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May 2010 · 5.0k
when i want to relax
i clear my mind
white space surrounds my entire being
and i fall into the bright nothingness
spiraling downwards into neverendingness
that leaves me senseless
i pretend i am the wind
and i move the way i'm told
i move to and fro
i move to
i move
deep breathing to the point of numbness
to the point at which i float
with the air captured in my lungs
in my mind i am weightless
a balloon
one that will never burst
except with the eruption of peace
May 2010 · 1.1k
There is this tiny hole
In the very center
So tiny and so unnoticeable
There are moments
When instantaneous grief strikes
Me down
And I can't breathe
And it hurts
To the point of
The mask shatters
With the touch
Of salty liquid
That escapes from my
I am utterly
Blinded by emotions
Or lack there of
Over things that are
And that anger
It builds
Because I never knew why
May 2010 · 604
Shhhh and white [peace]
I can finally breathe in,
I can consume as much as I like
Without consequence.
There are no chains
Only freedom
And endless sky.
The weight has been lifted
And I can
Floating on the clouds
Like a boundless dreamer
And dipping my wings
Into the pure calmness.
The limits always exceed infinity
When I am around.
No one can stop me.
Not you,
or you,
or even you.
And above all the rest I will journey
Until I find one that can spot me,
And join me in my eternal

— The End —