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And then it got worse
no pens would work
I couldn't escape into verse
nothing rhymed without reason
I drank and became hopeful
but there were goofballs in the soup
and my hope began to droop

A hissing hissed
and I felt I couldn't die
not ever or forever
that hell emerged slowly
gutting my army of pawns

Strangers were disappointed in me
I paid the homeless for company
and tried desperately to warm my hands
over a garbage can of dying rage
I like you sort of beat up and a little torn
“I am lying”, your safe words were sworn
This is how I think we were born

Curious, uncomfortable, and pure
For so long I was never sure
Of much beyond sickness and cure

Sunlight on a happy girl
My brother's various head injuries
A teacher that had a go at me
These things were real first

High school was a lot like a cartoon army
You got drawn into it and you followed its rules
Your face would forever be 2D, but the rest of you got free

I became a mechanical engineer
I learned credit was nothing to fear
I was cool with a beer, and a casual ear

The spectrum seemed a manic to tragic game

Being played in a cage of bright steel

And then everything was real.
Along the sea floor
The choral beds your
Topology of dreams, sure
As any submarine lore

Between the blades of sun rays
An octopus parades
Happy in the shafts of light
It is not wrong or right to be an octopus tonight.

Getting high off other's deaths
Jerking off to artist's gore
Spurting up blood fountains
Like a breathless whale

Like a shy devil
Coming to a conclusion at last
To a clearing in the woods
Where the elephants lay

To swear off wishful thinking
To smear fresh remorse on old skin
To keep living vicariously
Precariously perched
Like the moon in a thunderstorm

With your cut Joker's smile
With your tiny hand on your heart
As if there was any difference at all
Between the merciful
And the merciless.
You cannot eat December
Though it tastes of candy canes
And a flavor I remember
As a flood of growing pains

You cannot trap September
Though you scheme and rack your brains
And most cages I remember
Were a flood of growing pains

You cannot trip November
Though you pump it through your veins
Where's the high that I remember?
In that flood of growing pains
Mickey Mouse

When Mickey Mouse comes home hungover
He throws up ice cold Coca-Cola

He lives in a spherical house in the sky
Which he enters and exits with telescopic stilts
Which grow or shrink with every step

He is a good vertical neighbor
I live just to the right of him down below

He always stops to say hello
Or to make me laugh with a joke or pose
(One time he even stole my nose)

Sometimes I get so mad at Mickey
That I take it out on my kid
And then spent, I wonder what Mickey did?
Molly has a rider! Molly has a rider!
All curled up and tucked inside her

Oh Molly, oh Molly what will you do?
With a fellow inside you, who just isn't you

Molly take cover, Molly get clear
Perhaps your new lover is causing your fear

Perhaps gentle Molly the life that you lead
Is vampire slang for the blood that you bleed

My Molly, my Molly, my enemy mine
Has dropped out and turned on inside of my mind

Alive behind eyes that were once mine alone
I have company watching from zones of its own
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