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 Dec 2012 Jessica N
Anna Young
A clinging fear of the
Creatures beneath our beds,
Lurking and waiting for a
Dangling foot, a quivering
Finger serving as bait.
We promise and swear we can
Hear them, snapping and growling from below.
But they vanish when light floods the
Room and a comforting voice
Chases them away.

They say it’s imagination,
But we all really know the truth
Of when we stopped looking
For the monsters-
We stopped looking when we realized they
Had moved somewhere closer,
We stopped searching once we stopped pretending they
Hid under our beds.
We stopped when we felt our hearts
Stir and our stomachs twist
As the monster gnawed at us from
I'm only 12, and I welcome all constructive criticism.
Be as harsh as necessary.
Shall I compare thee
to a summer's day?


Because ********.
 Dec 2012 Jessica N
Paige Martin
Mr. Jones you’re an All Star
You broke my Achy Breaky Heart
Because you’re cold as Ice Ice Baby
I saw The Sign but
I Would Do Anything for Love
If you don’t want What I Got
Good Riddance

My Heart Will Go On
But if you Wannabe
Living the Vida loca
Play that Funky Music
Baby One More Time

What’s my Age Again?
Smells like Teen Spirit
Its My Life and I feel like it’s over
Just Say My Name or
Quit Playing Games with my Heart
Genie in a Bottle please grant me three wishes
Because my life Don’t Impress Me Much.

I’m Blue. Da ba dee.
Im Torn.
Its been One Week
And I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing.
And of course there is No Rain.
Because all my Tears are in Heaven

I think I would enjoy an Iris
Much more than a Kiss from a Rose.

— The End —