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I'ts been 6 years daddy every moment meant the world to me .
Mommy loved you , you were my hero when I thought I was a zero.
I couldn't wait till you came back home after a long hard honest day with no one cutting you any slack. I truly believed everything was perfect you taught me all you knew but as the clock ticked you became scarce and a selfish heart started to intrude..

A demon of your past wandering waiting to come back at us all with a firm and blackest grip. Friends were you new pride and joy and alcohol your lover.

As tears went by and bitterness grew vanity and ignorance became your only allies ...

It's been 14 years daddy we left you and all your vanity.
I see you every once in awhile not knowing if its bringing us closer or using my broken spirit as your arrogance's coaster. Mommy is crying and my heart is breaking can't anyone see my darkness roots back to fatherless fears and that's why all anyone see is tears.

It's been 19 years now daddy we gave you your last chance and you decided to greet your lover vanity ..

Was it worth the tears was it worth the fears do I still love you or do I miss what I never knew maybe in heaven we will both see the truth...
I don't hate you daddy I'm not cross anymore but its time for us both to move on I wish I could heal you but I owe you nothing , you wish you could know me but you chose to do nothing.... Goodbye Father
Days fade .... lonely nights without a single star.
I stare at the ceiling sharpening my blade
and waiting in the dark..
You murdered my mind and took my love.
You'll believe my hands are tied, well I promise YOU
Father I'll take back what's mine.

You are a book without it's ink
I cry and cry pleading for someone
that could make me whole but I suppose
its not enough to make you think.

Fake smiles and hollow words is all you taught me daddy..
can't you see you have paved a road that's morbid and saddening?

Blow out my smile do it for the broken and the vile..
***** the flame as your love decays.

Your eyes are so demeaning
I have to pretend that I'm blind
to keep myself from seeing.
Don't do this dear Father your'e meant to be my Martyr.

Life without purpose
death without meaning
is this the life we have chosen
one without feeling?

I wait for the day the day when you see what you have sold....

— The End —