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Your sorry for my pain
  And sorry for my sorrow
Sorry for the mess you made
   That ******* up my tomorrow
But are you sorry for my heartache?
    Sorry for your mistake?
Sorry for all the things,
     That you let him take?
Are you sorry that im crying?
      And feel like i am dying?
Sorry that it hurts so bad that
       I dont feel like trying?
  Are you sorry for the words you said
       That cut me like a knife?
  Sorry for the pain I've felt for my entire life?
        Are you sorry that you hurt me?
  Sorry that im not free?
      What i really need to know
  Is that your really
 Oct 2010 Jessica Griego
When the wind blows
For the words are there
Whispering through the grass
Howling through the air

When the trees move
For the echos are pure
Murmuring about the past
Rustling about the future

When the rain falls
For the roar is inspired
Pounding like a drum
Ringing with it's pride

— The End —