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Jessica Golich Nov 2014
Conceiving an affection for this majestic connection while floating in a quantum energy field where all is revealed
Processing vital information while the inclination toward unification within this incarnation opens you up to the deep vibrations tenderly activating polyphonic sensations.
Jessica Golich Nov 2014
Here to ameliorate and illustrate essential components of our esoteric roots - transcending this chronological age as we awaken the true being existing within provisional bodysuits
Creating a multidisciplinary itinerary full of whimsical elements and evolutionary vocabulary; a cherubic sanctuary enthralling fluttering fairies developing into perspicacious visionaries
Writing my own prodigious constitution at the worlds oldest and largest educational institution; enrolled as a student at The University of Planet Earth and began this ornate assignment following physical birth.
Jessica Golich Nov 2014
Lost in trials and tribulations; testing one’s patience as malignant lesions formulate morphological alterations ceaselessly swarming throughout this mortal embodiment
Erratic mitotic divisions serving as propositions carrying calamitous conditions - prescriptions from physicians functioning as baleful contradictions augmenting one’s overall condition
Salubrious air would substantially repair in lieu of a multimillion-dollar pharmaceutical snare chemically altering the brain chemistry unsympathetically.
Jessica Golich Nov 2014
Sensations that urge the detection of the greatest restraint and circumspection; the abruptness of spontaneous interruptions sprout volcanic internal eruptions full of relevant abundance
Flummoxed by the changes in the script; engaging wonder as suppressed thoughts are written on your face; withholding the ache as ebullient vivacity shakes you awake
Carrying a mischievous vividness full of cogent stimulus – fruitful affirmations of levelheaded, sanguine acceptance and unalloyed quiescence
Redesigning aspects of existence with unabridged persistence – receiving silent guidance from above by the means of scintillating messages lighting the living flame of love.
Jessica Golich Nov 2014
Each one of us is a set of shifting molecules that transmute in atomic form and are continuously reborn within this anatomical uniform
Composing of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom bonding together at birth - making up a significant proportion of living organisms on earth
Born submerged in the adorner and refresher of the world; the building blocks of life magnifying congenital unification intertwined in this oxygenated blood of mine.
Jessica Golich Nov 2014
Another plateau; endured a turbulent flow which arouse a golden glow exhibiting the decorous gifts I bestow
Overflowing with fervor; ebullient projections submerging your presence – carrying the easygoing essence of your adolescence
Fluorescent sparkles encircling your aura; an increasingly zealous glimmer awakening your chakras.
Jessica Golich Nov 2014
Bringing to light genuine poetic gifts bestowed upon a peculiar genius; a macrocosmic telekinesis with heterogenetic keenness
Sagacious enlistee receiving tuition without a fee - earned a transcendental degree in a ceaseless state of commendable, chimerical reverie
A golden dispensary of wisdom dramatically uplifting humanity candidly; treasure full of esoteric mysteries transporting wondrous abundance through bundles of subject matters and earning a celestial masters.
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