased- taut silent
You observe from the  corner
I cannot read your eyes
The crushing blue beings bring muteness to my lips
Warm and gentle is the  caress of your smile
Your hand warms my cheek
Warming me as a leaf in mornimg sunlight
Daunting mountain of time
I shall climb restless and hungry to prove

But surely this love is true
Tried by fire yet not found wanting
I am entbralled by the organic machinery
Such blue veins upon a pale backdrop
A complexion so radiant
I avert my eyes :  unworthy

I am the broken down wall
Irreparable by Hunan hands
But you grow as vines of green ivy
Between the cracks starving for sun

One day the ivy will consume
And lily blossoms will appear
For all to gaze upon and know
Unselfish love so pure
Teied by fire
 Aug 2013 Jessica Saunders
The night I met you we hit it off right away,
the evening was ending but you decided to stay,
we were both committed to others at the time,
but you stayed with her, yet i ended mine
I fell in love with you that day
I couldn't tell you, what would I say
so instead I became your very best friend
I'd promised I'd be there for you until the end
Closer and closer we'd grow every hour
Finally I let the secret out that you and I should be ours
For so long it was going so well
Until you slowly sent me to my personal hell
Breakups are hard when it comes to love
But impossible when it comes to your best friend who's above
everyone in your eyes it really was ****
I lost control of my life bit by bit
You tore me to pieces and watched me fall
You stopped talking to me and just laughed through it all
Two years later we rarely say as much as hello
I try to pretend that I'm calm around you, that I'm mellow
However inside I'm a total mess
because if you asked if I loved you, I'd still say yes
For everyone who's ever fallen in love with their best friend to only end up with a broken heart that still sinks every time you see them.
 Aug 2013 Jessica Saunders
The first thing you did when you were born was take a deep breath of cold air and scream at the top of your lungs.
Put down the screen.
There is a whole world out there that will cut you and scrape you and bruise you.
The balance is immaculate-a line between pain and pleasure so fine
Learn to enjoy both
Enjoy everything
A starving man always sits down to a feast
Teeth are tools
Hands are tools
Eyes are tools
What does that make you?
You put yourself in a prison
With the things that you think will make you free
Look at you with all your toys lined up in a row
You will beat my head in with a stone when I try to play too
Would you like a million dollars?
Ten million?
How much money will it take to make you happy?
Drugs coffee cigarette opiates filling up the void
Piece by piece
Stay on the conveyor belt
How much more beautiful does the world becomeif you would only look closer
Laying in bed,

she told me 
all about her

most recent lover;

how he had broken

her like a clock.

“You see, I can’t move

anymore,” she said,
“You see, I can’t feel
anymore,” she said.

Her hands shook

and she got so pale
simply at the thought
of it all.

I rolled over,

—I am no superhero,


Don’t believe I will save you,

Don’t believe I will kiss you,

I will not hold you hand.

“This isn't your rebound,
it is your rehabilitation,”

I told her.

This is your rehabilitation
for all the times

you fell in love

and couldn't get back

for all the men
that seemed so sweet

but never delivered.

Don’t believe I will save you,
Don’t believe I will fix you,
“This isn't your resolution
sweetheart, it is your retribution,"

I told her.
This is your retribution,

so **** me

like all the men

who ****** you over,
like all the men
who broke you down.

**** me like 
a woman with no heart

and one day you will
realize it may not
pretend anymore.

—I'm no superhero,


But I will sure as hell

play the villain,

because most of 
the time
that is all you truly 
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