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Jessica Hudgins Sep 2014
Love is a wasteland
In till you gave me your hand
Love is a waste time
Until you were mine

Love is what you make
And honestly I hope we make it
Love is a great place
Love is like a great race

Love is the sunset hitting the oceans edge
With a great, bright green light
It's a great memory
But it only last a second

Love is a three year old eating candy
And an old man slowly dancing to the classics
Love is something you'll never see
You'll only feel

Love is a dove and a black bird
You'll smile and cry
You'll be happy, with just knowing a heart brake is up the road

Love isn't a red rose
Love isn't a kiss
Love is something like magic
Love is hate to the person you couldn't be without

Love is love
Love isn't love
Love is infinity
Love is gone like that

Something you love is something you treasure
" i love you"
Therefore, I treasure you
And i honestly do

Hugs and cuddles
Tears and screams
Make ups and brake ups
Love is only something for the strong

Trust and forgiveness is big
Being faithful and honest
Showing you care
And that you'll stay right there

" you're too young to love"
I'm sorry, I don't remember you being part of my emotions, but thanks
Love is no age
Love is love and that's it

Ed Sheeran's new album is my love
I guess you are to
But you also hurt me, Ed sings for me
But your teddy bear hugs get to me

13 ways to look at love is quite easy
You simply don't
Love isn't one thing
Love is everything you love
Jessica Hudgins Nov 2014
" you're love is ****, which is a legal, you're kisses are whiskey, but I'm not 21, you're hugs are the fast car feels, yet I can not drive. I did not listen to my mother whispering " he's bad news" you were wrapped tightly around my little ring finger, although you were all bad you were my high and drunken nights. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I felt so in love.
Now you're gone and it feels the same, honestly. You're love is like ****, it's burns my throat when I try to talk about you, it also makes me so very confused. You're kisses are whiskey, before it was fun now there is no urge for it. You're hugs probably still feel the same but I haven't seen you in weeks. Now months later I know longer just miss you, I miss us, and there for the feelings are there but you're not there to fill them no more"
I'm a bit rusty
Jessica Hudgins Jul 2014
This little black bird flew pass my window, every morning.
  I honestly hated it.
Every morning, of every day I saw that little black bird.
I honestly wished he'd just leave.
One day, that little black bird didn't fly by my window.
Never again did he come by.
Now that he left for good, that little black bird who bothered me the most
Was the thing I missed the most.
he left just like this little black bird, and i miss him so much.
Jessica Hudgins Nov 2014
this large blue hoodie isn't mine, you see its my lovers.
My first true loves blue hoodie.
It's big and cozzy.
We are no longer together but I still wear your blue hoodie.
It makes me feel safe like you use to
This was once your favorite blue hoodie.
It keeps my warm like you did once.
I cry into this blue hoodie ever so often
It's my first true loves
I'm wearing it right now, exactly a year since I got it. Since are last kiss
We still talk about this blue hoodie
But instead of happy thoughts my are manly sad and dull
But blue hoodie, you've done you're job. You keep me warm and hold all our memories, I just wish we were still making them instead of losing them.
I saw my first lover today and I can't sleep. Wrote at 3:40am
Jessica Hudgins Jul 2014
Standing alone on a empty roof top
Sitting outside as the cold air runs across your face
   You think " it will be okay to jump"
     You listen to the leaves in the wind
        Your feet dangle off the edge
Standing alone on a empty roof top, knowing its your time to jump.
Jessica Hudgins Dec 2014
I've lost my hope and faith
not because i don't believe in god, but because i lost all hope for people.
Didn't they tell us were all equal? but still gays can't marry & african american still get less respect.
People shouldn't be put down for what they love just cause they believe differently. If that was the case wed all be ******. Our country is all about freedom but many of us don't feel like its there. Our country fights with other countries just to prove there god isn't important to the ones we believe in. We say " Let there by peace on earth" but i haven't seen any peace with different countries, forget different countries we don't even have peace with our own states. Some people just don't get it i guess, deaths of millions and many wars i guess haven't proven anything if were still doing it right? Ill believe " Every man is equal" when i see it happening but for now there is nothing i can. My faith and hope in our people has gone now but ill still pray ever night for something better.
This is what i think don't hate!
Jessica Hudgins Jul 2014
He left, you cried
He moved on, your skin was damaged
No calls or text, one by one the pictures went
He missed you when he saw you smile, you were getting stronger day by day
He wanted you back, you just laughed
He said he wanted you , you stay strong and waved goodbye
Jessica Hudgins Jan 2015
two weeks have felt more like years and my love for you is no where near an end.
You're laugh is my high and you're voice is my smile but you, my daring, are more than I can take.
A prince you are to me and only me. I'll be you're Princess with a castle by asu.
Your words are so soft and gentle, they remind me of your lips and how much Id die just for one kiss
Oh, my darling, your truly someone I can't live without but I'm glad I don't have to because your voice makes my stomach become a butterfly garden.
My love for you is larger then my love for country music and I hope one day you will understand it.
You, my love , are something truly amazing. I could write a book about your love but why when I could just make my fairytale in your arms.
I may be to young to get love and I may get hurt but I wouldn't mind getting my heart broken by you
, you make me smile endlessly. You could count every star and know I love you just one more star than you counted.
I hope I'm the girl you tell your buds about and can't say my name without a smile. You, my love, I must say make me smile everyday.
You are someone I could never forget and I hope I never have too.
Jessica Hudgins Sep 2014
"How do you cut?"
You know when you were little and you ate those pop rocks, and you'd place them all at once on your tounge.
That feeling whe they go down your throat, it hurts but you love it. The tingling deep down , seconds later it was gone?

When the cold razor touchs my pale warm wrist and thighs, I feel it pericing my skin. First you'll tear but as soon as the razor goes deeper the pain will drift as the blood slowly rushed out. You'll clean up and you'll walk back out and smile like it never ever happened.
Like the tingling its all over after a few
Jessica Hudgins Aug 2014
Skin so clean
             Lips so sealed
Secrets kept
              Tears so shared
Smile all day
               To cry all night
Under cloths
                To see the scars
Secrets kept
                 So deep Inside
Smile all day
                  Just to cut that night
Jessica Hudgins Jul 2014
Today I sat alone.
Today I sat by the trash.
Today I sat in the car with a drunk women.
Today I sat at dinner while being screamed at.
Today I sat in bed and thought about the bad things.
Today I sat in the bath with a razor to my wrist.
Today I watched the blood slowly fall from my open vein.
  Today was the day I knew I wasn't okay.
I was just writing. dont be rude.
Jessica Hudgins Jul 2014
With every word he said she become weaker, not because of how sweet his words were; but because of how weak they made her feel.
Sorry I haven't posted! Been away. Be posting more soon
Jessica Hudgins Aug 2014
Poetry should be the words that flow on paper cause you're to scared to let them out  

It's something beautiful & dark like a dead rose in the middle of a green house

It's like a black & white photograph it has so much mystery but yet you understand

Its the way the ocean waves crashing above the rocks, it's glorious & dangerous

Its scary & beautiful, its mysterious & dark, it's glorious & dangerous
   It's a poem about a poem but really it's a poem about you
Jessica Hudgins Mar 2015
you, you make me sick.
  I sat alone in my bed and drifted to a thought of you.
  I told myself just one thought was about right, but I knew id have to stop
I saw that picture of us when I was really smiling and you kissed my cheek gently with your warm pink lips
I knew I missed you but I wasn't new, I knew I was the old and I was okay with it
I lied to myself about not missing you and it only made every worst
I cried for hours at night , my pillow was full of tears that were more than just broken and in the morning my tears had dried on my face
I lost, I lost you but I lost the war of me trying to be alright and here I am starting over cause once again you have gotten to me and im scared you always will ...
Jessica Hudgins Oct 2014
I shall lay here with tears rushing out of my crystal blue eyes. You broke me once , shame on me to think another chance would be better.

— The End —