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885 · Nov 2011
Fabric of Love
Jessica Clonts Nov 2011
I used to not believe
in love at first sight;
then it happened to me
Once upon the other night.

I came to purchase a
dish rack for my dorm
and was just on my way
to check out and leave the store

when accross a short space
appeared my ideal,
possessing every grace.
"Please be mine." was my appeal.

Fireworks of color
filled my focused sight.
This love of mine was full,
yet it made my heart so light.

Walking quickly forward,
I hoped this love's
life would not be short.
It, I would possess!

Then we were face to face
I felt a caress
and full of lovesick haste,
swore that together we would be best.

I and that for which I pined
had come to that time:
It's just four, ninety-nine!
And so the scarf was mine.
619 · Nov 2011
Jessica Clonts Nov 2011
I invite you with my weakness,
to impose your will upon me.
You are stronger
than I can withstand.

We play your game
of analyzing and defining --
a realm in which you can
listen so close,
making me believe that you care
what I know and feel and am.

But you understand just enough
to twist my words
to mean the opposite
of what I feel.

You make me think
that I'm happy
that I lost,
So complete is your victory

No more.
I'll live my life now.
Play your game
by yourself.
603 · Nov 2011
An Unmusical Lament
Jessica Clonts Nov 2011
Piano, the conveyor of feeling,
tells the heart what tongue cannot express.
A set of wings to take the soul to flight,
Solace for hearts that need redress

While words stumble, jumble,
confuse more than convey
music speaks the language of the soul.
No need to translate what I say.

That is, if my fingers had command
over the piano keys.
But, for lack of discipline,
silent are all my passions, hopes and dreams.

And while others speak of their hearts desires
through the liltings of that instrument,
I must stifle the passion with in my breast
and with archaic words, myself content.
563 · Nov 2011
Jessica Clonts Nov 2011
Darkness engulfs me.
Alone with the thoughts
that can't set me free.
Here, in my bed,
I am drowning.

I put on a smile.
It's only skin deep.
Wait until everyone else is gone.
When I am alone, then you'll see
how something inside me is gone.

As the sun disappears behind the mountain,
the light you thought emanated from me
will slowly dim and go out.
The light was only a reflection,
changing as my surroundings change.

My strength wavers.
Truth is, I have little.
Happiness is a constant struggle to maintain
for nothing seems to matter
when your heart is empty.

For what in the world matters?
What in this world is real?
I gasp for breath.
Depression is suffocating.

Save me.
Someone help me.

In the dark I stumble my way to another's bed.
And in the dark, I touch her arm.
I see her chest fall and rise.

Drawing strength, I recognize
This, this is the reason why.
She, my sister, means everything to me.
Not only her, but everyone
is someone to interact with, to lean on
to love.

Here, now I am weak.
But she may also
find times full of darkness.
I strengthen her,
She strengthens me.

With that I turn to the window.
Hope is not such a stranger anymore.
It returns with a single touch.
Breathing it in, I close my eyes,
invite light back into my soul,
I welcome
In the sunrise.
552 · Nov 2011
Psalm of a Wanderer
Jessica Clonts Nov 2011
Guard me, O Lord, from the perils of my path
through this mortal realm.
How can I not feel lost, abandoned and
alone when I am a stranger to this world?

Hold me in thy loving arms.
Give me a moment, a taste of the home I miss.
Keep me there forever, never let me go.
For I would, O Lord, be thine.

I know I am never alone.
Do not let me forget.
For as I journey here below,
I need thee ever more.

Take, and keep my soul forever.
For I would, O Lord, be thine.
504 · Nov 2011
Jessica Clonts Nov 2011
tiny, insignificant blossom
so small.
It does not matter
in the big scheme of things
But it is possible that someone might see it
and be inspired.
397 · Nov 2011
Still Inside
Jessica Clonts Nov 2011
A little boy
Cries in a corner
hoping someone cares to find him
no one does.

He stops crying,
grows up,
and becomes my friend.

I want to find
the little boy
still inside him,
comfort him,
and make the pain of
so many years ago
go away.

— The End —