It seems so long since you've been gone
Although it hasn't even been a year
I hope your in a better place now,
but I need you so badly down here.
Things are changing so fast for me,
Everything can seem so unclear,
you always had the best advice Gramma,
you always filled my day with cheer.
I wish I could call you on the phone again,
and we could talk all morning long,
How I miss that laugh of yours,
How I miss your song.
I miss when we'd cuddle,
and rock on your comfy chair,
I miss my footy pajamas,
and watching with you, pooh bear.
I miss going to your house,
and running to you with all my might,
But I didn't know how sick you were,
I missed your entire fight.
I miss when you'd sit me down,
and put horrendous ribbons in my hair,
I miss everything about you,
I miss it all, I swear.
Where ever you are right now,
I hope you always knew
that this little girl loved her Gramma
and that this young woman will love her too.
I love you dearest Gramma,
and even though my life must go on,
just know down here we miss you,
I can't accept you being gone.