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Dec 2012 · 444
Gentle Heart
Jessica N Dec 2012
then a rythym, a beat
steady now, softly
hold together
while you're still whole
avoid the arrow
hold captive the bow
trade it for wings
learn to fly without pearching
the stars are waiting
be free
Dec 2012 · 612
A leak from my heart.
Jessica N Dec 2012
Time crawls around my feet
slips underground for a moment
then seems to rewind
You seem so far away

It's been 7 months
6 weeks
5 days
alright, it's only been 4 days
since I've seen you last

but it's only when
it's stretched
painfully pulled
into infinity
that I can feel my stregnth
a steady drip
leak from my heart

I dream of your presence so much
that when you’re here it’s unreal
only you can drive away the fear
of waking up
you know that I'd rather not
dream about you at all
I'd really rather dream
with you
Dec 2012 · 358
Dream Again
Jessica N Dec 2012
Those first few minutes after you've left
And their silence
I feel like you were never there
Just a figment of my lonely mind
The letters that you send me make me blush
I feel like I'm reading somebody else’s secrets
The way they say you look at me
Is it really true?
I can't see it myself but I think it's there
Invisible kisses fresh on my skin
Will soon disappear
And become another part of my imagination
I can’t wait to
Dream again another day
Dec 2012 · 701
Jessica N Dec 2012
Follows me loyally
Paints a path of
Leaves it’s mark on friends
Masked in fresh
A tear in the fragile heart
Leads the way to
A new beginning
Sprouts a brand new feeling
Not a religion
Just another emotion
I don’t know
Is it really my
I decide to not decide
I’ll think I’ll leave it to
The flip of a coin
My personal
It was that fall
That dropped me down to
And it was in finding you
That I discovered
Dec 2012 · 770
Those words
Jessica N Dec 2012
choking on words
I've never wanted to say
they scream in my head
impossible to think
I wish i could just
but they taste so good
even just the thought
but then again
looms in the corner
of the room
where you hold me
can you see it too?
my lips hold tight
my eyes try
but it just isn't the same
it's painful
electric pulses under my skin
whisper in the darkness
at last
you pressed your lips to mine
drew out the words
pulled out the pain
a sigh of relief
I tremble
rejection steps closer
but your words pierce it
you said it
unlock my lips
so I can reply
I love you too
Dec 2012 · 1.5k
Jessica N Dec 2012
Snowflakes brush my skin.
Like tiny soft kisses
Gently biting
Whoever knew?
That kisses could fall
So randomly
Then melt away
Into nothing at all
Right back
Where you started.

— The End —